Take car rides with your dog

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Training Your Dog to Ride in the Car
Video: Training Your Dog to Ride in the Car


Some dogs love to drive cars and it's fun to take them wherever you go. But not all dogs like it. Here are some safety tips to consider before going for a ride with your favorite pet, whether or not they like the trip.

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Part 1 of 2: Preparing to travel with your dog

  1. Figure out how you want to secure your dog in the car. It is not safe to allow a dog to roam around a car indefinitely. Consider crating your dog if you are going to drive a long distance or if your dog is a nervous passenger. It is the most effective way to keep a dog in place while you are riding. Having your dog in a crate makes it easier for you to stay focused on the driving instead of the dog, which is important as distracted drivers are easily accidents. It will also keep your dog safe if you have to stop quickly or get involved in an accident.
    • If you don't want to crate your dog, at least find a way to confine him to part of the car. For example, if you have a station wagon, consider securing your dog in the back of the car. If you have a large windowed tailgate, put up a fence to keep your dog from jumping over the back seats. Cover the area of ​​the dog with dog blankets, or place his basket in the corner so he or she can comfortably nap during the ride. Most dogs find sleeping an easy way to deal with motion sickness.
    • You can also buy a dog safety chair. While not as secure as a crate, it will be safer and more comfortable for your dog than a car seat if you turn or brake suddenly.
    • To keep your dog from roaming around the car, consider buying a dog safety leash. These straps ensure that in the event of an accident, your pet will not be thrown out of the car or against other passengers.
    • Make sure the crate is securely fastened, either between chairs or on the floor. Make sure it is really secure to prevent it from sliding when you stop or get hit quickly.
  2. Introduce your dog to the crate, if you use one. Present the crate in a positive way to your dog. Let the dog sniff the crate before it enters the car. Once the crate is in the car, put your dog in it. Maintain your positive attitude about the crate and walk away from the dog in the crate for a few minutes.
  3. Exercise your dog before putting it in the car. You need to tire your dog before locking him up. While a tired dog can still be upset if you crate him, a fully rested dog will usually be much worse.
  4. Avoid feeding your dog just before your trip. Feed him or her at least a few hours in advance. This will help prevent your dog from getting motion sick.
  5. Pack the necessary supplies for your dog when you go on a long car ride. Make your dog's place comfortable by placing his bed or blankets there as a pillow. Also bring water, treats, the dog's leash and collar, some of his favorite chew toys, and plastic waste bags.
  6. Put a few chew toys in the back of your dog to keep him busy. It is better not to give him or her bone or kibble because if the dog feels sick, he or she will throw it out right away.
    • Squeaky toys are also undesirable, they will drive you crazy.
  7. Consult with your vet if your dog shows signs of motion sickness. Never give your dog any medications, such as Dramamine, without the guidance of your vet. Your vet may have alternatives.
  8. Deal with hyperactivity before you go. If your dog has problems with hyperactivity, please contact your vet before traveling. See if a mild anesthetic is available and safe for your dog, especially if it is a long journey. Follow the dosage instructions carefully.

Part 2 of 2: Taking a long journey with your dog

  1. Gradually get a puppy or new pet used to driving a car. Start by letting your dog wander around your car with the engine off. Then start with short rides until you and your dog are used to traveling together by car.
  2. Take your first rides in the car to places where it is fun for your dog. Don't go on a long journey right away, let your dog get used to the space first. Take your dog to a park or field so that he will associate the car ride with something fun, rather than just rides to the vet.
  3. Make sure your dog always keeps his address hanger on when you drive long stretches. No matter how well-mannered your dog is, there is always a chance that your dog will escape from the car and run away. Make sure your dog can be identified if he gets lost while traveling.
  4. Take breaks. Let your dog run around and exhaust himself. You should also give your dog some food and a little water during your break. Make sure to stop about every hour and then take a short walk, even if only on the grass at a motorway service station. This gives your dog the opportunity to go to the bathroom, so that you can give him or her some water now. It is important to take your dog for a walk as this means that the dog can stretch his or her paws and not go crazy with boredom.
    • This is especially important if your trip is more than a few hours. The absolute limit of the average dog, without a longer break, is about four hours.Make sure to stop somewhere with grass and relatively quiet (not right next to the road), lock your car, give your dog some food and water, and take him for a walk so he can release some excess energy.
    • If you stop along the highway, your dog MUST be on a leash for his own safety.
  5. Do not leave a dog in a parked car when it is hot. Be aware of how quickly a dog can get heat stroke and die in a parked car. For safety's sake, never leave your dog unattended in your car when it is hot, even for a short time.
    • If you stop for a bite to eat, park your car in the shade and leave the windows about an inch open for cool air. Place a bowl of cold water in the car for your dog and separate him or her from the dog seat. Lock the doors of your car and order your food to go.
    • Try to stay away from the car for no more than 5 minutes on a hot day as you don't want your dog to overheat. If you stop a little longer, for example because you have to wait in a long line, tie your dog to a post, either right inside or just outside where you can see. This way, he or she will at least be out of the heat while you wait. Make sure to secure the dog with firm knots so that it cannot escape to the road. Tight knots also mean that your dog is less likely to be stolen.
  6. Don't comfort your dog if he shows signs of discomfort. Comforting your dog, as natural as it seems, reinforces the idea that something bad is happening. Do your best to stay calm and normal while paying attention to signs of real distress (rather than discomfort).
  7. Once you arrive at your destination, reward your dog. Take your pup on a long walk once you arrive. Give him a treat, reassure him and give him lots of hugs for getting through the journey.


  • If your dog has a favorite towel or blanket, make sure to bring it so you can put your pet at ease.
  • Try your puppy's first car ride on an empty stomach take place by not feeding him 2-4 hours before the trip. A few rides without nausea will greatly help prevent the puppy from developing motion sickness.
  • If you're traveling for more than 24 hours, find a pet-friendly hotel ahead of time where you can relax and so can your dog.
  • Make sure to bring poop bags with you on your walks so you can clean up the pup's stool.
  • Be patient, kind, and loving with your dog. Traveling is just as stressful for the dog as it is for you!
  • Don't let your dog stick his head out of the window. A piece of dirt could get in his eyes, or if you get into an accident or have to stop suddenly, your dog could fly out the window.


  • Some dogs can become very nauseous. Keep a close eye on him and cover the back seat with old blankets or newspapers if you want to play it safe.