Dating a rich man

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
the TRUTH about dating RICH men
Video: the TRUTH about dating RICH men


You have never been in a relationship with a rich man and are nervous about how to fit into his lifestyle. Want to know how to have a meaningful relationship without feeling out of place and show your husband you love him for who he is faster than you can say "foie gras" ? Then read on to find out!

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  1. Think about your motives. Ask yourself if you're in love with a guy who happens to be rich, or if you're dating a guy, just because he is rich. If the diamond earrings he gives you are more meaningful to you than his loving kisses, chances are you got into this relationship for the wrong reason, and it won't last long. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to find out your true intentions:
    • Would he still be a great catch without the beautiful house and luxury car? If you're not sure you'd still love your current lover if he lived in a one-room condo and owned a car older than you, then you might be in love with what he owns, not who he owns is.
    • Are you 20 and he is approaching retirement age? While age may be just a number, "sugar daddy" is more than just a word.
    • Is "he's rich" the first thing that comes to mind when someone asks you what you love about him? If you're obsessed with his wealth, chances are you don't respect his other good qualities - or they don't exist at all.
    • Do you have a history of only dating rich men? If he's the tenth rich person you've been in a relationship with, this may be the only quality you care about, and it may be time to think about what you're looking for in a relationship.
  2. Enjoy its wealth, but also give something in return. Sure, the champagne and oysters are a treat, but if you go and ask for them every night without putting anything in their place, you may suspect you've fallen in love with his bank account, not his intelligence or sense of belonging. Humour. Find a balance between expensive activities and those that everyone can afford.
    • Pay the bill every now and then. Even though you're short on cash, it's important to show that you care about contributing, if only by paying for the movie when he's paid for the food, or ordering drinks in a bar. You can also look for special offers at restaurants that are normally expensive, or find out which venue has free music, so you can still afford the delicious food and fun ambiance.
    • Treat him to a cheap meal. You can invite him home and prepare a delicious but inexpensive meal for him, along with a reasonably priced bottle of wine, or prepare a nice picnic basket to show him that you are putting time and energy into planning your dates.
    • Invite him to participate in an activity that is not too expensive. Ask him to participate in outdoor activities such as walking, hiking, or just sunbathing on the beach. If it's too cold to spend a lot of time outside, invite him to explore a new museum or bookstore in the area. This shows that his presence is more important than his presents.
  3. Don't be silly about his wealth. If he's the right guy for you, he doesn't want you to keep repeating how rich he is or how great it is to date a rich man. This can cause him to question himself - and your relationship.
    • When introducing him to your new friends, make sure to tell them to be discreet. When someone says, "Oh, so you're that rich guy I've heard so much about," it might sound like that's the only quality of him you're thinking about.
    • If he wants to pay for something luxury, make him pay. If he's determined to take you to the opera or on an expensive vacation, you don't want to mess up his nice gesture by repeating, "This must have cost a fortune ..." That will ruin the romantic mood and keep you from enjoying the gesture.
  4. Try to fit in with his lifestyle. While you don't have to copy every step he takes, especially if you don't have a penny of your own, it's nice if you have the same interests and understand better which world he comes from. And the more you have in common, the more likely your love will grow.
    • Dress as best you can. Dress to impress as best you can, even if it means buying clothes on sale that will make you rich looks like. You can easily replace diamonds with cubic zirconia, buy fake bags that look like the real deal, or wait for expensive clothes to go on sale before picking the perfect item. You can also indulge in a "real" luxury item from time to time - this is about quality, not quantity, so if you only own a few important items, it will complete the rest of your outfit.
    • Learn "rich" hobbies. Try sports that mainly target the wealthy, such as sailing, polo, or tennis. You learn a new skill, make new friends and have fun at the same time!
  5. It can be seen who has money, shows you don't care. If you have serious plans with your rich guy, chances are you will meet his family and wealthy friends. Make a good impression and show how much you love your new admirer - and not his new sailing yacht.
    • If you are nervous about meeting his friends, keep in the background when you first meet him to get a feel for the group dynamics, then engage in a friendly conversation indicating that you are not being intimidated by their wealth.
    • When you first meet his family, don't try to talk about his money or all the extravagant things you've done together. Chances are he has dealt with a gold digger before, and that his family is already looking for any evidence that your intentions are not entirely clear.
    • Be yourself. Even if it is necessary to change your approach at the beginning, remember to always be yourself. If you love who you really are, his friends and family are sure to follow.
  6. Whether he's rich or poor, you'll still have to do everything you can to make your relationship work. In the end, remember that rich people aren't all that different from all of us - they just have more money. Treat this relationship like any other.
    • Make sure you communicate with each other in an open and honest manner. It's important to tell him what's on your mind and if his wealth makes you uncomfortable.
    • Tell him something new every day that you love about him. That way, he can be sure that you love the person he is at heart, not his purse.
    • If you enjoy your relationship, don't feel guilty that you are also enjoying the benefits of a relationship with a rich man. And if you end up taking a trip to Venice together during this process, that's a bonus!


  • The man may be good in and of itself, but money can corrupt him over time.
  • Most rich men are aggressive. Keep that in mind if you want to hook up with a rich man.
  • Rich people can be very busy and are often (but not always) devoted to their job.