Get rid of your cold in two days

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Rid Of A COLD FAST!! (Remedies That Actually WORK!!)
Video: How To Get Rid Of A COLD FAST!! (Remedies That Actually WORK!!)


You may have a big social event coming up this weekend or you may have an important meeting at work in a few days. Or maybe you just feel miserable and want to get rid of your cold as soon as possible. Having a cold makes you tired, weak and irritable. Having a cold is quite normal and it affects everyone from time to time, especially during the winter months. Unfortunately, you often simply have to wait for the cold to go away. It usually takes seven to 10 days to get rid of a cold. However, there are many steps you can take to relieve symptoms that will make you feel better in two days. You can also take steps to prevent future colds.

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Method 1 of 3: Try effective home remedies

  1. Make sure you get enough fluids. GPs say that getting enough fluids can relieve cold symptoms. As soon as you feel a runny nose, you should immediately start drinking plenty of water. Increase your normal water consumption to avoid getting a sore throat.
    • Green tea in particular is very good when you have a cold. This tea is full of antioxidants that help your body fight off infections.
    • The more fluid you take in, the better. When you don't drink enough and become dehydrated, your cold will only worsen.
  2. Take enough rest. One of the most annoying symptoms of having a cold is that you feel very tired. Don't try to push yourself too hard. One of the best ways to get rid of your cold is to simply get plenty of rest so that your body can use all its energy to fight the cold. Try to go to bed earlier than usual.
    • You should normally get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. When you feel sick, it is wise to sleep one or two hours longer. The rest helps your body to recover.
  3. Eat the right foods. Your mom was right: Chicken soup can actually help relieve cold symptoms and make you feel better quickly. Scientists are still doing research, but several studies have already shown that chicken soup can reduce the spread of mucus and thus reduce the symptoms of a cold in your upper respiratory tract. The results indicate that you can achieve the same effects with both homemade chicken soup or the ready-to-eat variety.
    • Other foods have also been shown to help relieve cold symptoms. Take yogurt, for example, as yogurt contains "good" bacteria that fight infections in your body.
    • Garlic contains properties that can boost your immune system. Add garlic to your chicken soup for additional symptom relief.
    • Eat ginger. Ginger can ease the pain if you have an upset stomach. This is another great ingredient that you could add to chicken soup.
  4. Try herbal remedies. Echinacea (also known as purple coneflower) has long been used to strengthen the immune system of humans and treat disease. Recent studies indicate that taking echinacea can actually contribute to a faster recovery from the common cold. However, as with many herbs, echinacea can have side effects. Before deciding to take echinacea supplements, consult your doctor as these supplements may react negatively when combined with other medications or supplements.
    • Elderberry supplements can help treat the symptoms of the common cold. Elderberries are available in both pill form and syrup. This herbal remedy acts as a decongestant.
    • Elm can relieve pain caused by a sore throat. Many herbalists and doctors do not recommend using this herbal remedy while pregnant.
  5. Get moving. If you feel strong enough, try to get some moderate exercise. Taking a short walk in the open air before lunch can be really good for you. Light exercise can open your airways and provide temporary relief from your cold.
    • Avoid vigorous exercise if you are having trouble breathing due to a stuffy nose. Don't overdo it and opt for a light to moderate form of exercise.
    • Exercise is a natural mood booster, you will probably feel less lame afterwards.
    • Avoid exercise if you are dealing with a fever, have a lot of coughing, if your stomach is upset, if you are tired or have aching joints and muscles.
  6. Make use of steam. Take a warm shower. This is not only good for your muscles, but will also clear your airways. While in the shower, gently blow your nostrils one at a time. You will find yourself able to breathe more freely thanks to the steam.
    • If you don't have time to take a shower, you can still use steam. Fill the bathroom sink with hot water, then place a towel over your head and hang your head over the hot water. Take a deep breath to take full advantage of the steam.
    • Add herbs to your steam treatment. Try adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to the water. Some research results indicate that eucalyptus can help reduce coughing.
    • Peppermint is another good option. Menthol, which can help with blockages, is the main active ingredient. You could add peppermint oil to the hot water to get even more benefits from the steam.

