Pretending to be sick so you don't have to go to school

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 2 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BuIIies Don’t Realise This Deaf Girl Has Been Pretending To Be Deaf For Years
Video: BuIIies Don’t Realise This Deaf Girl Has Been Pretending To Be Deaf For Years


Don't feel like going to school today? Didn't do your homework yesterday? Maybe you have that nasty gym class today? Or are you just lazy? Maybe you just don't want to go back to school after taking a break? Well, here's how to pretend you're sick so you can take a day off!

To step

Part 1 of 5: Start your illness the day before

  1. Show minor symptoms the night before. If you want to stay home the next day, tell your mom or dad the night before that you're not feeling well.
    • Don't tell them too early the day before, because some illnesses, such as stomach pain, will go away on their own during the night. Start symptoms after 6:30 PM or after eating.
    • If you have ever been sick with virus or bacteria, repeat the symptoms of these illnesses; you will be more convincing. But do know that you cannot get the same bacteria twice. If you have seen someone with a cold, imitate these symptoms so it appears that that person made you sick.
    • Slap your cheeks. When you get a cold or get sick, you have red cheeks. You can imitate this by slapping your cheeks several times when your parents are not looking. Don't overdo it either, because you don't want to hurt yourself. You can also use face paint, but it can come off.
    • Be clumsy, it will make you look sick or tired.
  2. Refuse to do anything you enjoy doing. Your parents will be more likely to believe you if you give up something you like to do instead of something you don't like (school).
    • Leave half of your favorite dish for dinner. If your parents ask what's wrong, say you have a stomach ache. Make sure you have something to eat in your room so you can skip a meal and make them think you are sick because you are "not feeling well."
    • If you were planning to go to friends, cancel this.
    • Ask if you can skip the family moment this time or skip your favorite TV show.
  3. Start your homework, but don't finish it. This will not make you suspect that you want to stay at home and at the same time it will give you a reason to stay home the next day.
    • If you normally do your homework in the evening, get to work, but put your head down every now and then so that people can see that you are not feeling well and are interrupting your work.
    • If you normally do your homework on time, do it as you always do, it seems like you want to go to school. In half of your homework, on the other hand, you say that you are not feeling well.
    • By not completing your homework, you have an extra excuse for not going to school.
    • This works well if you have parents who want you to get good grades.
  4. Go to bed early. Going to bed early will worry your parents, especially if you normally try to stay up longer than you are allowed to.
    • You don't have to say anything special or just say you don't feel well and lie down.
    • You can also try to get your parents' attention by walking past them out of the room and going straight to bed.
    • If you really feel a little sick, but not enough for your parents to listen to you, exaggerate the symptoms. (For example, "nauseous" becomes "I'm about to throw up"). Some studies show that you feel what you think. That would be great if your parents cannot find out anything! Just remember that this devilish plan only works if you are "getting sick" in real life, so not recommended if you are not sick. This will strengthen your excuse the next morning!
    • Don't brush your teeth. If your parents notice this, they will likely come into your room to remind you. When they see you, they'll wonder what's wrong and you can tell them you're not feeling well.
    • Act impatient, even cranky, and show that you want to go to bed. Don't be too grumpy either, because you want your parents to feel sympathy for you and not punish you for being rude!
  5. Wake up around 1 a.m. and wake your parents. Tell them you don't feel well.
    • If you pretend you have stomach problems, say you just threw up (and leave some fake vomit in the toilet).
    • Try to cry (if you can) to make it look like you are really sick. Just make sure it looks real! Think of your pet dying or something sad that makes you cry.
    • Pull your lower lid until it hurts, then blink hard a few times. This will give you watery eyes.
    • If you are imitating symptoms for the flu or a sore throat, cough or clear your throat loud enough for your parents to hear you in their bedroom. Rub your face hard before they enter your room to make you look red and sick.
  6. Stay awake at night. As a result, you will get bags under your eyes and you will have a real reason to get a day off. Purple or gray eyeshadow also works well for imitating puffiness.
    • Go to bed one or two hours later than usual. This will give you small bags under your eyes or they will look a bit puffy.
    • Try to get at least four hours of sleep if you don't want to be too tired for your day at home.

