Getting thinner legs

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SLIMMER LEGS in 10 Days (lose thigh fat) | 8 minute Home Workout
Video: SLIMMER LEGS in 10 Days (lose thigh fat) | 8 minute Home Workout


Would you like thinner legs? Then here are some ways to lose fat on your legs and get thinner legs.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Part 1: Easy exercises you can do anywhere

  1. Walk daily. This is the simplest exercise for thin legs. Use a pedometer. You should take about 10,000 steps every day.
    • To make walking seem less tiring, put on flats or sneakers. If you keep this up, you will see results within a month.
  2. Go running. Running will help you lose more energy and burn more fat. Try to do this at least three times a week.
    • Use an exercise bike or go cycling. Cycling burns a lot of calories, around 500-600 per hour, making it one of the best exercises to lose fat.
  3. Do simple floor exercises. Lie flat on your back with your legs on the floor. Put your arms on the floor next to you. Now bend your knee from one leg. Then kick your other leg up in the air as high as you can and slowly lower it to the floor. Do this 60 times and switch sides.
  4. Do "leg rolls". Lie on your right side and place your left arm on the floor in front of you for support. Lift your left leg to hip height. Pretend that your leg is in a barrel, and with your leg straight, rotate circles around the inside of the barrel. Do 60 rounds and switch sides.
  5. Go trampolining. This burns a lot of calories and it is a lot of fun. It also tones your muscles for a toned look.
  6. Try Pilates. Pilates is an ideal sport to build leg muscles. The stretch and core workouts burn fat in the toughest areas and it's perfect for those who don't feel like putting on a show while exercising. A mat, a DVD (or a group lesson) and a bottle of water is all you need.

Method 2 of 4: Part 2: Exercises for the gym

  1. Go for a swim! Go to a public swimming pool when it is quiet. It is best to go in the evening for that. Swim laps in breaststroke. Swimming is the perfect way to burn fat on your legs and build muscle.
  2. Use a balance ball. If you are lying on a mat or bed, put the ball in front of you. Put your legs on top of the ball, lift your hips and slowly roll the ball off your hips. Do this until you can't go any further and don't let your hips touch the floor.
  3. Get on the elliptical cross trainer without an incline. If you adjust it with an incline, you will get thicker calf muscles. Keep the resistance low.

Method 3 of 4: Part 3: Eat healthy

  1. Eat more protein. Proteins are filling and are good for muscle building. Eat fish, chicken, and turkey, among other things.
  2. Eat servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits and vegetables provide fiber, which can help you reduce the amount of fat your body stores.
  3. Drink lots of water. You should drink 2-3 liters of water per day. Not only does water help flush toxins out of your body, it also keeps your skin hydrated, smooth and glowing.
  4. Avoid fatty and sugary foods. Things like cookies, ice cream, cake and chocolate are not only full of empty calories that don't give you energy, but they also accumulate in your legs.
  5. Avoid products that are too salty. These types of products cause your skin to dry out. Examples are salted peanuts and popcorn.

Method 4 of 4: Part 4: General tips

  1. Don't expect to lose weight on your legs alone. The body converts fat into energy when you exercise or eat less. Unfortunately, the body gets that fat from wherever it wants, and not just where you want it.
  2. Exercising a specific area of ​​your body has its advantages (becoming more streamlined) and its drawbacks (disappointment if the fat doesn't magically disappear). Don't expect leg exercises to suddenly give you thin legs without lowering the overall fat percentage in your body.
  3. Don't starve yourself. Many people who want to lose weight make that mistake. Their reasoning: calories are stored as fat when the body is not using them; calories come from food; when I starve myself I get fewer calories; if I take in fewer calories, less fat is stored. That is a misconception.
  4. What happens if a person starves themselves? The body realizes that it is getting less food, your digestion slows down to conserve energy and you are going to burn lean tissue instead of fat, because that is what your body wants to preserve as an emergency supply.
    • If you well losing weight by starving yourself (you took the hard, painful road!) your body will immediately start storing fat again as soon as you start eating normally again, and you just have to eat again. Why is it like that? Because your digestion is still hibernating and needs to get going again. How do you get it going again? Through the correct eat food.
  5. It takes a while before you will see results. Many people with good intentions and strong discipline quit just before they start seeing results. They work very hard for a month, see no results and desperately throw their hands in the air. Calm but sure is the correct motto.
  6. Use your legs less if you are thin but have very muscular legs. Many people who want thin legs also want to be thinner overall. But some people are thin overall, except for their legs.
  7. Accept yourself. Sometimes it's just in the genes. Sometimes you were just born with it. Whatever exercise or diet you do, it doesn't help just because you were born that way. Instead of worrying about it, you better accept and embrace it. It sounds gooey, but it makes you happier in the end. Anyone who really cares about you won't care at all.


  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator. It is a good way to exercise a little more and does not cost you free time.
  • Don't be afraid to change your movement every now and then. Old routines can stagnate and then your body goes into a movement slur. At the same time, you should not give up your sport quickly because you find it too difficult.
  • Don't overdo it, give it some time and you'll get in shape.
  • Have patience, it takes time :)!
  • Try to stretch every day so that your muscles don't get too fat.
  • Be careful with dairy because it contains a lot of fat !!!


  • Don't overwork yourself, you can get permanent injuries.
  • You cannot decide for yourself where you want to lose fat. But you can train your legs well so that they look better.