Chat with someone you like

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
"We Now Have This Amazing Opportunity" | INSPIRED Conversation With Max Igan
Video: "We Now Have This Amazing Opportunity" | INSPIRED Conversation With Max Igan


Just socializing with someone you like without getting nervous can be a daunting task, but when you chat with them, you have the advantage of being able to think about exactly what you want to say before you hit send. Plus, your crush can't see you turning red when he or she sends you that winking emoji! There are just a few things to keep in mind to keep your conversation flowing, from good entrants and ways to flirt, to a few blunders you should try to avoid.

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Method 1 of 3: Start a conversation

  1. Try to find a personal way to start the conversation. Avoid texting the person you like with just `` Hi '' or `` Hello. '' Instead, think of a creative way to get your crush's attention and get them interested right from the start in the conversation. For example, you could name something you talked about the last time you saw each other, or you could text your crush if something reminds you of them.
    • For example, you could say something like, "Hey Jessica! I just saw a T-shirt that would be perfect for your carnival cowboy costume. Do you want to see a picture? "

    Tip: if you're not sure if your crush saved your number, don't forget to let us know who you are. You could say something like, "Hey, it's me, Chris, that guy from the cafe yesterday. I was happy to meet you! "

  2. Give your crush one compliment if you want to appear daring. A flattering opening line is a great way to start a conversation spontaneously. This gives your crush a good feeling about himself and you also come across as confident and decisive.
    • For example, you could say, "Hey, beautiful!" Or, "How are you, top footballer?"
    • You could also say something like, "You looked so good this afternoon, say!"
  3. Start with a open question so that you are more likely to get an answer. If you ask a question that the other person can only answer yes or no, you may indeed get a response of no more than one word, so try to come up with a question that will make your crush need an explanation of his or her answer. to give. That way, he or she will be involved in the conversation from the start. And as a bonus, you can learn a little more about him or her through the answers you get!
    • Try something like, "What did you think about the physics test yesterday? How do you think the writing part went? "(If your crush did a really good job while you were having a hard time with it, ask if he or she can help you study for the next test.)
    • You could also ask something like, "I'm quite bored. What do you like to do? "You may discover that you and your crush share some of the same hobbies!
  4. Start with something very ordinary if you want to show your playful side. If you normally enjoy making dry, simple jokes, don't be afraid to show your crush that side of yourself right from the start! The next time a crazy thought comes to your mind, spontaneously send it to your crush in a text message. If he or she understands and responds well, then you might be a good match!
    • For example, you could say, "I love cheese so much that I've been thinking about making cheese myself!" Do you think that's difficult? "Or" Who do you think wins in a fight between a llama and a raccoon? "
  5. Ask your crush what he or she is doing. Once you've managed to start the conversation, ask what your crush is doing. If he or she isn't busy, keep talking to him or her, but if your crush says he or she is just doing something, tell them you can talk to each other later. That way you can be sure that you are not a burden while he or she is doing something. Chances are that he or she will appreciate that you have respected his or her schedule, which increases the likelihood that your crush will be willing to chat with you later.
    • For example, if your crush is just having dinner with his or her family, you could say, "Fine, have a nice meal. I'll talk to you tomorrow! "

    Use emojis to show your crush how you feel. If you want to let your crush know that you like him or her, send some flirty emojis, like a wink or a heart-eyed face. Just exaggerate non-1 or 2 emojis per message is more than enough.

    • Other nice emojis include a heart, flames (to let your crush know you think he or her "hot", of course!), And the smiling face with tears when he or she says something funny.
    • Some emojis can come across as very suggestive, such as a face with a sticking out tongue. Unless you're sure your crush likes you too, stick with innocent emojis.
  6. Send selfies that you like. You really don't need to send pictures of yourself in suggestive poses to flirt. Instead, send photos of you having fun with your friends.This will show your crush that you have a fun and active life, which will make you appear more attractive.
    • For example, if you're going to have an ice cream with your best friend, take a quick picture of the flavors you've chosen.
    • If you're going to play soccer with your friends on the weekend, try to get a group photo taken so you can send it to her.
  7. Show your daring side by placing a bet with your crush. Everyone likes a little friendly competition, and it can be a really fun way for you and your crush to share a fun joke together. Text him or her with a challenge or a bet and see if your crush is up for a game!
    • For example, you could say, "I'll bet a dollar that the gym teacher will wear that red T-shirt tomorrow when you cheer." Just don't forget to pay if you lose!
    • You can also challenge your crush to do something daring, like, "I dare you to say" bloody hell "tomorrow during your talk!"