Method 2 of 3: Use medication

  1. Discuss your situation with your pharmacist. Finding the best over-the-counter cold medicine can be a daunting task. Because there are so many options that it can be difficult to determine which one is best for you, especially if your airways are completely blocked. Ask your pharmacist about a drug that is both safe and effective.
    • When discussing your situation with your pharmacist, try to describe your symptoms as clearly as possible. Make sure you let him or her know clearly if you feel very sleepy or if you are having trouble falling asleep. Also let the pharmacist know if you are allergic or sensitive to certain things.
  2. Treat the right symptoms. You don't want to take too many over-the-counter medications. An excessive use can lead to drowsiness and could possibly cause other dangers to your health. However, you can safely take one type of over-the-counter medication for treating your cold. Choose a drug that will combat the symptom that is most troubling you. This is a great way to combat your stuffy nose.
    • If your cold keeps you from sleeping at night because of a lot of coughing, look for an over-the-counter medication that contains dextromethorphan.
  3. Take a pain reliever. Colds are accompanied by various aches and pains and sometimes even a fever. Your muscles and joints can be sore, which will only add to the overall misery. Take a pain reliever to relieve these symptoms.
    • An aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help you recover from a cold. Before using these painkillers, read the instructions on the packaging.
    • Be careful when giving children aspirin, as this pain reliever has been linked to Reye's syndrome. Never give aspirin to a child under the age of two. Children who have recently recovered from chicken pox or the flu should never be given aspirin. Before deciding to give a child aspirin, consult your doctor.
  4. Know in which cases it is better to see the doctor. If you're dealing with a common cold, your doctor won't be able to help you. Antibiotics have been found to be ineffective against the common cold. Save yourself the trouble and therefore do not make an appointment with your doctor if you are dealing with a normal cold.
    • If symptoms persist and appear to be particularly severe, you should definitely contact your doctor. In such situations, medical advice will be very welcome, especially if you have major difficulty breathing.

Method 3 of 3: Prevent a cold in the future

  1. Develop healthy habits. There are several steps you can take to avoid frequent colds in the future. Try to make sure you live according to the guidelines for a healthy life. For example, make sure you get enough sleep.
    • Eating a healthy and balanced diet, so plenty of fruit and vegetables, can contribute to a stronger immune system. This will also help you fight germs.
    • Try meditation. Research has shown that people who meditate daily have less to do with illnesses each year. This is probably because meditation reduces stress. Stress can put unnecessary pressure on the immune system.
    • Make sure you get plenty of exercise. People who exercise and exercise five times a week have less respiratory illnesses, such as the common cold.
  2. Wash your hands regularly. Cold and flu germs can spread very easily and linger on almost any surface. You can come into contact with these germs by touching everyday objects, such as doorknobs and telephones. Wash your hands several times a day, especially during the times of the year when colds and flu are around.
    • Use soap and warm water and then wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to dry your hands thoroughly with a clean towel afterward.
  3. Try to disinfect your environment as much as possible. You can reduce exposure to germs by wiping the surfaces you regularly come into contact with. Pay extra attention to your own workplace. Your own colleagues are one of the biggest sources of germs. Reduce the chance of coming into contact with germs by wiping your computer, phone, and other office supplies with antibacterial wipes at the beginning and end of the day.
    • You can also take these measures at home. Wipe the surfaces you usually come into contact with, such as taps and your sink in your bathroom, with antibacterial wipes.


  • Contact your doctor if you are unsure which method of curing your cold is best for you.
  • Try a few different methods until you find one that works best for you.


  • If you are simply too sick to function normally at work or school, you should stay at home. Working when you are sick is very bad for you because it can make you even sicker and you could even pass the disease on to others. If you really need to call in sick, just do this!