Have a vibrant personality

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
18 rules to have vibrant personality
Video: 18 rules to have vibrant personality


When you think of a vibrant person, you probably think of someone who is cheerful and positive, someone who is vibrant, spirited, and fun to be around, and someone who is exuberant, spirited, and enthusiastic about life . A bubbly person is someone who appears confident, has a positive attitude, and exudes an attractive charisma. Fortunately, with a little patience and a little hard work, a vibrant personality can be cultivated gently.

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Method 1 of 3: Radiate Charisma

  1. Shake the hand of everyone you meet. Whenever you meet someone new (or even greet someone you've already met), it's a positive and effervescent gesture to give a handshake. Make sure to give a nice firm and confident hand, and make sure to maintain eye contact while doing so!
    • Practice your handshake at home with friends to make sure you're using the right amount of pressure and maintaining eye contact.
    • Repeating the person's name while shaking hands is also a good strategy for appearing bubbly. For example, when you meet someone new, say their name back once or twice before introducing yourself, for example by saying, "Hi Bram." I'm sanne. It's good to meet you, Bram! "

    Talk to people you don't know. Chat with your waiter or barista. Say hello to people on the street! Compliment people on the train. Have conversations with people in coffee shops or in class. Remember that you are a major player in the world. Interact with others as much as possible and let your cheerful personality shine through.

    • When you don't know what to say, think of a compliment.
    • Tell someone you like his or her sweater, and then, as a successor, ask where he or she bought it.
    • Tell someone he or she has a nice voice.
  2. Prepare interesting things to talk about. Being vibrant means you can talk to anyone and always have something to talk about. Find ways to talk to the people around you, be it the people at school, work, or just people in the world; try to have some interesting topics of conversation ready.
    • Practice with some funny life stories.
    • Listen to podcasts to discover interesting topics of conversation.
    • Ask questions! Let other people do the talking for you.
    • If you are at a party, try to talk to everyone who is there at least for a little while.
  3. Try out new things. You have to come across as interesting and passionate to cultivate a vibrant and charismatic personality. One way to accomplish both of these things is to try new things regularly! When you have new experiences, you strengthen your passion for life, and at the same time create many interesting things to talk about.
    • Learn a new language.
    • Go on a trip.
    • Try out a new restaurant.
    • Study and practice a martial art.
  4. Make new friends. Your effervescent personality is sure to grab the attention of others. Work on developing many different friendships! When you feel a connection with someone else, invite them to grab lunch or coffee.
    • You may also want to consider joining some activities to meet new people.
    • Try enrolling in a class, sports team, or craft group.
  5. Laugh! A radiant smile is one of the most important aspects of having a vibrant personality. Research has shown that you can improve your mood by forcing yourself to smile, even when you don't feel well! Practice wearing a smile during the day. You will radiate cheerfulness, attract friends, and improve your mood at the same time.
  6. Stick to wacky humor instead of dark or sarcastic humor. The type of humor you use can also make you look effervescent. Try to stick to silly or light humor, such as knock-knock jokes and puns, instead of using sarcastic or dark humor.
    • Try to find some fun jokes to tell people throughout the day.

