Help protect biodiversity

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Help protect biodiversity and it will protect us!
Video: Help protect biodiversity and it will protect us!


We should protect every little bit of biodiversity because it is invaluable as we learn to use it and understand what it means for humanity. - E. O. Wilson. Biodiversity or biological diversity is a concept for the degree of diversity of life forms (species, genes, ...) within a given ecosystem, biome or an entire planet. There are many things you can do as an individual to help protect biodiversity. This article provides a brief overview of how you can help, on your own or with your entire class, club or group.

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  1. Learn about biodiversity. Learn everything you can about biodiversity and food production issues. Understanding biodiversity is important if you want to know how people should live while respecting the Earth's limited resources. Ways you can do further research include:
    • Visiting websites about biodiversity;
    • Asking questions to teachers and educators about agriculture and biodiversity;
    • Conduct research into natural and agricultural areas;
    • Using your five senses - sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell - to experience biodiversity and how it intertwines with your life.
  2. Be aware when you shop. Know the choices you can make when you shop. You can buy things that help protect biodiversity. Individual choices in what you eat and buy are important:
    • If possible, opt for healthy, local and sustainably produced food;
    • Look for foods that have little packaging material;
    • View the travel distances; it is best if food has not had to travel too long a distance;
    • Buy products from companies that take the environment and people into account. Remember, companies will sell what consumers want to buy - so let the companies know you want products that won't harm biodiversity!
  3. Do something. There are many different ways to make a difference as a person. Here are some ideas on how to protect biodiversity:
    • Plant a tree. Make sure it is a species that occurs naturally in the Netherlands and take good care of it;
    • Keep forests, dunes, rivers and beaches in the area clean;
    • Use, reuse or repair things until they are completely worn out;
    • Do not use, eat or buy endangered plant or animal species;
    • Do not use pesticides in your own garden or communal vegetable garden;
    • Compost at home. You can use the compost for your own or communal garden;
    • Research where and how your food was grown. Encourage your family and friends to support local and / or sustainable agriculture.
  4. Involve others from your class, club or group in your actions. Once you have a better understanding of the local biodiversity issues, it is time to take action.Talk to your entire class, club or group with local officials, farmers or community members about biodiversity. Find out what local biodiversity priorities are and how your class, club or group can help. Together you can decide whether it is best to:
    • You can start a communal garden;
    • Tidy up or clean up a piece of land; or
    • Educate local people about biodiversity and sustainable agriculture, or something else.


  • Internet and library
  • Fabric shopping bag; no longer accept plastic bags in stores
  • Compost heap
  • Separate bins to separate waste