Being a better girlfriend

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to be a BETTER Girlfriend? 11 secrets!! y178🌷 ✨ 🌷
Video: How to be a BETTER Girlfriend? 11 secrets!! y178🌷 ✨ 🌷


Every relationship is different, but there are certain universal qualities that every man looks for in a girlfriend, and none of them have to do with physical characteristics. Read this article to learn how to rekindle the flame of your relationship and be a friend who is more supportive and loving more.

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Part 1 of 2: Establishing a healthy relationship

  1. Be positive. If you are constantly complaining about things or criticizing your friend at night, he won't enjoy spending much time with you. By changing your attitude and getting a healthy outlook on life, you can not only save your relationship, but improve the overall quality of your life and become happier.
    • Being positive doesn't mean hiding your true feelings from your boyfriend. A good relationship means that you are open, honest and supportive towards each other. If something is really bothering you, don't hesitate and talk to him about it; however, don't get into the habit of putting a negative spin on everything.
    • If something happens in your life that you know will negatively affect your mood, such as a recent fight with a girlfriend, tell your boyfriend. This will prevent him from thinking that you are a moody or erratic person.
  2. Be humorous. Every relationship has its ups and downs, but what separates a lasting relationship from a relationship doomed to failure is the ability to laugh your way through tough times together. Having a light-hearted sense of humor can prevent a difficult or unpleasant moment from turning into a thunderous fight and keep your relationship fun and exciting, even after the "pink clouds" have drifted by.
    • Many men consider a sense of humor to be one of the most important qualities of the ideal girlfriend, right next to looks and a sweet, caring personality. This means not only that you laugh at his jokes and anecdotes, but that you are also able to make him laugh in turn.
    • You don't have to be a comedian to get your husband's attention. Just sharing a funny story with him or being able to appreciate a good comedy can be enough.
    • Don't be afraid to embarrass yourself in front of your friend. Men like women who are free-spirited, confident and unafraid to let go. So dance like a maniac, make funny noises, sing out loud, etc. Don't forget that no one looks stupid when they are having fun!
  3. Make sure you always stand behind him. Even men with the thickest skin have their weak moments. If at any point your boyfriend or husband is low on self-confidence, support him by telling him how much you love him and remind him of his positive qualities. Treat him like a partner or teammate, encourage him, offer support and advice, and show genuine interest in his ambitions.
    • Know when to step back. Men want a woman who supports them emotionally, without the woman "mothering" them or being condescending. Help him up when he's a bit down, but don't get him down any further by constantly nitpicking and trying to "correct" those things about him that he doesn't want to change at all.
  4. Accept his friends. You do not have to mad to his friends, but make an effort to get to know them and interact with them in a friendly way. Give him the space and freedom to go out for a night out with his buddies every now and then, and in turn, go out with your friends to let off some steam and catch up.
  5. Learn to listen carefully. If he's frustrated, upset, or annoyed, let him vent it without responding right away. Remember, there are times when a man (or a woman) just wants to vent, without asking questions or explaining things further. If he wants your advice, he'll ask for it.

Part 2 of 2: rekindling the fire

  1. Show your affection for him publicly. Most men appreciate when a woman is confident enough to show her love in front of other people. This doesn't mean you should be unabashedly kissing in a fancy restaurant, but don't be afraid to give him a sweet kiss in public, put your hand on his knee, or run your hands through his hair, when you being together.
  2. Spice up your sex life. Most of all, when it comes to sex, men want women to be enthusiastic and confident. Make sure you are fully involved in making love, let him know when he is doing something right, and be specific when you ask him to do something different.
    • If you're concerned that your sex life is getting boring, you can rekindle the passion by indulging in sexy lingerie, experimenting with sex toys, or trying new positions.
    • Send him a daring text when you're not together and let him know how much you look forward to seeing him again. He will have a very hard time not thinking about you until the moment the two of you get back together.
  3. Compliment him. Make your man feel special by praising his specific qualities, beyond just his physical characteristics. This is especially important to remember if the two of you are in a long-term relationship where it is common to take each other for granted.
  4. Make sure you have ambitions yourself. Contrary to popular belief, most men find it very exciting when a woman knows what she wants, is self-willed and strives to be successful in life. Have your own interests outside of the relationship, whatever they may be, and that you vigorously pursue your dreams.


  • Men cannot read minds. If you are concerned that something is missing from your relationship, or are wondering what you can do to be a better friend, talk to him about it.
  • Being in a relationship takes practice, and so does trying to be a good friend. Every woman will have to learn through trial and error what works and what doesn't work in a relationship.
  • Don't try to change into someone you are not just to please your friend, but only make changes that make you feel good and comfortable with.
  • Don't lose sight of your own desires and needs.