Cleaning a sofa

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Clean Your Sofa / Couch With Oxi Clean
Video: How To Clean Your Sofa / Couch With Oxi Clean


It's an unavoidable certainty - banks are getting dirty. Chip crumbs find their way into cracks, drinks spill and pets leave a trail of mud all over the surface of these sturdy pieces of furniture. Fortunately, cleaning a sofa is relatively easy - all you need is a little bit of time and a few good cleaning supplies.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Before cleaning the sofa

  1. Vacuum up large pieces. Before you start deep cleaning, you may want to remove any surface dirt or particles from the sofa. Use a handheld vacuum or a vacuum cleaner attachment on a normal vacuum cleaner to clean the couch.
    • Use the long, narrow attachment to get into the cracks.
    • Vacuum all pillows completely.
    • Remove the cushions and vacuum the bottom of the sofa.
  2. Use a stiff brush. If there are areas with a lot of dirt or mud, use a stiff-bristled brush to loosen the areas and vacuum up the released dirt. Rub vigorously, but not so hard as to damage the fabric.
  3. Remove dust flakes and hair. While some companies make products specifically designed for households with pets, an average vacuum cleaner will not be able to remove dust flakes or animal hair. Use a dust roller to remove what the vacuum cleaner cannot.
    • Work with a systematic grid over the entire surface of the sofa to make sure you don't miss any hair.
  4. Wipe any hard surfaces that are visible. Many sofas have visible parts of wood or other materials, and you want to give these parts attention. Find a cleaning product that is suitable for the surface you want to clean. An all-purpose cleaner will suffice if you don't have a product on hand for that specific material.
    • If the aerosol sprays wide, put it on a paper towel and rub it over the surface you want to clean. This will prevent you from getting unwanted chemicals on your fabric.
  5. Determine the fabric type of the sofa. Find the label that tells you what the top layer of your sofa is made of. These labels usually have instructions for the type of cleaning products to use for the material.
    • "W" means that you have to use a water-based detergent with a steam cleaner.
    • “WS” means that you can use a water-based cleaner with a steam cleaner as well as a chemical cleaner.
    • "S" means you can only use a chemical cleaner.
    • "O" means that the material is organic and should be washed with cold water.
    • "X" means that you can either vacuum it alone and brush it with the stiff brush or use a professional service for cleaning.

Method 2 of 4: Cleaning a fabric sofa with water-based detergent and a steam cleaner

  1. Pre-work the fabric. Textile pretreater may not be found in most supermarkets, so you may need to buy it online if you can't find it elsewhere. It is used to dissolve and loosen caked-on dirt and oil for easier removal when cleaning.
    • First, test the pretreater on an area of ​​the sofa that is not directly in sight to make sure it does not discolor the fabric.
    • Spray the pre-treatment agent over all parts of the sofa that you want to clean.
  2. Make a solution of detergent and water. Mix 100 ml of your water-soluble cleanser with 100 ml of water in a bucket or other container.
  3. Test your solution in one spot. Dip a cloth in the solution and rub it on an almost invisible spot on the sofa. You can use the same place you tested the pre-treatment on.
    • Let the solution soak in the fabric for 10 minutes, then watch.
    • Press a paper towel over the area to see if any paint comes off the fabric.
    • If there is no discoloration, proceed to the next step.
  4. Prepare the steam cleaner. Different models of steam cleaner may look different, so this step will only give very general instructions.
    • Determine where the tank is on your steam cleaner and unscrew the cap.
    • Pour the textile shampoo and water solution into the tank and screw the cap back on.
    • Connect the hose if it is not permanently attached.
    • Connect the attachment for stairs and furniture to the end of the hose.
  5. Apply the shampoo on the couch. Hold the mouth against the fabric of the sofa and press and hold the switch or button that releases the solution. Hold down the button as you move across the surface of the sofa in a grid pattern, just like when you moved the vacuum cleaner earlier. Make sure to apply the shampoo all over the couch.
    • Move slowly to make sure you distribute the shampoo evenly.
  6. Remove the excess detergent. Release the button that dispenses the shampoo. Now move your mouth over the surface of the sofa one more time, soaking up excess shampoo into the cleaner.
  7. Repeat this process if necessary. If there are certain areas that need extra cleaning, treat them locally with the mouth. However, don't use too much shampoo anywhere, as it can discolor permanently as a result.
  8. Let the sofa air dry. No matter how much you vacuum with the button released, you will not be sucking the fabric dry. Just leave the sofa alone until it is completely air-dried.

