Recycle rubber

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How It’s Made - Recycled Rubber Mats
Video: How It’s Made - Recycled Rubber Mats


Recycling rubber is good for the environment and helps in the production of useful materials, such as rubber chips for playgrounds or filling peat fields. To recycle your rubber, you can donate it to places like your local recycling center or a tire retailer. Repurposing the rubber is often an even better option, which can give you new useful things, such as a tire swing, tool for opening pots and planters.

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Method 1 of 2: Make contact with rubber recyclers

  1. Research information about local recycling facilities. Sometimes these facilities do not accept tires or other rubber objects because the recycling process is so different from that of other materials. Call the local recycling facility, or visit the website, to find out if they can recycle the rubber.
    • If they accept it, bring the rubber along during the opening hours, which can often also be found on the website.

    "Look up businesses near you where you can take tires for recycling. Usually they are shredded for use in playgrounds and landscaping."

    Find a rubber recycling option nearby. Visit websites that can help you find a rubber recycling solution near you, such as Search your zip code and “rubber” to find a facility that accepts rubber.

    • Earth911 provides information on the specific types of rubber that are accepted, such as tires, carpet bottoms, tubes, etc.
    • If this site doesn't provide the answers, you can do a general web search to search for recycling facilities near you.
  2. Contact a company that produces rubber chips. The production of rubber chips is one of the most widely used ways to recycle rubber, for use in playgrounds for children, for example. If there is a company nearby that produces this, give them a call or check the website to find out how to donate your old tires.
    • To find companies like this one, search the internet for "rubber chip company nearby".
  3. Take your tires to a local tire dealer. Stop by or call a local tire dealer to see if they take in old tires. If they do, you can have your tires delivered during opening hours or take them with you the next time you need to have your tires checked.
    • You may have to pay a small amount to return your tires to a tire dealer.
    • If the first does not take the tires, contact some other tire dealers.
    • If you're at a tire center to change your tires, ask them what they do with the old tires to find out if they recycle them.
  4. Donate rubber bands to a local school or post office. Schools always need materials, and rubber bands are very useful. Post offices also often need rubber bands to keep newspapers or mail together. Contact local schools and post offices to ask if they want your rubber bands.

Method 2 of 2: Reuse the rubber

  1. Build furniture with old tires. By painting an old tire a beautiful color with paint suitable for rubber, you can create endless furniture possibilities. Place a sheet of glass over the tire to make a coffee table, fill it with soft filler or pillow, and you've made a dog bed.
    • Apply primer to the tire before painting it, then the paint will pack better and stay on the surface.
    • You can make a stool or hocker with an old tire by wrapping it with wire or a strong fabric.
  2. Make planters from the tires if you are looking for a place for your plants. Place the tire in your garden and fill it with soil. Place the plants in the soil, the tire keeps everything together and ensures a sturdy appearance.
    • You can paint the tire before turning it into a planter, if you like.
    • You can also make hanging planters by giving the band a bottom and attaching hooks and wire or rope to the sides.
  3. If you're looking for a fun option, turn your old tire into a tire swing. This is a fun outdoor solution that is sure to keep kids entertained. Tie a strong rope to the band and attach the other side of the rope to a strong branch.
    • Make sure you hang the swing high enough that the legs don't drag on the ground, but low enough that the children can easily reach it.
    • It is best to supervise young children when playing on the swing to ensure that no one is injured.
    • Drill small holes in the tire so that the water can run out when it rains.
  4. Fill an old tire with sand to create a sandbox. Place a tarp or piece of wood on the ground as the basis for the sandbox. Put the tire on top of it and then fill it with sand. You can also make a lid out of wood or plastic to cover the sandpit.
    • Wash the band with clean water (and a little soap, if necessary) to get all the dirt off and paint it if you want.
    • Stick a parasol in the sand to provide some shade.
    • Drill small holes in the tire to allow water to run through instead of accumulating in the tire.
  5. Use rubber bands to reseal open food containers. This is a great way to keep food fresh, while also benefiting from all those rubber bands. Crumple the top of an opened package and wrap the rubber band tightly around it.
    • This works great with crisp bags and packaging for biscuits or other snacks.
  6. Wrap rubber bands around your hangers to keep the clothes in place. This is an easy solution to keep shirts, dresses and other items of clothing from ending up on the bottom of your closet. Simply wrap the rubber bands vertically around the hangers, or tie them around the hanger rod to create a layer of rubber bands.
  7. Place silicone bracelets on the lids of jars to facilitate opening. If you have a collection of silicone bracelets, or the kind of bracelets that are often given at concerts or fundraisers, you can put them around the lids of jars. When you have to open the jar, the rubber offers a non-slip surface that you can easily grip.
    • You can also use a rubber glove to open jars.
  8. Make dolls from rubber gloves. This is a fun activity to do with kids - all you need is 1 or 2 rubber gloves and some craft supplies. Glue eyes and / or hair on the doll or use markers to draw a face.
    • Make sure to thoroughly clean the gloves before turning them into a craft project.
    • You can also create individual finger puppets by clipping the fingers off the glove.