How to stop a dog from biting

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to STOP PUPPY BITING! (Cesar911 Shorts)
Video: How to STOP PUPPY BITING! (Cesar911 Shorts)


Eating and biting is generally normal behavior for dogs. However, just because it's normal doesn't mean you don't have to deal with it. For the protection of both your dog and yourself, it is important that you learn why your dog is biting and that you take steps to prevent that behavior in the future.

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Part 1 of 4: Preventing dog bites

  1. Spay or neuter your dog. There are several reasons for spaying or neutering your dog. This includes the fact that treated dogs are much less likely to bite. Spaying / neutering changes your dog's hormone levels, making his behavior more compliant.
    • The dog's instinct to roam and fight is diminished.
    • Neutering decreases testosterone production, making males less aggressive.
  2. Don't let your dog roam or walk without a leash. Making sure your dog is safely confined in the yard is part of being a responsible dog owner. Keeping your dog confined in a limited and safe space will help protect your dog, as well as other pets and people.
    • Don't let your dog roam free.
    • Restricting your dog's freedom decreases the likelihood that he will encounter and fight another pet.
    • Keeping your dog contained will also reduce the chances of him biting during a hunt.
  3. Avoid stressful situations. If you know or suspect that your dog can bite, avoid unnecessarily stressful situations. Do not introduce your dog to new or crowded places. Constantly monitor your dog's behavior, look for signs of stress and leave the area immediately if you see those signs.
    • Don't put it with too many people if that's a stressor for your dog.
    • Large masses can cause stress to dogs. Try to avoid exposing your dog to this if he is nervous.
    • Avoiding stressful situations works, but it is always good to train your dog to help him relax.
    • Make sure your dog has a safe place to go to relax.
  4. Take your dog to obedience training. Doing obedience training with your dog is one of the best ways to prevent the dog from biting. In the classes, you and your dog will learn how to work together to avoid biting.
    • Your dog will be socialized with other dogs and people.
    • Your dog will learn how to deal with any fears he may have.
    • You will learn how to properly reward or punish your dog's behavior.
    • Expect both you and your dog to learn.
    • Ask the vet for tips on proper obedience training.

Part 2 of 4: Training to stop biting, nipping and sucking

  1. Determine whether your dog's chewing behavior is playful or aggressive. All dogs, but puppies in particular, exhibit nibbling behavior. Learning the difference will help you understand your dog's behavior. However, no biting or nibbling of any kind is acceptable, both should be stopped.
    • Playful chewing should not hurt and your dog should have relaxed body language.
    • Aggressive biting is usually accompanied by tense and stiff body language.
    • Aggressive biting is usually faster, harder and more painful.
  2. Teach your dog to be gentle with its teeth and mouth. Dogs are group animals, they learn by playing with each other when they are young. It is normal for puppies to bite, but it is good to immediately teach them never to bite.
    • If you are bitten or nibbled, give a high-pitched scream like a dog would.
    • Stop playing for a few seconds.
    • Then reward your dog and continue playing.
    • If the dog or puppy doesn't stop after your scream, leave and try again later.
  3. Use the "time-out" method to limit nibbling and nipping. If your puppy or adult dog is not responding to your screams and refusal to play, try using the "time-out" procedure. Ignoring your dog is a powerful way to make it clear to him that his behavior is not acceptable.
    • If you get bitten, scream loudly.
    • Then ignore the dog for 10 or 20 seconds.
    • You can also put your dog alone in a room for these 10 or 20 seconds.
  4. Always reward your dog for good behavior. It is important to let your dog know what he is doing well. Make sure to always reward your pet when he stops biting or biting, either by petting or small treats.
    • Only reward the behavior you want to encourage.
    • Keep treats on hand so that you can reward quickly and easily during training.
    • Don't overfeed your dog, only give small treats.
  5. Continue to teach your dog to be careful. Your dog will start to bite only softly. Continue to scream and stop playing when your dog bites.
    • As your dog diminishes the force of the bite, respond by screaming at the soft bites.
    • Keep working like this until your dog stops using force when snapping.
  6. Select your dog's toys carefully. It is of course fun to wrestle your dog and play rope pulling. However, doing this gives your dog different signals, making it more difficult for him to control his biting instinct.
    • Don't let your puppy chew your hands or fingers, give him a bite toy or bone for that.
    • Avoid wrestling games, which can make your dog very excited and confused.
    • Think carefully about playing string pull. This can lead to problems with dominance.
    • Make sure to talk to the vet or trainer about how to teach your dog to pull rope.

