Finding a best friend (girls)

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Meeting his GIRL Bestfriend | Story Time
Video: Meeting his GIRL Bestfriend | Story Time


All girls need a best friend, someone you are always with and with whom you can share secrets. It takes time to make a new girlfriend and become your best friend for that girlfriend. Becoming best friends is not something that just happens, but it is well worth the time and effort.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Make new friends

  1. Talk to other children around you. A great way to show someone that you want to be friends is to say hello when you meet. Make eye contact, smile, and say something along the lines of "hello" or "hi". If you know the person's name, say "Hi [person's name]".
    • Speak clearly so that the other person can understand you.
    • If you are shy, exercise with someone in your family.
    • Always smile and greet when you see the person again. You want to appear as friendly as possible.
  2. Give a compliment. Complimenting someone shows that you are a pleasant person and that you are open to other people. Pay attention to the other children at school and try to notice something nice about them. You can then compliment them on what you noticed. Keep the compliments simple like:
    • "Your hair looks really cute."
    • "I like your shirt. It really suits you. "
    • "You did that project well."
    • You can also ask a question after a compliment to start the conversation. For example: "That's a nice shirt. Where did you get it? "
  3. Start a conversation. Greetings or praise is a great way to start a conversation. When talking to someone, state what you like and don't like. If you are asked a question, answer the question and ask a question back. Be careful not to dominate the conversation.
    • It is important that you also share information about yourself. Friendship is a two-way street.
    • Listen when the other person is talking and don't cut them off. Wait for the other person to finish before you say anything yourself.
  4. Be nice to your classmates. Doing something nice for someone else is another way to show someone that you like them. You don't have to do anything big. Have someone borrow a pencil or piece of paper. Offer to help carry something if a classmate has too much in their hands. Share some candy or another treat for lunch.
    • Do not give money or things that have special meaning to you. You don't want anyone to be friends with you because you give them money or things.
  5. Find people who have the same interests. For a friendship to grow, you and the other person must have things in common. Common interests help your friendship grow. What kinds of things (e.g. music, TV series, movies, art, sports, etc.) are you interested in?
    • Observe other children in your class to see if they share some of your interests. Are they wearing a shirt with a favorite movie character or band you love? Do they use special directories linked to their interests?
    • Ask questions to find out what someone likes. For example, "Hey, have you seen [movie or tape]? Great "or" Do you like [genre film or band, etc]? "
    • Don't pretend you like something just to be friends with someone. If you want to have a best friend, you have to be honest and show who you really are.
    • If you are shy and you see another girl who is on her own then this would be a good person for you to approach. The two of you can probably understand each other better than the popular girl who is the center of every party.
    • If you know each other from an extracurricular activity, then at least you know that you have at least one common interest.
  6. Invite the person to hang out. If you've found someone who has similar interests, invite her over to your home. You can also propose to do something together. Spending time together is key to starting a friendship.
    • When she comes to your home, think about what the two of you can do together. Pick something you both like. You want you guys to have as much fun as possible.
    • Some activities that you can suggest are cycling, painting your nails, watching a movie or going to the movie, or baking cookies.
    • If you can't think of anything, ask your parents to help you come up with ideas.

Method 2 of 3: Become best friends

  1. Exchange phone numbers. Ask your girlfriend if she has a cellphone and what her number is. Text her first one day and see how she responds. If she texts back and asks questions, she's probably interested in further developing the friendship. If she doesn't text back or responds poorly with one word, she may not be interested.
    • Texting is also a great way to have conversations if you are shy or nervous about face-to-face contact. You can then get to know someone so that it is easier to talk to them.
    • If you text her and she never responds, stop. Wait to see if she texts you first.
    • You don't always have to be the person to start conversations.
  2. Be patient. It will take time for a regular girlfriend to become a best friend. You really have to get to know her well and enable you to get to know you well. It can take months for someone to become your best friend.
    • Some friends will never become best friends. There is nothing wrong with remaining ordinary friends.
    • Over time, you should be able to tell if she wants to be your best friend too. In that case, she will put time and effort into your friendship.

