How to find a boyfriend in elementary school

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get a boyfriend in elementary school 😽😻✌
Video: How to get a boyfriend in elementary school 😽😻✌


If you like a boy, but think that he is still too young to love, try to please him. Follow the rules, although there is no guarantee that he will not want to run away from you, because you can scare him with your serious intentions.


Method 1 of 3: Make friends first

  1. 1 Make friends with the boy you like. Communicate with him constantly, help him, and soon you may become friends.
  2. 2 Get to know him well. What is he interested in? Do you have common interests?
  3. 3 Meet his friends. Do your best to get to know them better.
  4. 4 Become his best friend. But you shouldn't try to get all of his other friends out of the way, this is the worst way to win his sympathy.
  5. 5 Be polite and patient. Do not swear at him, do not command or shout.Otherwise, he is unlikely to want to even be friends with you.
    • Don't call him stupid, ugly, etc.
    • Show him that you care, but don't become a second mom for him.
  6. 6 Don't let others mock and laugh at him. Defend him if necessary. Let him see that you value him and your friendship with him.
  7. 7 Do not hurry. Give him time for things to develop in your favor and your friendship grows into something more. Even if it doesn't turn into anything, you at least have a good friend. After all, both of you are still very young and you have your whole life ahead of you.

Method 2 of 3: Find General Activities

  1. 1 Ask him about his activities, if he plays basketball, praise him. If you also like this sport, join it and offer to play together.
    • Demonstrate your athletic ability if you really love sports and understand something about it. But do not brag just to impress him, he is not a fool and will quickly see what's what.
  2. 2 Stand next to him in line and sit next to him in meetings and lessons. But not all the time, otherwise he will consider you a freak.
  3. 3 Talk often. Talk about common interests, school affairs. Be friendly and open.
  4. 4 Stay out of the way when he is out with friends. Find out when he'll be happy to go out with you, but don't let him interfere when you're out with your friends.
  5. 5 Strive for good academic performance. Help each other with lessons in the subjects that you know best.

Method 3 of 3: Convergence

  1. 1 Don't try to ask him out on a date. First, make sure you are really good friends. If you still want to be more than just friends, give him more time. Both of you are still very young, so it might be better to stay friends, spend time together and learn more about each other. After all, in the end, everything can become complicated and not very fun. The moment you really want something more, frustration and problems are likely to begin.
  2. 2 Avoid love letters and do not tell anyone about your sympathy. Such actions can only alienate him, and he will consider you stupid.
  3. 3 Do not tell anyone about your sympathy. Don't tell him you like him until you are at least fifth grade. Otherwise, he may not reciprocate your feelings, and awkwardness can ruin your friendship!
  4. 4 Don't take anything so personally. You are only in elementary school, you still have your whole life for romance and relationships.


  • Try not to do strange, rash things. Otherwise, he may be discouraged.
  • You shouldn't initiate boys into your girlish dramas. Most boys take it negatively. If you know that you are not the only one who likes him, try not to be angry with this fact. Do not fight other girls for him, otherwise he will not choose one or the other.
  • Take care of yourself and personal hygiene. So that no one can suspect you of something awkward, for example, that you have lice.
  • Wear normal clothes if you want him to like you and not your fashion image.


  • Don't forget that you are in elementary school. If this time you do not succeed, do not be discouraged, you still have your whole life ahead of you, and you will definitely find yourself someone.
  • These tips are unlikely to work if you are several years older than him. Usually girls grow up earlier, and it is quite difficult to build a relationship with a younger boy.