Part 3 of 4: Responding to severe biting behavior

  1. Eliminate playful biting. Playful biting can be overcome with simple home training. However, if your dog is showing signs of aggression, then you have a more serious problem.
    • Aggressive biting will hurt much more than a playful bite.
    • Your dog will display tense or stiff body language.
  2. Get help from the vet. If your dog is showing signs of aggression, you should seek professional help right away. Your vet can help you find the cause of the aggression.
    • Your vet can help you by correcting any ailments that could be causing the biting.
    • Your vet can also teach you how to properly reward or punish your dog's behavior.
    • Try to speak with a qualified animal behaviorist to get a better understanding of how to train your dog.
  3. Keep a record of your dog's vaccinations. With proper training, your dog will hopefully never bite you or strangers. However, the possibility can never be ruled out. It is very important to keep a good record of vaccinations and other paperwork, in case someone does get bitten.
    • Keeping a record of vaccinations can help protect the victim from illness.
    • You will be less liable in case your dog bites someone if the vaccinations are current.
    • Keep your dog safe as dogs that bite and are not vaccinated will be euthanized in some areas.
    • Make sure you are a more responsible pet owner. Never release your dog in a public area. Use a muzzle in public situations if your dog tends to bite.

Part 4 of 4: Understanding why dogs bite

  1. Distinguish the different types of biting behavior. Puppies and dogs use their mouths to play and explore the world. In general, we can distinguish between nibbling, nipping, playful biting and more severe, aggressive biting.
    • Puppies will typically chew and nip playfully. While it is normal behavior, it is unacceptable.
    • Older dogs may also exhibit chewing and nipping behavior if they are not trained not to.
    • Regardless of the dog's age, you must teach him that it is never acceptable to put his teeth on a person.
    • Aggressive biting, in young or older dogs, should be addressed immediately.
  2. Watch for signs of possessive behavior in your dog. Dogs protect their belongings. They have a broad understanding of what their property is. If your dog feels that his property is under threat, he can respond by biting.
    • Dogs can consider their food, toys, territory, and even people their own.
    • Monitor your dog around these things to find out what is causing the behavior.
  3. Watch for signs of a fear response. Another common cause of biting is fear. If your dog is anxious, try to figure out what's causing it. For example new people or locations. Watch for the following signs in your dog's behavior that indicate your dog is anxious:
    • Vibrate
    • Tail between the legs
    • Submissive build
    • To hide
    • To run away
  4. Determine if your puppy or dog is in pain. If your dog is biting or biting and it doesn't look like playing, he may be in pain. Even the calmest, friendliest dog can suddenly bite when in pain. If you suspect your dog is in pain, take him to the vet right away. Watch for the following signs of pain:
    • Whining
    • Change in eating and drinking behavior
    • Squeak
    • Growling
    • Restlessness
    • Difficulty moving
    • Limping.
  5. Understand that new moms can bite. If your female dog is about to give birth or has just given birth, be on the lookout for possible biting behavior. The maternal instinct is strong even in the most loyal, calm dog. So be careful not to encourage biting.
    • Provide your dog with a safe and secluded place.
    • Approach the dog and her puppies carefully.
    • Also teach others to approach the mother and her puppies with caution.
  6. Determine if your dog is biting as a result of a hunting behavior. The hunting instinct is very strong in most dogs. If they are in their hunt are disturbed, they can bite. If you think your dog is biting as a result of his hunting instinct, handle it for everyone's safety. Dogs may consider the following as prey:
    • Wild animals, such as rabbits and squirrels.
    • Cars
    • Joggers
    • Cyclists
  7. Recognize the clues for an upcoming bite. If you have ruled out the possible playful chewing and nipping in your puppy or senior dog, you may have to deal with more aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior is difficult to work with. Learn the following signs of aggression in your dog.
    • Ears back
    • Fur on the back is raised
    • You can see the whites of his eyes
    • The dog is showing its teeth
  8. Know how to handle a dog about to bite. There are a few standard techniques that can avoid getting bitten by a dog showing signs of aggression. Follow these basic steps to protect yourself from a dog bite:
    • Avoid direct eye contact
    • Step back gently
    • Give the dog an escape route


  • Be patient and consistent in training.
  • Know your dog well so you can recognize the signs of fear or aggression.
  • Speak to the vet if you are unsure about why your dog is biting.
  • Play with your dog often. If your dog is in his cage often, consider getting him adopted. Living in a cage is not good for a dog.


  • Do not physically punish your dog. This often just makes for a more aggressive response.