Method 3 of 4: Dry cleaning a fabric sofa

  1. Buy a dry cleaner. These are liquids - but they don't contain water like other cleaning agents.
    • You can find chemical cleaners at drugstores and hardware stores, and sometimes at the grocery store.
    • If you can't find it, you can easily buy it online.
  2. Ventilate the room. Chemical cleaners have a very strong odor, so open doors and windows in the room to get rid of the odor and let in fresh air. Turn on a ceiling fan or set up a standing fan aimed at the window or door to get the fumes out of the room.
  3. Apply the chemical cleaner to a clean cloth. It is better to put it on a cloth that you hold against the soiled parts of the fabric than to apply it directly to the sofa. These tools are often very strong, so remember that you can achieve a lot with very little. Follow the directions on the packaging of the specific product you purchased.
  4. Test your solution in one spot. Rub the cloth against a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the sofa. Wait 10 minutes and see if there is any discoloration to the sofa fabric. Press a paper towel over the area to see if any paint comes off the fabric. If there is no discoloration, proceed to the next step.
  5. Press the cloth onto the soiled areas of the sofa. You don't want to rub the stains - just press the cloth with chemical cleaner against it. This can take a long time, but try not to get impatient and apply too much chemical cleaner to the stain. This can damage the fabric.
    • For large stains that require a lot of treatment, take breaks and allow the solution to dry from time to time.
    • Re-apply the cleaning chemical to the cloth if necessary, but remember to exercise restraint.
  6. Drain the chemical cleaner. If you leave the chemicals on your stain for too long, they can cause discoloration on the fabric. To remove the chemical cleaner from the fabric, you can moisten a new cloth with water. It should be damp, but not dripping wet. Wipe over the stains, rinsing and wringing out the cloth as needed.
    • Let the sofa air dry when you are done.

Method 4 of 4: Cleaning a leather sofa

  1. Buy a gentle leather cleaner. While wiping a leather sofa with a damp cloth works fine as a normal cleaning routine, you will need to give it a good service every now and then. Harsh chemicals can damage and discolor leather, so buy a product specifically designed for leather furniture.
    • If you can't find such products in the supermarket, try drugstores and hardware stores. You can also easily buy these products online.
  2. Prepare a cleaning solution with white vinegar. If you don't want to spend money on a cleaning agent, you can make an effective cleaning product at home inexpensively and easily. Simply mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a bowl.
  3. Apply the cleaning agent to the sofa. You don't want to apply the cleaner directly to the couch. Instead, you can put it on a cloth and use that to apply it to the leather. Wipe the cloth over the entire sofa, making sure to work schematically so that you do not miss any spots.
    • The cloth should be damp, but not dripping wet.
  4. Wipe the couch. Use a new, clean cloth to remove any residue from the cleaning agent you just used.
  5. Apply a conditioner on the couch for a night. Make a solution of one part white vinegar and two parts flaxseed oil. Rub that on the couch in a schematic pattern with a new, clean cloth.
    • Let this solution soak in the couch overnight, or eight hours.
  6. Scrub the couch. After you let it soak in overnight, wipe the sofa with another new, clean cloth. This will ensure that the leather is healthy and shiny, like new!


  • If you have stains on the sofa, treat it with a topical cleaner first.
  • If you don't know what kind of cleaning product is recommended for your sofa, call either the manufacturer or the store where you bought it. As a last resort, check the internet for cleaning products intended for upholstery fabrics.

Things you need

  • Vacuum cleaner with attachments
  • Textile cleaner for the type of your sofa
  • Clothes cleaner / steam cleaner
  • Soft wipes