Growing a coconut palm

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 5 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Grow a coconut palm from a store bought coconut 🌴 🥥
Video: Grow a coconut palm from a store bought coconut 🌴 🥥


Coconut palms are beautiful plants that produce tasty fruit. They naturally grow in tropical climates, but you can also plant one at home. Whether you plan to grow the coconut tree outdoors or keep it as a houseplant, it is a simple process that will make a charming addition to any garden or home.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Germinating the coconut seed

  1. Choose the perfect coconut to grow. The ideal coconut contains a lot of water that will slosh around when you shake it. Make sure the coconut is still in its shell.
    • You can use a coconut that has fallen from the tree or buy one.
  2. Mix the potting soil. Use a mixture of half potting soil and half sand. Also add some fine gravel or vermiculite to aerate the soil.
    • If you plan to plant the coconut outside, you don't need to use premixed potting soil. Look for a spot outside with loose, well-drained soil.
    • You can also buy specialized potting soil such as Kokohum.
  3. Harvest the coconuts and enjoy it. The tree will mature and produce fruit after five years. Once the tree starts to bloom, it will take 7 to 12 months for the coconuts to fully mature.
    • A full-grown coconut in its shell weighs about 3 kg.


  • Coconut palms are prone to certain diseases. One of these diseases is known as deadly yellowing. Deadly yellowing is most common in trees in Florida in the United States. Signs of deadly yellowing include yellowing leaves, fruit dropping, and slow death. Deadly yellowing can be treated with antibiotics.
  • The coconut palm can also be affected by fungal rot. Signs of this infection are gray and smelly leaves. This fungus is most common in poorly drained soil and after heavy rainfall.
  • If a tree becomes infected with disease or fungus, it is best to remove the affected tree.


  • You can also purchase pre-sprouted coconut seed from garden centers.
  • Indoor coconut palms only grow to 1.5 m high and do not bear fruit.
  • The best time to plant a coconut palm is in the summer. Coconut palms need a minimum temperature of 22 ° C to grow.
  • Patience is a virtue when growing a coconut tree. Most trees take up to three months to germinate and up to five years to mature and give fruit.
  • Try to plant disease and fungus resistant tree species such as the Malayan dwarf.