Part 2 of 5: Strengthen your illness in the morning

  1. Allow yourself to surrender. Wake up to your parents and silently make fake vomit. Throw this in the toilet and pretend to throw up. If this doesn't wake them up, go to them and tell them what just "happened."
  2. Linger while getting dressed. Don't volunteer for school. Instead, pretend it's hard for you to get ready.
    • Dress slowly, but not too slow.Leave a button open, don't comb your hair the way you should, and tie your laces sloppily (or let them loose).
    • Get watery eyes. Think of something sad and let your eyes water. You can also rub them to make them look red.
  3. Make false bags under your eyes. Even if you've slept enough and you don't have natural puffiness, you can easily fake them.
    • Take your mother's light purple or blue eyeshadow.
    • Mix them in some water to obtain a more natural color.
    • Rub them in well, but make sure you can still see the difference.
    • You can also rub some Vaseline under your eyes.
  4. Leave your breakfast. When you are not feeling well you have been known to have a lack of appetite. Your parents will be concerned, especially if you're a good eater in the morning or if they've prepared your favorite breakfast.
  5. Protest if they suggest you stay at home. If your parents decide that you stay at home, don't just shrug or agree.
    • Protest their decision (only if you didn't convince them you were sick first). This reinforces the belief that you are really sick.
    • Say, "But Mommy, I'm going to have to catch up on so much work!" or "But I have a math test today!" If your parents know you don't care much about tests, say, "But I have music rehearsal" or something they know you love to do.
    • Do not exaggerate. Don't say you have a test if they know you don't care. That can have the opposite effect unless you are careful.
    • Don't overly beg to stay home, your parents might find you care.

Part 3 of 5: Faking a specific disease

  1. Pretend you have a rash. You will certainly be able to stay at home thanks to an allergic reaction or another contagious rash.
    • First, scratch your chest for a long time until it looks bright red.
    • Try to do it in circular movements, that seems more convincing.
    • Try to combine the "rash" with something else, such as a cold or headache.
  2. Pretend you have a fever. If you can impersonate well that you are sick, your parents will probably want to measure your fever. So be prepared to act quickly and imitate a fever.
    • Ask if you can go to the bathroom before they take your temperature.
    • Make sure you have a cup with you. Fill it with warm water that you drink and rinse your mouth with, especially under your tongue. This will raise the temperature of your mouth.
    • Make sure you flush the toilet before you turn on the faucet to keep your parents from getting too suspicious!
    • Note: this only works if the temperature is measured under your tongue. With an ear thermometer, try to hold something warm to your ear before taking your temperature, such as a radiator or a light bulb.
    • If your parents only feel your forehead, rub it regularly when they're not looking or take a hairdryer and warm your face with it. Then say that your forehead feels warm.
    • Place warm water in your armpits, on your forehead and jaw. It makes you warm and it seems that you sweat.
    • You must achieve a temperature higher than 37 ° C, but lower than 39.4 ° C. Below 37 ° C you will not have a fever, but above 39.4 ° C you will be taken to a doctor immediately.
  3. Pretend you have migraines. It is very easy to mimic migraines because no one can know whether you are telling the truth or not. Just mimicking the symptoms will make your parents believe you.
    • The light and most of the sounds disturb you. Pretend they annoy you.
    • Say only one specific part of your head hurts, like above your right eyebrow. This is important if you want to mimic a migraine.
    • Occasionally touch your forehead and frown your eyebrows when doing this.
    • Say you feel dizzy and can't see very well. When you walk slowly, stop suddenly, close your eyes, and "regain your balance" while holding something or someone.
    • Ask your parents if they can talk more quietly.
    • If this is the day for your day off, go to sleep and turn off all the lights. If you're just hanging out at home, turn off the light next to you and lie down on the couch or chair that is closest to you.
    • Ask for a drug such as ibuprofen, but don't take it.
  4. Pretend you have diarrhea. This works well, especially after breakfast.
    • Suddenly run to the toilet.
    • Stay in the toilet for a while, flush, and spray a whole lot of air freshener to cover up the supposed odor.
    • You can also try to make fake diarrhea.
  5. Pretend you have conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is very common and very contagious! You will certainly be able to stay at home if someone thinks you have conjunctivitis.
    • Take red lipstick (you can find it in your mother's purse) and some Vaseline and spread them around one eye rim.
    • Only do it for one eye, because you usually only get conjunctivitis in one eye.
  6. Pretend you have stomach pain, nausea, or cramps. They can only take your word for it. The only real symptom that comes with this is vomiting and you can easily fake that.
    • After you eat, you may start to complain of a stomach ache.
    • If your parents are not looking for a moment, put a finger down your throat (but not too far) and you will gag without vomiting. If you feel like you are actually going to vomit, quickly remove your fingers. Don't use this technique too often because you don't want to hurt yourself.
    • Use fake vomit to complete the effect. Take oatmeal and water, walk to the bathroom, put the oatmeal and water in your mouth, spit it in the toilet, and show it to your parents.
    • You can also put some vomit on the floor (or in your bed if you want it to look more believable). In the morning, say you don't remember and apologize to the person cleaning it up. Be careful if you let someone else clean it up because if they take a close look at it, they may realize it's not actual vomit.
    • If you already get your rules, you can tell your parents that you have cramps or that it's that time of the month again. Your dad probably won't even want to talk about it and your mom will understand you. No one will disprove your reasons.
  7. Pretend you have a cold or the flu. There are several colds and flu that you can easily imitate. They are also very contagious, so your parents probably won't want to send you to school so your classmates don't get infected.
    • Blow your nose into a bunch of tissues and throw them on the floor or on your nightstand / on your bed. Your parents will think that you have a bad cold and will not let you go to school.
    • Only breathe through your mouth, as if your nose were blocked.
    • If you're not in the same room as your parents and they ask you something, gently pinch your nose when you answer them.
    • Wear several layers of clothes. So it seems that you are cold and shivering.
    • Sneeze loudly and sniffle when you are with your parents. Only do this if they are not in the same room, but they can hear you.
    • Pull your lips tight to make them look chapped and pull your nose to make it red.
    • Say your "bones hurt" or you are in pain all over.
  8. Pretend you have a sore throat. Just make sure they don't think you have strep throat, or you'll end up with the doctor right away.
    • Let your mouth hang open when walking around to get a dry throat.
    • Avoid eating and drinking.
    • Suck on red-colored cough candies so that your throat turns red.
    • Make a face when you swallow. Speak in a low, hoarse voice and take small sips of water all the time.
    • Say your throat feels a bit prickly and it looks like you are swallowing glass.

