Prepare frozen tuna steaks

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Cook Tuna Steak | Jamie Oliver
Video: How to Cook Tuna Steak | Jamie Oliver


Tuna steaks are delicious fish dishes. Whether you bought the tuna steak frozen or already in your freezer, you can thaw it in the fridge or microwave. Once you've thawed the tuna steaks, you can roast or grill them to make a delicious meal.


Roast tuna steak

For 2 servings

  • 2 tuna steaks
  • 30 ml soy sauce
  • 15 ml of olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper
  • Cayenne pepper

Grilled tuna steak

For 4 servings

  • 4 tuna slices (each of about 100 g)
  • 30 g chopped Italian parsley
  • 2 sprigs of tarragon without leaves and stems
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 10 g lemon zest
  • Salt and black pepper
  • 15 ml of olive oil

To step

Method 1 of 4: Thaw in the refrigerator

  1. Let the tuna steak thaw in the package. Fish is normally sold in plastic bags or some other type of plastic packaging. Tuna steaks and other fish do not require removal from bags to thaw. The tuna steak still thaws properly when it is packed in the plastic bag.
  2. Put the tuna steak in the fridge. It is very important that you do not leave the tuna steaks at room temperature in the kitchen or anywhere else in the house. Fish spoils easily and in the refrigerator the tuna slice thaws and at the same time it is kept cool. When thawing at room temperature, the outer layers of the tuna steak are thawed, while the inner layers spoil.
    • Use a thermometer to make sure the refrigerator is 5 ° C or cooler. This is the right temperature to defrost fish.
  3. Let the tuna stew in the fridge overnight. Although the tuna steak will only take a few hours to defrost, it is still good to make sure it is completely thawed before cooking. Leaving it in the fridge overnight will give the tuna steak plenty of time to thaw properly.
    • Do not leave the tuna steak in the refrigerator for more than 24 hours. The longer the fish is in the refrigerator, the more likely it is to spoil.
  4. Take the tuna steak out of the refrigerator the next day. Now that you've thawed the tuna steak in the fridge overnight, you can take it out of the fridge. Remove the tuna steak from the plastic bag and inspect it to make sure there are no signs of freezing or ice.

Method 2 of 4: Using the microwave to defrost

  1. Weigh the tuna slice on a scale. Most microwave manuals provide directions for defrosting different types of frozen foods. In general, the first step is to weigh the tuna steak. Place the tuna steak on a kitchen scale or on a paper towel on your household scale.
    • Record the weight of the tuna steak on a piece of paper or on your phone.
  2. Set the microwave to defrost and enter the weight of the tuna steak. If your microwave doesn't ask for the weight of the tuna steak, you can simply defrost the fish at five-minute intervals. If requested, it will indicate how long the fish needs to defrost.
  3. Check the tuna steak every five minutes to see if you can bend it already. After five minutes, remove the fish from the microwave and apply light pressure to see if you can bend the tuna slice. If it's still too stiff or too hard, microwave it for another five minutes.
    • Flip the fish after the first five minutes have passed. You have to make sure that the fish is thawed evenly so that the cooking goes better too.
    • Don't worry if you can bend the fish and it still looks icy or cold. Once you can bend it easily, the fish is thawed.

Method 3 of 4: Prepare roast tuna steak

  1. Brush the tuna steaks with soy sauce, oil, salt and pepper. Place the tuna steaks on a clean plate. Pour 30 ml soy sauce and 15 ml olive oil on the steaks, then sprinkle with salt and pepper.
    • Try to spread the tuna steaks as evenly as possible when you add this stuff.
    • Use as much salt and pepper as you want. Add some cayenne pepper if you want to give an extra punch of flavor to the slices.
  2. Marinate the tuna steaks in a container or bag. Place the tuna steaks in a large container or a resealable bag. If you are in a hurry, you can let the ingredients soak for 10 minutes. If you have the time, let the slices marinate overnight.
    • By marinating the slices overnight, you get the maximum flavor from every bite of the slices when you eat them.
  3. Heat a large saucepan over medium to high heat until hot. Add 15 ml of olive oil to the pan and let the pan heat up for a few minutes. Don't let the pan get too hot, because the tuna steaks will burn very quickly if you put them in a pan that is too hot.
  4. Put the tuna steaks in the pan and sear them. Sear the slices on each side for 2.5 minutes to cook them medium rare. Sear for 2 minutes on each side for a weird cooking and 3 minutes on each side for medium cooking.
  5. Cut the slices into slices of about 1.5 cm and serve. Use a sharp knife to cut the slices into pieces of that size. You can serve the slices topped with green onions or on a bed of lettuce.
    • If you want to keep the tuna steaks, keep them in the refrigerator and consume them within three days of refrigeration.

Method 4 of 4: Prepare grilled tuna steak

  1. Rub the tuna slices with the garlic and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place the tuna steaks on a plate. Cut the cloves of garlic and rub them on the tuna slices. Sprinkle as much salt and pepper on the slices as you want to add flavor.
    • Add some cayenne pepper for extra flavor.
  2. Put the tuna steaks together with the lemon zest in resealable bags. Open the resealable bags and put in the slices. Add 30 g lemon zest and seal the bags. Shake the bags to spread the lemon zest over the steak.
    • You can also lay the resealable bags flat on the table or another surface and rub the skin into the steaks.
  3. Open the bags and drizzle olive oil on the tuna steaks. Add 15 ml of olive oil to each bag and squeeze all air out of the bag before closing it again. Shake the bags to distribute the olive oil among the tuna steaks.
  4. Place the tuna steaks in the fridge overnight to marinate. Leave the tuna steaks in the resealable bags and refrigerate overnight to marinate. This will allow the lemon zest and olive oil to soak into the tuna steak.
    • Remove the tuna steaks from the refrigerator the next morning before heating up the grill.
  5. Light the grill and let it heat up for 15 to 20 minutes. Gas grills are easy to turn on. Make sure the lid is open when you light the grill. If you have a charcoal grill, don't light it with lighter fluid, as this will make your food taste like chemicals. Use a briquette starter to light the charcoal grill.
    • Gas grills need 10 minutes to heat up properly. Give your charcoal grill about 20 minutes to heat up.
    • Briquette starters can be purchased for a low price online or at an electronics store.
  6. Put the tuna steaks on the grill. Remove the tuna steaks from the resealable bags and place them on the grill. Grill one side until the red tuna on the side begins to turn beige. Flip the tuna over and grill that side until there is only a little bit of pink on the side.
    • When the sides are almost completely beige, the tuna steak is ready.
  7. Serve the tuna steaks. You can serve the tuna slices with a salad or with your favorite dressing. Green onions also go well with tuna.
    • If you want to keep the tuna steaks, put them in a container and put the container in the fridge. Consume the slices within three days.


Thaw in the refrigerator

  • Refrigerator
  • Thermometer

Using the microwave to defrost

  • Microwave
  • Microwave safe board
  • Scale

Roast tuna steak

  • Plate
  • Bake or resealable bag
  • Large pan
  • Measuring spoons
  • Sharp knife

Grilled tuna steak

  • Plate
  • Sharp knife
  • Resealable bags
  • Measuring spoons
  • Gas or charcoal grill
  • Briquette starter