Become a good fast bowler

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Bowl Fast - Top 5 Fast Bowling Tips
Video: How To Bowl Fast - Top 5 Fast Bowling Tips


A skilled, fast bowler is a major contributor to the success of a cricket team. Following these structured steps below will help you become the best fast bowler you can become.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Improve your strength and fitness

  1. Get strong. To generate great speed, your shoulders need to broaden and you need to build muscle on your arms and legs. Use dumbbells for your arms, do bench presses to broaden your shoulders, and leg exercises to keep your legs strong.
  2. Improve your fitness. Fast bowlers bowl a lot of overs at a very high speed. This requires stamina. Make sure to run long distances so you can hold on to bowling lots of overs, and get faster on your sprints so you can keep running fast.
  3. Build speed. Before you focus on direction and length, you need to work on your speed. You don't have to achieve the fastest you can bowl, but gradually improve your speed until you are comfortable with the speed at which you bowl.

Part 2 of 4: Learning to focus correctly

  1. Focus on direction. As you may realize, pure speed is not enough. Fast bowlers vary their direction and height to make it difficult for the batsman. Make sure that the line you are bowling is usually centered on middle stump or off stump; do not try to bowl on the leg stump as most of those balls will be hit or given wide.
  2. Focus on length. A good fast bowler will give most of his balls a good length, and will occasionally bowl certain throws to punch the batsman. Try not to bowl too far from or close to the striker, as those balls are usually knocked away to the boundaries. Bowl not always a good length, however, because the batsman can recognize where you will throw and make attacking moves based on what the ball will bounce on.

Part 3 of 4: Bowl techniques

  1. Use swing and cut. Fast bowlers will often swing or cut the ball when bowling. A cut is to surprise the batsman after the ball bounces. A leg cutter can be used to allow the wicketkeeper to catch the ball or let it slip off the bat. While the cut is very useful for a bowler, a bowler is sometimes referred to as quick by how he swings. Swing the ball in and out to mislead the batsman about where the ball is going. A whole new article can be written about inswing and outswing.
  2. Make use of the jump and hand speed. Once you've learned something and gotten better, you can use pulse speed as a third technique. You should know that the pulse plays an important role in fast bowling. More players use hand speed than the jump.
  3. Use the power of the wrist. Do not keep your wrist straight while walking. Instead, keep the wrist straight up. At the moment of release you have to throw the ball using the wrist; this will add the pulse speed to the existing speed, allowing you to achieve a fast pace.
  4. Study the batsman. Bowl certain throws to see how the batsman reacts. Maybe bowl one wide, on off or lay to see how he reacts to it. See if he hits back or stoops short deliveries. Observe how he approaches swing or cut. Find out if he's defensive, offensive, or both. Find out his role on the team, whether they need to protect a wicket or just want to hit as far as possible. Knowing how the batsman works will eventually help you get him out.
  5. Be mentally strong. Being part of a bowler is keeping your peace of mind, regardless of whether you've just made a hat-trick or if a lot of boundaries have just been hit. Don't listen to what the batsman says. Also, never let your emotions affect how you bowl your next throw; always keep the same expression.

Part 4 of 4: Appreciating the game

  1. Enjoy the opportunity to play bowling. Bowlers are relaxed when they bowl, they enjoy throwing one through middle stump or realizing they've bowled the perfect ball, even if that means the batsman isn't out. Bowlers love the feeling of pressure and fun when they are successful. Don't let the intensity of the game spoil the sheer pleasure of bowling.
  2. Be motivated and keep going even when you're tired because that's how you build stamina. Never give up, always remember that good bowlers hold out for hours and hours until they get it right. When you are bowling (in the nets or in a match) you should always try to bowl as fast as you can - it doesn't matter if you are a bit fickle at first, that's normal. After a while, you will be able to pace and bowl in the right areas (that is, outside the off-stump).


  • Keep exercising every day to keep you healthy, strong and ready to bowl.
  • Keep the balls in line with the stump so there is a greater chance that the batsman is out.
  • Give the batsman a few throws to see how he fares, then throw him out by bowling where he cannot play or where he is weak and hits badly.
  • Always eat milk and eggs before bowling. The protein in it helps increase your efficiency so you can bowl for longer periods without running out of energy.
  • Rather than beat the new bowl, he should try to get the batsman to hit it over the off side, so that there is a chance that the ball will not be hit properly or that the wicket-keeper may catch it. The new seamers have to keep their 90% of the balls out of the off stump in one piece.
  • Don't bowl too long at a time or every day, because your shoulder, arm, and back will hurt if you do too much. Set aside at least 1 day a week and don't bowl for more than an hour at a time. If you are still a junior you should keep at least 2 days a week off, no longer than 45 minutes at a time bowling and learn to swing the ball.
  • Move your wrist and keep your arm in a good line to get a better swing.
  • Don't be nervous. Because there is a saying that goes: practice makes perfect.
  • Move your wrist with a better grip to throw a cutter bowl.