Part 4 of 5: Hold on during the day

  1. Consider your parents' expectations. It may be that your parents come under the day to check whether you are really sick or to see if you are already feeling better.
    • If your parents stay at home with you, just pretend you're sleeping and make sure you respond appropriately when they come to watch.
    • If your parents are working, give them a call to reassure them. That way you come across as responsible and it doesn't seem like you're having fun.
    • If they call you from work to see if everything is okay, wait for the phone to ring at least three times before answering and let your voice sound as tired as possible.
  2. Show that you are doing better. If you stay at home, pretend you sleep a lot and little by little "feel better".
    • You can stop one or two symptoms around noon.
    • If you don't seem better at the end of the day, your parents may want to take you to the doctor, who, of course, will not be able to diagnose illness.
    • If your parents want to go to the doctor with you, pretend you feel much better or just admit you weren't sick.
  3. Don't overdo it at home. Don't forget that you are supposed to be sick!
    • Do not leave the house or make sure that no one sees you. If a neighbor or friend of your parents sees you, they may tell your parents.
    • Before your parents get home, make sure you have all the games put away. When they see you're having a good time, they'll think it's set up.
    • Clean up internet history so they don't know you've been playing on the internet all day.
    • Don't forget to remove the link to this article from your history.
    • Do not keep bookmarks or anything you have downloaded on your computer. Your parents will notice that you did these things during your "sick day." Delete this page from your browser history so that your parents don't ask you about it.

