Treat dry lips

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Dry, damaged lips can be very annoying. Not only does the dryness make your mouth feel sore, but it also looks like you came straight out of a zombie movie. Although many people only suffer from dry lips in harsh winter weather, the ailment can also occur in the spring and summer.

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Part 1 of 3: Using lip products

  1. Use moisturizing products. The fastest way to make your lips feel better quickly is to apply a lip balm that contains moisturizing ingredients. Vaseline is a good example of this. Other moisturizing ingredients are beeswax and shea butter.
    • Avoid heavy matte lipsticks. These can dry out your lips.
  2. Protect your lips from the sun. When purchasing lip products, make sure that the balm or ointment contains at least SPF 30. Make sure your lower lip is well lubricated, as it is often more exposed to the sun than your upper lip.
  3. Beware of allergens. If you feel that your lip balm or ointment is not helping, you can check the ingredients list. You may be allergic to some ingredients, such as avobenzone.
    • Fragrances and dyes can also cause allergic reactions. Therefore, make sure you choose a lip balm that does not contain perfume and contains mainly natural ingredients.
    • Common allergens in lip balms are menthol, eucalyptus and camphor.
    • Be aware that using lip gloss can cause cheilitis or acute chronic inflammation of the lips. These ailments are often caused by a contact / allergen dermatitis or an atopic dermatitis. This can be caused by the overuse of lip gloss.
  4. Exfoliate your lips. If you notice that your lips have dry spots and the top layer of skin is coming off, exfoliating or brushing your lips can help. You can buy special products at the drugstore, but you can also use the easy recipe below.
    • Mix 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, half a teaspoon of honey and a quarter of a teaspoon of vanilla extract in a small bowl. Apply the scrub to your lips and then rub your lips together to let the scrub soak into the skin. Use a clean cloth to remove the excess scrub. Now apply a moisturizing lip balm to take good care of your lips.
    • Don't exfoliate your lips too often; once or twice a week is sufficient.

Part 2 of 3: Prevent chapped lips in the future

  1. Avoid being exposed to dry air too often. Since your lips produce little moisture on their own, they are very sensitive to low humidity. Cold, winter air often causes lip problems, but a heating system or air conditioner can also be the culprit.
  2. Add moisture to the air. While you may not be able to influence the outdoors, you can use a humidifier indoors. You will especially benefit from this if you switch the device on at night in the bedroom. After all, when you sleep, your lips will rest and the extra moisture in the air will probably lessen the irritation.
  3. Stay hydrated. A good way to keep your lips beautiful is to drink 8 to 12 glasses of water a day.
  4. Protect your lips from the elements. Make sure your lips are always protected from sunlight (for example, use a balm with SPF 30), but also use a scarf to cover your lips. This is especially important when it is very cold outside. Always apply lip balm in the winter before going out.
  5. Breathe through your nose. If you have a habit of breathing through your mouth, this could be the reason your lips dry out. Try to breathe deeply through your nose to avoid chapped lips.
  6. Don't lick your lips. Licking your lips is one of the main causes of dry, chapped lips. Saliva is intended to aid in the digestion of food and contains an acidic enzyme that can damage the top layer of your skin.
    • If you lick your lips, it can feel nice because the skin is slightly less dry for a moment. In the long run, however, the saliva you spread over your lips is harmful to the skin.

Part 3 of 3: Understanding the causes of dry lips

  1. Accept that your skin is thin. The skin on your lips is thinner than the skin on the rest of your body. In addition, your lips are also constantly exposed to the elements. Both the composition and location of your lips make them very fragile.
    • Your lips also have fewer natural oil glands to keep the skin hydrated. As a result, they need some extra external support in some circumstances, for example in the form of balms and ointments.
  2. Watch out for the sun. When we apply sunscreen, we often forget to include our lips in the care process. However, your lips can also get burned from harmful UVA / UVA rays.
    • Skin cancer can also develop on your lips.
  3. Keep a close eye on your vitamin intake. Sometimes dry lips are caused by a vitamin B2 deficiency. If you've tried different methods of moisturizing your lips, but nothing works, it's best to see your doctor. He can then check whether you have a vitamin deficiency.
  4. Read about the side effects of medicines. Some medications, such as the anti-acne drug Roaccutane, can cause extremely dry lips. Therefore, if you are taking medications with this side effect, you will need to take extra care of your lips.
  5. Ready.