Visiting a Hindu temple respectfully

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Visit in a Hindu Temple? Hindu worship in temple | simple Hinduism
Video: How to Visit in a Hindu Temple? Hindu worship in temple | simple Hinduism


If you are not familiar with Hindu temples and culture, but would like to learn more about this belief, a visit to a temple is a good way to start. You don't have to adhere to the Hindu religion to visit a Hindu temple - their temples are open to anyone who wants to visit them. You can decide to visit at an important time, such as when a specific service or ceremony is being held. Just stop by and see the temple or call ahead and ask if you can get a tour. Since Hindu temples are sacred places for people of Hindu faith, you should behave calmly and respectfully at all times.

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Part 1 of 3: Prepare to visit a temple

  1. Wash yourself before visiting a temple. Before you plan to go to the temple, you should take a shower or bath. Anyone can enter a temple, but since temples are spiritual places, it is tradition to wash first.
    • To prepare yourself mentally and spiritually, you can also take a moment to pray and think about God or your personal spiritual beliefs.
  2. Dress appropriately for the temple. While it is not necessary to wear traditional Indian clothing to a temple, both men and women should wear modest, conservative clothing to the temple. This indicates your respect for the holy site, and will not distract others from their concentration on the temple gods and their own worship by garish or inappropriate clothing.
    • Women should wear a long skirt or dress. They may also wear long pants. Wear something loose enough to sit comfortably cross-legged.
    • Men should wear business casual attire, such as pants and a shirt.
    • Avoid wearing animal skins of any kind - this can be offensive to Hindus.
  3. Buy sacrifices to take to the temple. Gods can be offered a variety of material things: flowers and fruits are common and affordable choices. You can also choose to offer cloths or candy. Offering your offerings to the temple gods is a form of respect. Hindus believe that offerings such as these will please the gods and can result in blessings and fulfilled prayers.
    • Commercial establishments generally set up makeshift shops in the area that sell various things that you can offer the images of God.
    • There is no obligation to make sacrifices - if you'd rather not make sacrifices for your first visit, you don't have to.

Part 2 of 3: Entering the temple

  1. Remove your footwear outside the temple. In most temples there is a space for your shoes: usually a series of boxes along one of the outer walls of the temple. Removing shoes is a sign of respect for the temple and the deities in the temple. This is not optional: the removal of shoes, sandals or other footwear is a mandatory rule within every Hindu temple.
    • Socks are fine, you can keep wearing them. However, if the temple floor is marble or some other smooth stone, you may want to take your socks off so you don't slip.
  2. Walk through the temple in a circle. Traditionally, upon entering a Hindu temple, you will see a series of deities and statues surrounding the temple walls. Start with the deity on your left. From there, keep moving through the temple in a clockwise direction, pausing for each deity you encounter.
    • Many temples have separate queues for men and women that you will have to follow.
    • If you want to know in advance if there are separate lines for each gender, you can call the temple and ask in advance.
  3. View the statues respectfully. When you finally get a closer look at the statue, you can hold the palms of your hands together near the heart in a (traditional) "namaskara pose and bow." This is the minimum action to be taken on any statue, as a respectful gesture.
    • Hindus will often bow or bow down completely to images as a sign of respect and reverence. If you don't mind, you can get on your knees to bend, although you don't have to.

Part 3 of 3: Going through the temple

  1. Offer your offerings to individual images. If you brought fruit or flowers to offer to the deity, you may do so while circulating through the temple. Give each offering to the priest who sits outside the room of the idolatry. Under no circumstances should you enter the inner chamber. The inner room or the room where the idol sits is considered the most holy place and a private place where no one can enter without permission.
    • If there is no priest outside the room, there may be a platform nearby for worshipers to place their sacrifices on.
  2. Accept all things from the priest. While in the temple, you can see a priest pour water over the hands of the worshipers. This is a spiritual, purifying gesture - if the priest offers you the water, let him pour it over your hands.
    • The priests can also give "Prasad:" blessed food (always vegetarian) that is offered to the deities. Prasad is also considered sacred, and you must eat it outside of the temple.
    • Everything the priest gives you must be taken with your right hand. Avoid accepting or giving anything with the left hand.
  3. Do not touch shrines or statues. A single temple can house hundreds of statues - try not to touch any of them - this will be seen as an inappropriate and disrespectful act. In the Hindu belief, only priests are allowed to touch the images. Keep a respectful distance.
    • Do not take pictures. Taking pictures is restricted or prohibited in many temples. Before taking a picture, look at the rules of the temple. Rules can be written on the bulletin board outside, or you can ask anyone, including the priest.
  4. Follow the rules of common decency. The temple is a sacred, sacred space and you should behave politely and modestly when you visit one. You can speak calmly, but avoid loud conversations, laughing or crying. Don't chew gum out loud - or rather not at all - and throw any trash you have in a trash can. To show your respect for the temple, turn off your phone when you enter and do not smoke in or around the temple.
    • A priest may offer to place a small mark on your forehead (usually made from ash or turmeric). You may accept or refuse this as you see fit - the mark has no great spiritual significance and does not necessarily indicate a belief in the Hindu religion.
  5. Make a donation if you wish. As you walk through the temple, you may see a small collection box. If you want to donate something, fold the notes and place them in the collection box with your right hand. Remember that donations are never necessary and you don't have to make a donation.
    • Even if someone tries to persuade you to donate, you always have the right to decline.
  6. Beware of beggars. Depending on your location, you can find many beggars outside the temples. You don't have to give them money if you don't want to. If you want to help them temporarily, buy them some food.
    • If you are alone it would be a good idea not to encourage beggars. They can be persistent and follow or harass you for more money.