Treating a pinched nerve in your hip

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 27 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Sciatica Leg Pain Reveals Pinched Nerve: How to Relieve It Now
Video: Sciatica Leg Pain Reveals Pinched Nerve: How to Relieve It Now


A pinched nerve occurs when there is compression or pressure on a nerve, which leads to pain and discomfort. Learn about relieving pinched nerve symptoms with the help of self-care, exercise, and medications.

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Part 1 of 3: Treating the pinched nerve at home

  1. Follow the PRICE method. PRICE stands for protection (protection), rest, immobilization, compression and elevation. All of these actions help relieve the pain of a pinched nerve and can be easily done at home.
    • Protection: Protecting the nerve means preventing further damage or injury. To protect the hip, avoid exposure to heat (via baths, saunas, heat packs, etc.) and excessive activity.
    • Peace: It is recommended to avoid any activities that could lead to further damage to the affected area for the first 24 to 72 hours. Try to sit or lie down as much as possible.
    • Immobilization: Usually, a splint and bandage are applied to the affected area to immobilize it and prevent further damage.
    • Compression: Make a cold compress by wrapping an ice pack in a damp towel and applying it to the affected area for 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours a day. The cold helps numb the pain and reduce inflammation.
    • Lay high: To lift the hip, place one or two pillows under the hip so that it is higher than your heart while lying down. This promotes good blood circulation to the injured area and aids in healing.
  2. Massage the pinched nerve. A gentle warm oil massage will help relax a pinched nerve. You can ask someone else to perform the hip massage or make an appointment with a massage therapist.
    • A good massage works with long, firm strokes and constant pressure to relax the hip muscles, reduce spasms, and relieve tension in the nerve. Sometimes gentle vibrations are helpful for relaxing the muscles and nerves.
    • You cannot relieve a pinched nerve with a single massage - a few massage sessions will be necessary to help the muscle release the pinched nerve and free you from the discomfort for an extended period of time.
  3. Stretch the piriformis muscle. This exercise works and stretches the hip and lower back muscles, relieving stiffness and pressure on the hip.
    • Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. If the hip hurts on the left side, place your left ankle on top of your right knee. (If the hip pain is on the right side, do the opposite).
    • Make sure the ankle bone is about an inch above the kneecap. Allow the right knee to lean to the side.
    • Lean forward until you feel a stretch on the left side of the outer hip and lower back. Hold this for 10 to 20 seconds.
  4. Bend your hips. This exercise stretches the hip muscles, relieving stiffness and pressure in the hip.
    • Get into a lunge position. The front foot should be about three feet in front of the back foot, with both knees bent at a 90 degree angle. Your back leg should be the sore leg, because that's where the stretch will be the strongest.
    • Place your back knee on the floor. Keep your front knee directly above the heel. Keep your body upright and slowly step forward until you feel a stretch in the front of the back thigh. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds and then release.
  5. Stretch your outer hip. Tight outer hip muscles can put pressure on nerves, causing pain. This exercise relaxes these muscles and thus helps free the pinched nerve.
    • Stand up. Place your sore leg behind the other leg. Push the affected hip out as you lean sideways to the other side.
    • Extend your arm (the one on the same side as the affected hip) above your head and to the other side to stretch even further.
    • You should feel the stretch on the side of the body where the pain is experienced. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds and then release.
  6. Stretch your glutes. Stiffness in the glutes can put pressure on the underlying nerves, leading to pinched nerves and pain in the hips. This exercise can be used to stretch these glutes and relieve nervous tension.
    • Lie on the floor with your legs extended. Bend the knee on the side of the affected hip and bring it towards your chest.
    • Clamp your fingers under the kneecap and pull the knee closer to your chest and slightly to the shoulder. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds and then release.
  7. Experiment with essential oils. Herbal remedies include lavender, rosemary, and thyme essential oils, which are beneficial for their calming and relaxing properties.
    • Research has shown that these essential oils have analgesic and antispasmodic properties, loosening over-tightened nerves and reducing muscle spasms, thus relieving pain from a compressed or pinched nerve.
    • You can apply these essential oils externally as part of a massage. They are particularly effective when applied an hour before bed.