Method 2 of 3: Cultivate a positive attitude

  1. Practice being optimistic. It is a misconception to think that some people are just naturally positive. In fact, optimism takes practice. You can develop a vibrant personality by working on your optimism.
    • Be aware of the way you talk about yourself and the thoughts you have about yourself.
    • Don't say things about yourself that you wouldn't say about a friend.
    • When you have a negative thought, try to change it. Instead of thinking, "I've never done this," you can try to tell yourself, "This is an opportunity to learn something new."
    • Also try to be optimistic when talking to your friends, for example by noticing the positive side of a situation. For example, if a friend is worried about an upcoming exam, don't worry with him or her. Instead, say something like, "You're a great student!" I am sure you will perform well. But for now, let's enjoy this beautiful day! "
  2. Avoid complaining. Negativity leads to more negativity, so even if something is bothering you, try to let it go instead of complaining about it. Complaining only spreads misery around you to others (which is certainly not effervescent). Adopt a bubbly attitude by stopping complaining.
    • If you really need to vent your complaints, try to write them down.
    • Another option is to talk to a therapist.
  3. Develop a way to release stress. If you want to radiate a vibrant attitude, then you can't be put down by stress. Find some stress releasing methods that work for you and practice them regularly.
    • Get a massage.
    • Take a walk.
    • Diffuse essential oils (such as lemon or lavender) around your home or office.
    • Try to let go of your stress before it becomes a problem at all.
  4. Express your gratitude. When you feel genuine gratitude in your daily life, it becomes much easier to radiate a vibrant personality.
    • Take a notebook and write down five things you are grateful for each day.
    • With time, your gratitude will grow and grow!
  5. Replace the word "must" with "may". The tasks and repetition of everyday life can easily bring you down. You may find yourself grumbling, "I have to go to work," or "I have to go to school" or even "I have to pay the rent." Try to replace just one small word; "Must" with the more positive word, "may."
    • When you say you can "go to work," it reminds you to be grateful that you have a job.
    • When you say you can "pay the rent," it reminds you to be grateful that you both have a place to live and that you have enough money to pay for it.
  6. Avoid unnecessary drama. There is a Polish saying that says, "Not my monkeys, not my circus." This saying reminds us that we don't need to get sucked into the drama of others.
    • When you encounter conflicts that you are not directly dealing with, do not try to intervene.
    • Don't gossip! Avoid talking about others when they are not around.
    • If you are constantly surrounded by the drama of others, think about surrounding yourself with new people.

Method 3 of 3: Build confidence

  1. Make an effort to look good. To be vibrant you have to feel good about yourself. Take some time every day to look beautiful: take care of yourself, wear clothes that make you feel good, and spend some time on your hair, makeup, or other beauty rituals. Taking a little time to look beautiful will help you feel better and attract more positive attention from others.
  2. Focus on the positive. Write down a list of things you like about yourself. This can be anything; from your eyes, to the way you are nice to everyone you meet. Try to add at least ten things to your list. Read this list daily, it will definitely make you feel good about yourself.
    • When you have identified some of your best qualities, focus on bringing out those characteristics.
    • For example, if you have beautiful eyes, wear eye makeup to highlight it.
    • If you are smart and well versed in philosophy, practice ways of having conversations with it.
  3. Wear yourself proud. When you walk, make sure you keep your back straight and your shoulders back for good posture. When talking to people, look them in the eye and smile when appropriate. These are all great ways to improve your confidence and to radiate a vibrant attitude.
    • The shape you make with your body also affects your hormonal response.
    • By simply standing upright you can become more confident (on a hormonal level) and deal better with stress.
  4. Use daily confirmations. You can use daily affirmations to develop a vibrant personality. Affirmations are short, positive statements about yourself. You can put these somewhere you will see them every day. You will want to say these affirmations loudly.
    • Examples include, "I am beautiful," "I am worthy," or "I deserve to be happy."
    • Think about placing these fixings close to your bathroom mirror, above your sink, or wherever you will often see them.
  5. Take care of yourself. Taking good care of yourself means eating well, drinking water, staying active, and getting plenty of rest. Taking care of yourself helps boost your confidence in two ways (and thus make you more effervescent): first, you are more likely to cultivate self-love when you feel cared for, and second, your emotions are more stable when you are in good health .
    • Focus on eating vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains.
    • Avoid sugar, alcohol, and fast food.
    • Try to sleep 8 hours a night.
    • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    • Focus on at least 30 minutes of physical exercise a day, such as kayaking, hiking, playing tennis, or dancing to music.


  • Try to be more adventurous; this is not only fun, but will also give you something to talk about! For example, you can go to the zoo, play your favorite sport, or even go to an amusement park.