Lighten a dark neck

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024


Dark skin on the neck can have many causes, such as being in the sun too much, problems with eczema, a chronic condition and even poor hygiene. However, there are many things you can do at home to help lighten these dark spots on your neck. It is important to exfoliate the skin on your neck regularly and also to use various topical agents to help lighten the dark pigment. Ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda, yogurt, and walnuts can all help lighten the dark skin on your neck.

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Method 1 of 3: Using commercial and medicinal products

  1. Hydrate your skin with cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is an excellent moisturizer that can be used daily, even if you have sensitive skin. Apply cocoa butter to the dark spots on your neck twice a day until you start to see results.
    • Continue to use cocoa butter regularly to prevent your neck from darkening again.
    • Cocoa butter is a good solution for people with dry hair and skin. However, people with oily skin can get blemishes and greasy hair.
  2. Try a product that lightens the skin. There are many professional products available that are intended to help permanently lighten the skin. You should be able to buy these products at drug stores or online, or get them with a prescription from your doctor.
    • Try a product like Skinlight to whiten your skin.
    • Use the product twice a day or as directed on the package.
  3. Treat eczema. Dark spots on the neck can be a symptom of eczema. If you have eczema, treat it according to your doctor's instructions. This usually means applying topical creams regularly, as well as when a new area of ​​eczema develops.
    • If your eczema symptoms get worse, see your doctor for further treatment options.
  4. Prevent or treat diabetes and obesity. A dark neck is often a side effect of diabetes and obesity. If you want to avoid a dark neck or the dark spots on your neck keep getting worse, consider trying to lose weight by adjusting your diet and exercising more. A healthier lifestyle can also help manage diabetes.
    • If you have diabetes, discuss the condition with your doctor and get treatment right away. Getting your diabetes treated can keep the discoloration on your neck to a minimum.

Method 2 of 3: Try home remedies

  1. Protect your hair so that it does not get bleached through the medium. When using the home remedies in this section to lighten your neck, it is important to make sure they do not get into your hair or else your hair may lighten. It can also dry out your hair. Before applying a home remedy, tie your hair up so that it doesn't hang down your neck.
  2. Make a mixture of honey and lemon juice. Mix three tablespoons of honey with two teaspoons of lemon juice. Honey and lemon juice are both known to lighten the skin. Apply the mixture to the dark spots on your neck and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing your skin.
    • You can also mix tomato pulp with honey and apply the mixture to your neck.
  3. Make a paste of baking soda and water. Mix several tablespoons with a little water until you get a thick paste. Apply the baking soda and water paste to the discolored areas on your neck and let the paste sit for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your skin with water.
    • You can perform this treatment several times a week, if your skin does not become too sensitive.
    • This paste is also great for exfoliating your skin when you rinse the waist of your neck.
  4. Apply vitamin E oil and almond oil. Heat several teaspoons of almond oil in the microwave. Set the microwave to a low setting and do not heat the oil for more than half a minute. Add an equal amount of Vitamin E oil and massage the oil mixture into the skin on your neck with your fingers. After massaging, let the oil sit on your skin for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the oil off with lukewarm water.
    • This treatment is safe and gentle on the skin, and you should be able to perform it daily.
  5. Make a paste of orange peel and whole milk. Let some orange peels dry out by placing them in the sun for a few hours. When the skins are quite dry, grind them into a powder and add some whole milk until you get a thick paste. Apply the paste to the dark spots on your neck and let the paste dry on your skin. Let the paste sit for 10-15 minutes and then rinse your skin.
    • Orange peels contain a large amount of vitamin C, which is known to whiten the skin.
    • If you have a food dehydrator, you can use it to dry out the orange peels. It works better than the sun, because the sun can make the skins too tough to grind.
  6. Rub cucumber slices over your neck. Cucumber slices can naturally exfoliate your skin. Simply slice a cucumber and rub one side of a slice over the dark spots on your neck.
    • You can also apply cucumber juice or grated cucumbers to your neck and let it soak in.
    • To whiten your skin even more, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the slice of cucumber and rub it over your skin. After the treatment, wait 10-15 minutes and then wash the lemon juice from your skin.
  7. Use a mixture of sugar and lemon juice. Mix several tablespoons of sugar with lemon juice until you get a thick paste. Apply the paste to the dark spots on your neck and gently massage the paste into the skin. Leave the paste on for 15 minutes and then rinse your skin.
    • You can perform these treatments several times, as long as your skin does not become too irritated and sensitive.
  8. Mix lemon juice and salt. Sprinkle some salt on lemon slices and gently rub the slices over your neck. Continue to massage your skin for several minutes and then let the lemon juice and salt remain on your neck for another 15 minutes.
    • Rinse your skin and repeat the process several times a week for best results.
    • You can also use lemon juice mixed with salt to bleach and exfoliate your skin.
  9. Try yogurt and walnuts. Grind a tablespoon of walnuts until you are left with powder and small pieces of nuts. Mix the ground walnuts with several tablespoons of plain unflavored yogurt. Apply the mixture to the dark spots on your neck and gently massage it into your skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse your skin.
    • Yogurt is a good cleanser for the skin, and the acid in it works well to lighten your skin. Walnuts are high in nutrients and minerals that can cleanse the skin and keep it hydrated.

Method 3 of 3: Ensure good hygiene and protect your skin from the sun

  1. Wash regularly with antibacterial soap. Poor hygiene is often the cause of a dark neck, so it's important to wash often, especially if you start to have symptoms. Use an antibacterial soap to wash your entire body, including your neck, and rinse your skin thoroughly to remove any soap residue before drying.
    • Make sure to rub the soap gently on your body, as vigorous scrubbing can make your symptoms worse.
    • If you can't wash, wipe your neck and other body parts with baby wipes to stay reasonably clean.
    • Try to shower or bathe at least once every few days.
  2. Use suntan lotion when you go outside. You can also get a dark neck by overexposing your skin to the sun. Make sure to always use suntan lotion when going out for extended periods of time. Use a product with a sun protection factor of at least 35 and apply it on all exposed areas, especially your neck.
    • Apply new suntan lotion every hour, more often when you go into the water.
  3. Do not expose your neck to the sun. Protect your neck from the sun as much as possible by choosing the right clothing. Try wearing a collared shirt, scarf, or wide-brimmed hat when you know you'll be out for extended periods.
    • You can also wrap a bandana around your neck or use an umbrella or umbrella to prevent sun damage.