    Work on trust. A best friend is someone you can trust. You also need to show this person that you are trustworthy. Don't talk about your girlfriend with other people. If your girlfriend tells you a secret, keep it to you.

    • If you are ever concerned about something your girlfriend has told you, let her know that you are concerned and suggest that the two of you talk to a trusted adult about it.
    • If you and your girlfriend are arguing, talk about it together and don't tell other people.
  3. Try to do something new together. Doing new things with someone will create a bond. It's even better if the activity is something neither of you has tried before. You can then create special memories.
  4. Spend time with your girlfriend on a regular basis. If you don't see the girlfriend regularly, it will be difficult to take your friendship to the next level. How often you spend time together will depend on both of your agendas. Try to make plans together.
    • Don't be too pushy or coercive when you ask. If your girlfriend is hesitant to make plans for the future, don't try to get your way.
    • Let her know that you are happy that the two of you are friends and look forward to doing things together.
    • You can also text her after seeing each other and say, "It was fun today. I'm already looking forward to the next time! "
  5. Focus on the things you have in common. You are more likely to become best friends with someone who shares your interests. You can talk about your likes and things you don't like, but talk more about the things you both like. If you tend to laugh at the same kind of jokes or have similar tastes in music and movies, your best friends are more likely.
    • You won't like everything about your potential best friend, but focus on her good qualities and the fun times you have together.
    • Keep in mind that the more time you spend with someone, the more you will adopt some of the behavioral traits of that person. Choose wisely when choosing a best friend.

Method 3 of 3: Make a good choice

  1. Know when to step back. Maybe you want to be best friends with someone who doesn't want to be your best friend. It can hurt, but know that this is just not the right person. Unfortunately, the person may not be direct telling you that he or she doesn't want to be the best of friends. Pay attention to their behavior. If you notice any of the following, you may need to find a new potential best friend:
    • She makes excuses or is always too busy to hang out with you.
    • She doesn't call or text you first, or it always takes her a long time to respond.
    • You should always take the lead to start a conversation with her.
    • She doesn't want to spend time with you on weekends or after school.
  2. Pay attention to how she interacts with other people. If your girlfriend is lying, gossiping, or being mean to other people, she may not be a good best friend to you. Pay attention to how she interacts with her other friends. Does she gossip about them when they're not around? Is it predominant?
    • The way your girlfriend treats other people, she will probably treat you too.
    • Since you are looking for a best friend, it is best to stay away from girls who gossip about others and exchange personal information. You need a best friend you can trust.
  3. Only share personal information with her over time. Friendships take time to grow. You don't want to reveal too much personal information in the early stages of your friendship. You want to make sure this is someone you can trust.
    • “In the beginning, stick to more superficial things like school, music, TV, or sports teams that you enjoy.
    • In principle, avoid things like fears or family problems. Wait until you've known her for a while.
    • If your girlfriend starts to share more personal information with you, it is a sign that you could also start talking about the same kind of information.
    • Initiate the conversation and see if she responds. If she doesn't, don't continue sharing information.


  • Don't be too tacky or overdo it. You don't want to scare her away or annoy her.
  • Get to know her before you approach. She may not be the right person you would like to have as a best friend.
  • Text messages are a convenient way to chat without creating awkward silences. It will give you as much time as you need to answer or come up with something witty.
  • If she's avoiding you, get some distance before trying again.
  • If she has other friends, talk to them and get to know them.
  • Be confident, don't change yourself for her, just go for it, be yourself, and make sure she likes you for who you really are.
  • If she does things that make you uncomfortable, such as being mean to someone, find another girlfriend.
  • If nothing works, just keep looking. There is always someone looking for someone like you - you just need to find each other!
  • Don't feel bad when your girlfriend hangs out with other people. Make friends with them or find new people and things to do yourself!