Part 5 of 5: Deceiving your teacher and the school nurse

  1. Request permission to go to the nurse. Depending on your school, you may need to get permission from your teacher to go to the nurse's office. Nurses can be difficult and usually get deceivers out this way because they have to deal with it every day. You can more easily mislead them if you plan two different visits in one day.
    • Wait an hour or two after the school day starts and then ask your teacher if you can go to the bathroom.
    • Stay there a little longer than usual, go back to class and tell him / her you threw up and want to go to the nurse.
  2. Ask the nurse if you can only "lie down". Start with simple questions like these instead of "I want to go home."
    • When you go to the nurse for the first time, tell her that you don't feel well, that you feel dizzy, or that you feel sleepy.
    • Ask if you can rest for a while before returning to your class. This makes it seem like you don't really want to go home and sit out the school day.
  3. Pretend to fall asleep. Your story will gain in authenticity and it will seem that you really don't feel well.
    • Don't put it on too thick by snoring, keep it simple and cover your face with the pillow or a cloth.
    • It also seems like you are sensitive to light (a symptom of migraine) and like you want to get better by sleeping.
  4. Tampering with medical tests. The nurse may want to run some medical tests that can confirm your story.
    • If the nurse wants to take your blood pressure, hold your breath while she takes it. This lowers your blood pressure and makes it appear that you are indeed ill.
    • Tell the nurse you threw up. Usually they have no doubts about this.
    • The nurse will also want to take your temperature. If this is done with a mouth thermometer, make sure you rinse your mouth with warm water just before going to the nurses or have some walking around so that your body temperature has risen and you look a little feverish.
  5. Give the nurse a second visit. If the nurse sends you back to your class, don't panic! This just means that you will make a second visit so you can miss the class and actually be sent home this time.
    • Tell the nurse you tried your best, but you still don't feel well and you are "too sick to concentrate." These are the magic words.
    • Say you feel some of the above symptoms of flu, nausea, etc.
    • Don't make it too difficult. Don't overdo it by exaggerating symptoms or by listing too many. Just say that you "feel bad", "have a headache" and "can't concentrate in class because it hurts."
    • It's tempting to ask her to call your parents, but don't! This will make her realize that you just want to go home and that you don't really feel sick.
    • If you know someone who is already sick, tell them that you recently spent time with them. Especially if the nurse knows that this person is ill, you can pretend you have contracted the same as this person.


  • If you have makeup, use a pale foundation and rub some black eyeshadow under your eyes.
  • If your parents put their hand on your arm and ask you what this feels like, say it feels neither cold nor warm.
  • Read about how parents catch children pretending to be sick so you know how to get around their techniques.
  • Don't beg too much to stay at home, your parents will suspect that it is set up.
  • If your parents aren't kicking in anything, give them a call while you're at school and tell them you can't keep it up all day.
  • If you're pretending to have a cold, say you want Vick's Vaporub. The smell alone makes you think of being sick and they will believe you more easily. If you rub it on your nose, it starts walking and it makes you look really sick.
  • If your parents realize that you are pretending that you are sick, make sure you have a good story that they will accept, such as that you are very stressed at school. They will be less angry when they know you are having problems.
  • Don't tell anyone you're pretending to be sick.
  • Farmer when your parents are around and say it tastes like rotten eggs, that's a sign your stomach isn't okay.
  • Drink warm tea, place a cold cloth on your head and suck on cough sweets. You can also say that your ears are blocked.


  • If you often pretend you're sick, your parents won't trust you anymore. If you really have to have a day off, they won't believe you. Even if you just pretend once and you're discovered, your parents won't trust you, even if you're really sick.
  • Do not pretend that you are sick for more than three days. Your parents can send you to the doctor and you will be discovered.
  • A virus usually does not last longer than 24 hours. Do not feign a stomach virus for a long time.
  • Do not feign the same disease all the time and not too often in succession. Your parents will catch on to you so quickly.
  • It is dangerous to induce vomiting. It can cause damage to the stomach, esophagus and teeth.
  • Doesn't suddenly get better; this is very suspicious.
  • Do not leave school for a whole week, because you will miss many lessons and you will have to catch up on a lot of work afterwards. The best days to pretend you're sick are Friday or Monday. But these days are also the most suspicious.
  • Under no circumstances take real medicines or induce vomiting. Medicines are not without danger. They have side effects, and even over-the-counter drugs can harm you if you aren't actually sick. So when you get medicines, spit them out.