Treat burns from hot water

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Basic First Aid Tips : How to Treat Hot Water Burns
Video: Basic First Aid Tips : How to Treat Hot Water Burns


Scalding water burns are one of the most common household accidents. Hot drink, bath water or hot water from the hob can easily spill on the skin and burn it. It can happen to anyone at any time. Knowing how to assess the situation and deciding what type of burn you have can help you figure out how to treat the injury quickly.

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Part 1 of 3: Assess the situation

  1. Look for signs of first degree burns. After you spill hot water on your skin, find out what kind of burn you have. Burns are categorized by grade, with a higher grade meaning a more severe burn. A first-degree burn is a superficial burn of the top layer of your skin. The symptoms you experience from a first degree burn are:
    • Damage to the top layer of skin
    • Dry, red and painful skin
    • Skin bleaching, or it turns white where you press it
    • They heal within three to six days without scarring
  2. Recognize a second degree burn. If the water is hotter, or if you have been exposed to it for longer, you could get a second degree burn. This is described as a superficial, partially thickened burn. The symptoms are:
    • Damage to the two skin layers, but the second layer is only superficial
    • Redness and fluid on the burn
    • Blistering
    • Bleaching of the affected skin when pressed
    • Pain with light touch and temperature change
    • They take one to three weeks to heal and may scar or discolor, being dark or lighter than the surrounding skin
  3. Recognize a third degree burn. A third degree burn occurs when the water is extremely hot or if you are exposed to it for an extended period of time. This is described as a deep, partially thickened burn. The symptoms of a third degree burn are:
    • Damage to the two layers of your skin, going deeper into, but not completely through, the second layer
    • Pain at the site of the burn when pressed hard (although they can be painless at the time of the injury, as there may be nerve death or damage)
    • The skin will not fade (turn white) when pressed
    • Blistering at the site of the burn
    • Burnt, leathery appearance or flaking
    • Third degree burns, if they involve more than 5% of the body, require a hospital visit and often require surgical intervention or hospital treatment to recover
  4. Look for a fourth degree burn. A fourth degree burn is the most serious you can have. This is a serious injury and requires immediate emergency assistance. The symptoms are:
    • Complete damage to the two layers of skin, often with damage to the underlying fat and muscles. Third and fourth degree burns may even affect the bone.
    • It's not painful
    • Color change at the site of the burn - white, gray or black
    • The burn site is dry
    • Surgery and possible hospital stay is required for treatment and recovery
  5. Recognize a serious burn. Regardless of the degree of the burn, a burn can be considered a severe burn if it involves joints or covers most of your body. If you have complications with your vital organs, or are unable to perform normal activities due to the burn, this could be considered serious.
    • A limb equals about 10% of an adult body; 20% is the torso of an adult male. If more than 20% of the total body surface is burned, it is considered a serious burn.
    • 5% of your body (forearm, half leg, etc.) completely thickened and burned: third or fourth degree, is a severe burn.
    • Treat these types of burns the same way you would a 3rd or 4th degree burn - seek emergency care immediately.