    Tip: avoid challenges with bad intentions or bets that could get your crush in trouble. For example, don't challenge him or her to bully someone else or break certain official rules.

  8. Make concrete plans to do something together. Flirting via text messages is fun and exciting, but if you really like him or her, it is important that you spend time together in real life. Try to come up with a specific outing or activity, then ask your crush to come with you. The chances of it ending on a date are higher that way than when you say something vague like, "We should meet up."
    • For example, say something like, "I'm going to see that new movie tomorrow, Men in Black, do you feel like coming along? "

Method 3 of 3: Avoid common mistakes when chatting

  1. Forget the idea that you have to wait a certain amount of time before sending them a text message. Some people will say to wait at least three days before messaging someone after getting their number. But if you wait that long, he or she may think you're not interested. Send him or her a message as soon as you feel like it, instead of playing all kinds of hard-to-get games. That way you show that you are already thinking about him or her, and your crush may find your direct approach attractive.
    • If possible, don't send your crush messages very late at night or very early in the morning. You might wake him or her, and probably no one will appreciate that.
  2. Don't use too many abbreviations or slang in your messages. When you are chatting with your crush, you want to let him or her know how smart and sensitive you are. Using a lot of abbreviations, slang, and other forms of casual communication, as you often see on the Internet, can make you appear impersonal, and it can make your messages more difficult to read. Instead, try to stick to normal spelling and correct grammar.
    • You can use a few abbreviations here and there in your messages. Writing something like "OMG, I have a story!" Is fine, but with "Gm, wdj vnvd?" You probably won't win the heart of your crush.
    • Always check your messages carefully before sending them to make sure there are no spelling errors.
  3. Keep the tone of your messages light, especially in the beginning. When you start chatting with someone you like, don't bother them with all your personal issues. Instead, keep your messages positive, smart, or funny. That way you show your crush that you are optimistic and sociable.
    • For example, you could send your crush jokes, fun stories about your day, or funny memes you come across.
    • Don't use too much sarcasm. This can come across wrong in text messages.
    • Over time, you can gradually open up more to your crush, especially if you notice that he or she does too.
  4. Don't overthink it. Sometimes when you like someone, you tend to analyze every message they send you extensively, looking for signs of how they are feeling. Still, the best way to make sure your crush likes you is usually to just keep talking to him or her. Over time it will clear up on its own, so don't worry and just let things develop naturally.
    • For example, if your crush sends you very short messages, it really doesn't necessarily mean that he or she is angry with you or dislikes you. Maybe he or she is just busy.
  5. Make sure you don't message the other person much more often than they send you a message. If you send long chunks of text all the time and your crush only sends you short replies (or nothing at all), he or she is probably busy, and you run the risk of annoying your crush if you use his or her phone. messages continues to bombard. You don't necessarily have to send exactly one message per message that you receive from him or her, but make sure that the ratio is roughly the same.
    • Do not send the other person a message asking why they are not answering you. This can come across as desperate or pushy. If he or she doesn't answer you, give him or her some space.

    Tip: if the other person rarely replies to your messages or only sends very short replies, it could be a sign that he or she doesn't like you. Always remember that that doesn't mean something is wrong with you, it just means that you and the other person aren't meant for each other right now.

  6. Try to end the conversation yourself. If your crush is always the one who suddenly has to get out of it, he or she may feel that you like him or her more than he or she likes you. Give him or her the chance to miss you by ending the conversation a little earlier than the other person expects. If you end the conversation because you have to go somewhere, don't forget to mention it so your crush knows you have a busy, interesting life!
    • Keep your crush interested by saying something like, "Oh, remind me tomorrow to tell you how that interview went!"