Part 2 of 3: Getting medical treatment

  1. Take painkillers to relieve your pain. If the pain from a pinched nerve is severe, your doctor may recommend taking painkillers. You may be advised to take over-the-counter pain relievers or stronger prescription pain relievers.
    • Painkillers work by blocking and hindering the pain signals to the brain. If the pain signal cannot reach the brain, the pain cannot be interpreted and felt.
    • Examples of common pain relievers are acetaminophen and prescription pain relievers such as codeine and tramadol.
  2. Use anti-inflammatories to reduce inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) work by blocking specific chemicals in the body that cause an injury to become infected. Examples of NSAIDs are ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin.
    • However, NSAIDs should not be used for the first 48 hours after injury because they can delay healing. In the first 48 hours, inflammation is one of the body's compensatory mechanisms after injury.
    • NSAIDs can irritate the stomach, so they should always be taken with a meal.
  3. Ask for steroid injections. Steroid injections can help reduce inflammation and swelling, helping to heal and repair nerves that have been pinched by inflammation.
    • Steroid injections must be prescribed and administered by a physician. The steroids are injected or administered intravenously.
  4. Have your doctor place a brace or splint on your hip. In some cases, your doctor will recommend that you wear a brace or splint on the affected hip. A brace or splint restricts movement and rests the muscles, allowing the pinched nerve to relax and heal faster.
  5. Consider surgery if necessary. If all previous treatments have not worked, surgery may be able to relieve pressure on and compression of the nerves.

Part 3 of 3: Recognizing a pinched nerve

  1. Understand a pinched nerve. Nerve tissue runs out from the brain and spinal cord, and is necessary for the transmission of important messages throughout the body. A pinched nerve in the hip occurs when there is overextension or compression in the center of the body. Since this area is responsible for numerous body movements, damage to the nerves in the hip can result in a lot of pain and discomfort.
  2. Recognize the symptoms of a pinched nerve. The most common symptoms of a compressed or pinched nerve include the following:
    • Numbness or tingling: The affected area may feel irritated. In severe cases, there may be a loss of sensation in the compressed nerve.
    • Pain: Throbbing or radiating pain at the site of the pinched nerve.
    • Stinging feeling: There may be a burning stinging sensation in the pinched nerve.
    • Weakness: Inability to perform certain activities when the pinched nerve condition becomes more severe.
    • Loss of muscle mass: This does not occur until the later stages of the disease. It is always best to compare the affected area with the other, healthy side, to see if there has been any difference in muscle size. If you notice that there is a difference, see your doctor immediately.
  3. Learn about the causes of a pinched nerve. A pinched nerve is caused by the compression or pressure on the nerve as a result of several factors, such as:
    • Repetitive movements: Overuse of certain parts of the body can put too much pressure on the nerve, compressing it.
    • Staying in the same position for a long time: Holding the body in a certain position for a long time can lead to a pinched nerve.
  4. Be aware of the risk factors for developing a pinched nerve. The chance of a pinched nerve is increased by the following risk factors:
    • Heredity: Some individuals are more genetically prone to developing a pinched nerve.
    • Obesity: Too much body weight can put extra stress on the nerves.
    • Arthrosis: This disease causes exostosis (a bony outgrowth of the bone), which compresses the nerves.
    • Overusage: Repetitive movements of certain parts of the body can increase the chance of developing a pinched nerve.
    • Attitude: Poor posture puts extra pressure on the nerves and spine.
  5. Know how a pinched nerve is diagnosed. A pinched nerve can be properly diagnosed after several specialist-recommended procedures, such as:
    • Electromyography: In this procedure, a thin needle electrode is inserted into the muscle to measure electrical activity during periods of activity (contraction) and rest.
    • An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): An MRI is used to determine the presence of nerve root compression. A magnetic field and radio waves are used to generate a more accurate image of the body.
    • Nerve Conduction Study: The stimulation of the nerve with mild electrical impulses by means of patch-like electrodes placed on the skin.