Making a Duck Fart

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Duck Fart Shot - The Kahlua and Baileys Shot That is a Blast to Make
Video: Duck Fart Shot - The Kahlua and Baileys Shot That is a Blast to Make


The Duck Fart is a fun drink that combines three different types of drink in layers in one shot. It is said that the Duck Fart is to Alaska what the Mai Tai is to Hawaii and the Margarita is to Mexico. The Duck Fart is actually very tasty, regardless of its strange name, and is perceived as something sweet. This article will explain how to make it.


Glasses: 1

  • 15 milliliters of Kahlúa
  • 15 milliliters of Bailey's Irish Cream
  • 15 milliliters Crown Royal

To step

Method 1 of 2: Create a standard Duck Fart

  1. Grab a shot glass, but don't put ice in it. This drink is best at room temperature. In addition, the ice will disrupt the layers. The glass should also be clear so you can see the layers.
  2. Pour the Kahlua into the glass. Pour into the center of the glass so that you don't get anything on the sides of the glass. Liquid along the sides can disturb the later layers.
  3. Place a spoon over the Kahlua. Turn the spoon over so that the convex part is facing up. The end should touch the inner wall of the glass, just above the Kahlua. With the spoon you can slowly pour the next two layers into the glass, keeping them intact.
    • Some people find it easier if the end of the spoon just touches the Kahlua. Other people find it easier if they hold the spoon slightly higher. You have to experiment to find out what is easiest for you.
  4. Slowly pour the Bailey's Irish Cream over the spoon. Make sure you pour towards the hand holding the spoon. Lift the spoon further up as the amount of liquid in the glass increases. Do not let the end of the spoon get into the liquid.
    • Patience is the most important. The slower you pour, the better. If you pour too quickly, the layers will mix.
    • Don't worry if the layers start to mix. If this happens, stop and wait a few seconds. The liquids will separate again after they settle down.
  5. Top it off with the Crown Royal as the top layer. Use the same method with the spoon as with the Irish Cream. Try to fill the glass as close to the rim as possible. Don't worry if it will get over it. You can always wipe away what you spill with a cloth.
  6. Drink it in one gulp. Don't sip. The flavors will not mix properly.

Method 2 of 2: Try out variations

  1. Use Grand Marnier instead of Crown Royal to make a B-52. You make a B-52 in exactly the same way as a Duck Fart. However, you are doing Grand Marnier here, instead of Crown Royal. The quantities are exactly the same.
    • Make a B-51 the same way you would a Duck Fart, but use Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur.
  2. Make a mug of Duck Fart coffee. Pour the Baileys, Crown Royal and Kahlua into a 350 to 475 milliliter coffee mug. Add some fresh filter coffee until the mixture is just below the top of the mug. Finish with whipped cream and crème de cacao. This is what you need to make a mug of Duck Fart coffee:
    • 45 milliliters of Bailey's® Irish Cream
    • 45 milliliters of Crown Royal® Canadian whiskey
    • 45 milliliters of Kahlua® coffee liqueur
    • 180 - 260 milliliters of fresh filter coffee
    • Whipped cream (as desired)
    • Crème de cocoa (as desired)
  3. Make a Taiwan Duck Fart. Pour the Seagrams 7, Kahlua and Baileys into a cocktail shaker. Add some ice and shake to mix. Pour the drink through a strainer into a shot glass and serve. This is what you need to make a Taiwan Duck Fart:
    • 10 milliliters of Seagram's® 7 whiskey
    • 10 milliliters of Kahlua® coffee liqueur
    • 10 milliliters of Bailey's® Irish Cream
  4. Try a Moose Fart by adding some vodka and then mixing it with ice. Pour equal parts of Kahlua, Bailey's, Crown Royal, and Vodka into a blender. Add ice until the mixture thickens. Serve the drink in a shot glass.


  • If you are not a fan of Crown Royal you can also use whiskey. Canadian whiskey is the most recommended.
  • Use Amaretto instead of Kahlua to make a sweeter Duck Fart.
  • Don't worry if the layers fail. Use the failed drink as an addition to your coffee or dip a piece of sponge cake in it. If you made it for yourself, you can also just drink it.
  • Pouring can be tricky with large, nearly full bottles. Consider using a cocktail pouring spout. It will make the act easier.


  • Take the time to pour each layer into the glass. If you pour too quickly, the layers will mix. The layers are part of the Duck Fart.


  • Shot glass
  • Small spoon