Part 2 of 3: Treating a superficial burn

  1. Recognize situations that require medical attention. Even if a burn is superficial, such as a first or second degree burn, it may still need medical attention if it meets certain criteria. If the burns extend over the entire surrounding tissue of one or more of your fingers, you should seek medical attention as soon as you can. This can limit blood circulation to your fingers, which in extreme cases can lead to finger amputation if left untreated.
    • You should also seek medical attention if the burn, minor or otherwise, involves your face or neck, a large portion of your hands, groin, legs, feet, or buttocks, or is over joints.
  2. Clean the burn. If the burn is superficial, you can take care of it at home. The first step is to clean the burn. To do this, remove any clothing that may be covering your burn and submerge the burn in cold water. Running water can damage the skin and increase the likelihood of scarring or complicating the damage. Do not use hot water as it can irritate the burn.
    • Wash the burn with a mild soap.
    • Avoid using disinfectants, such as hydrogen peroxide. These can delay healing.
    • If your clothing is stuck to your skin, don't try to remove it yourself. Your burn is probably more serious than you think and you should seek immediate medical attention. Cut off the clothing, except the part attached to the burn, and place cold packs / ice packs on the burn and the clothing for up to two minutes
  3. Cool the burn. After you wash the burn, submerge the burned area in cool water for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not use ice or running water as this can cause more damage. Now wet a washcloth with cool water and put it on your burn, but don't rub. Place the washcloth on the spot.
    • You can process the cloth by dampening it with tap water and then placing it in the refrigerator until it cools down.
    • Do not use butter on the wound. It will not cool the burn and may even cause an infection.
  4. Prevent infection. To prevent the burn from becoming infected, take care of it after you cool it down. Apply an antibiotic ointment, such as Neosporin or bacitracin, with a clean finger or cotton ball. If the burn is an open wound, use non-adhesive gauze pads instead, the fibers of a cotton ball can get into an open wound. After this, cover the burn with a bandage that does not stick to the burned area, such as Telfa. Change the bandage once or twice a day and reapply the ointment.
    • Do not puncture any blisters that may form.
    • If the skin starts to itch as it heals, don't scratch it to avoid getting infected. Burnt skin is very sensitive to infection.
    • You can apply ointments to reduce itchiness, such as aloe vera, cocoa butter, and mineral oils.
  5. Treat the pain. Superficial burns are likely to cause pain. Once you have covered the wound, you can hold the burn site above your heart. This will reduce swelling and relieve pain. To relieve persistent pain, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen (Advil). Take these pills according to the package insert several times a day for as long as the pain persists.
    • Recommended dosage for acetaminophen is 650 mg every four to six hours, with a maximum daily dose of 3250 mg.
    • Recommended dosage for ibuprofen is 400 to 800 mg every six hours, with a maximum daily dose of 3200 mg.
    • Make sure to read the package insert as dosage can vary by type and brand.

Part 3 of 3: Treating a severe burn

  1. Call the emergency services. If you think you have a severe burn, third or fourth degree burn, you should call for immediate medical attention. These are too serious to treat at home and must be treated by professionals. Call emergency care if the burn:
    • Deep and serious
    • More than a first degree burn and it has been more than five years since you had a tetanus injection
    • Is greater than 7.6 cm or encircles any part of the body
    • Shows signs of infection, such as increased redness or pain, pus discharge, or fever
    • In a person under five years of age or over 70 years of age
    • Happens to someone who has difficulty fighting infections, such as people with HIV, on immunosuppressant medications, people with diabetes, or people with liver disease
  2. Take care of the victim. If you are helping a loved one who has been burned, check after calling emergency services to see if they are still responding. If he or she doesn't respond, or goes into shock, report it to the ambulance so they know what to expect.
    • If the person isn't breathing, focus on chest compressions until the ambulance arrives.
  3. Remove any clothing. While you wait for the ambulance to arrive, you can remove any clothing and jewelry that is on or near the burn site. But leave any clothing or jewelry attached to the burn alone. This will pull the skin off and cause more injuries.
    • Wrap cold packs around metal jewelry, such as rings or hard-to-remove bracelets, as metal jewelry will conduct the heat of the burn from the surrounding skin and back to the burn.
    • You can cut clothing around where it attaches to the burn.
    • Keep yourself or the victim warm, as severe burns can cause you to go into shock.
    • Unlike superficial burns, you should not soak the burn in water as this can cause hypothermia. If the burn is on any movable part of the body, lift the area above the heart to prevent or reduce swelling.
    • Do not take pain medication, pierce blisters, scrape away dead skin, or apply ointment. This can work against your medical treatment.
  4. Cover your burn. Once you've removed any problem clothing from your burn, cover the burn with a clean, non-stick bandage. This will prevent it from getting infected. Avoid using materials that can stick to the burn. Use non-adhesive gauze or a wet bandage.
    • If you think the bandage is sticking because the burn is too severe, do nothing and wait for the ambulance.


  • A burn that looks serious but doesn't hurt is more serious than you think. Cool it immediately and seek emergency medical care if in doubt. Many people initially think that third degree burns are not serious due to the pain-blocking mechanism. Failure to cool the burn and seek help as soon as possible can lead to further damage, complications in the healing process, and more scarring.