Develop a good friendship with a girl

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build a Romantic Relationship from Friendship
Video: How to Build a Romantic Relationship from Friendship


Relationships can be confusing. Even in a normal friendship, gender can play a role and make mutual contact uncomfortable. As a boy, it is important to remember that men and women are not the same and sometimes appreciate things differently. Women are often more interested in emotions and more likely to share those emotions with friends. For that reason, befriending girls may require a different approach than befriending boys.

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Method 1 of 3: Deepening your friendship with a girl

  1. Look for common interests and do them together. Sharing activities with the girl will improve the relationship. When you have a good time with a girl, she is more likely to remember that experience. Friendships are usually started because two people have a common interest, so it's important that you both have a shared interest before you get to know each other better.
    • For example, one way to avoid sending mixed signals is to tell her how much an activity is going to cost. This sets the tone for a friendly outing and not a date.
    • You can go to a restaurant for dinner, go to an amusement park, go to another friend's birthday party, surf, or take a painting class or anything else you both want to do.
    • Doing things together and watching movies is always an option, when there is nothing else to do.
  2. Have real and in-depth conversations. As humans, we create a bond through conversation, especially if the topic of conversation is something that we have strong emotional feelings about. The more you talk about each other's lives, the more connected you will feel. Being vulnerable means listening to her fears and emotions and being open to talking about yours.
    • Don't be critical of her if she comes to you with a problem. The last thing a girl wants to hear is what she's done wrong, when she already knows she screwed up.
    • Always listen to the girl's perspective and see what her starting points are before giving advice.
    • Asking a girl for advice will gain her confidence, and she is more likely to ask you for advice, too.
  3. Compliment her in a platonic way. Getting compliments makes us feel good and motivates us to do things. You should always compliment a girl when you admire something she has accomplished or accomplished. Avoid complimenting a girl on her appearance, as this can make her feel uncomfortable when you are regular friends. Instead, pay attention to the signals you receive from the compliments she gives you. If she never says anything about your physical appearance, then it is better not to say anything about her appearance.
    • Avoid saying something like "You are so beautiful" or other general things about her appearance.

Method 2 of 3: Strengthen your friendship

  1. Stay in touch with her. As time goes on, it can become more difficult to maintain strong relationships with a girl, so you may have to put more effort into texting or calling her. If the two of you still live close to each other, make sure you think of her at social events and gatherings. A friend's birthday is another good reason to contact or visit her.
    • If your girlfriend moves to another province, try to keep in touch with her through social media.
    • If your girlfriend is busy, go see her. Make things easier for her if you have the time. She will certainly appreciate it in the end.
  2. Go out together if she invites you to do something. The more you accept social invites, the more likely girls will invite you to future events. This is especially important if the girl is going somewhere she doesn't want to be and needs a friend to support you.
    • If you're busy or have something else to do and can't be there, tell the friend well in advance so she can ask someone else to come along.
    • If you don't want to go somewhere, don't go. Probably your negative energy will affect the contact between you.
  3. Provide her with the emotional support she needs. Many people go through various ups and downs and have friends as emotional support during difficult times.
    • Being a good friend also means knowing when to step back and give the other person time to grieve. Make sure you don't get too overbearing.
    • Emotional support is also needed during stressful but happy times, such as prior to a performance or sporting event.
  4. Refrain from showing physical interest or romance unless that's what she wants. One of the simplest ways to make a friendship with the opposite sex impossible is to become overtly physical or romantic when there is no need for it. Not only does this make the girl feel uncomfortable, but it can also make her feel sad because she cares about you as a friend, but not in a romantic way. A friendship can eventually blossom into a romantic relationship, but only if both people want it to.
    • If you are going to develop romantic feelings for the girlfriend, tell her this. Be careful with this, however, as it can damage your friendship in the long run.
    • If the girlfriend is going to develop romantic feelings for you, and you're okay with that, then go for it. The best relationships come from friendships.

Method 3 of 3: Get to know girls

  1. Go to social events where there are girls. Try to attend social events where girls are to bond with. See if there are any popular events in the area and go there if you have the time. If you can, try a course at the folk university you are interested in, or join a sports club. Meeting new people is easy because you just need to put yourself in a situation where you have diverse people around you.
    • If there is limited opportunity to socialize, get a little creative. You can meet girls at the library, your denomination, the gym, or at a mall.
    • If you are still in school then you have the perfect opportunity to meet new girls in your class. Try to make contact before or after the class starts.
  2. Introduce yourself to girls you would like to befriend. Tell the girl your name and ask her for her name. Start chatting by talking about what you are both doing, or where you are at the moment.
    • The idea of ​​getting to know new people makes you nervous, just doing it is the only way to become less nervous about it. The worst that can happen is she may not want to talk to you.
    • Some good questions are, "This place is really fun, what do you think about it?" Or "That lecture was really boring, what do you think about this lesson?"
    • Try to appear confident, but not pushy. Just talk to the girl as if you were talking to a good friend, only more civilized.
  3. Find out what you have in common and talk about it. There is a good chance that the girl you want to be friends with has something in common with you because you are both at the same social event. For example, if you meet a girl at a sports club, you probably share an interest in sports, or if you are taking an art course, an interest in art, etc. Find a common bond, and something to get rid of. knows and likes to talk about.
    • Try to be funny and lighthearted when talking to a girl. If you can make her laugh, she's more likely to want to befriend you.
    • Listen to her carefully and let her talk. The more questions you ask, the more she will open up and feel comfortable. You have to respond and give your own opinion, and also listen to her with concentration.
  4. Ask for her contact information. Once you feel like you and the girl are clicking, you can ask her for her cell number. Don't be afraid to ask her, especially if the conversation went well. Tell her you enjoyed talking to her and ask if she would like to continue talking another time. If she wants to, ask her for her details.
    • If the call didn't go well, chances are you won't get her number.
    • If you are not sure when you will leave, you can even ask before the end of the conversation.
  5. Text her to meet up. Think about something you can do together, and meet her somewhere. This could be lunch, wall climbing or going to a concert. If you are having a hard time coming up with something for the two of you to do together, try to remember what you talked about before and choose something that interests both of you. Don't make it a romantic date or flirt in your text messages, or you may send the wrong signals. You can even go as far as telling her you're not looking for a date at first.
    • Don't text her too often if she doesn't respond. She may be busy or just don't feel like talking. You don't want to appear desperate for friends, nor do you want to make her angry or annoyed.
    • Funny or interesting images are also good things to share via text message.
    • Try to be as friendly as possible in your text messages. Since she can't hear the intonation of your voice, it's better not to be sarcastic as she can take it literally.
    • If the girl texts you often, respond. Find out how often she would like to text, and then try to agree (if you want to).