Say goodbye to your best friend who is moving

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Saying Goodbye To Her Best Friend
Video: Saying Goodbye To Her Best Friend


Saying goodbye to a friend isn't easy, but almost everyone has to deal with it every now and then. The fact that your friend is moving does not necessarily mean that you can no longer be close. Saying a warm goodbye is a great way to show your best friend that you still value the friendship. Read on to learn how to say goodbye, or - perhaps more appropriately - say "See you next time,".

To step

Method 1 of 4: Say goodbye with a present

  1. Make a photo album of your friendship. You and your friend have probably collected dozens of photos over the years. You can remember the friendship in an excellent way by bundling these photos in an album. You also give him / her a souvenir of your friendship that he / she can take with him / her to his / her new home.
    • If you have digital photos, print them on photo paper and use scissors to cut them out.
    • Choose an album from the store - many drugstores nowadays offer you beautiful albums for an apple and egg - or make your own if you're a little creative.
    • Put captions under the photos. Underneath you can write what you remember from those days, or inside jokes that the two of you share.
    • You can also make a photo album online. That way you will both have a copy.
  2. Make a friendship bracelet. This is a classic way of showing your friend that you care. A friendship bracelet is a fashionable and thoughtful gift for both boys and girls. It is also not difficult to make one. Go to the craft store and buy some embroidery floss and braid or weave it in a colorful pattern. Tie the ends and trim the excess thread.
    • Make matching bracelets, one for you and one for your friend - that's how you will think of each other when you look at them.
    • You can also buy a gold or silver friendship bracelet if you want to give something more expensive. Choose the classic half hearts (one half for you, the other for your friend), or choose from the countless other designs out there.
  3. Give your friend a care package. Moving to a new place of residence can be tough. Chances are, your friend will need several weeks to get used to it. He / she will probably not feel right at home. By giving him / her a care package with all kinds of things that remind him / her of home will be able to offer him / her comfort when he / she needs it.
    • Choose a suitable packaging. You can decorate a box, use a gift bag, or repurpose a carrying / handbag.
    • Put in some things that represent your home. You can put in incense or candles from your favorite shop, a book from the bookshop you used to go to, or a mug from the cafe where you always meet before classes started.
    • Add some comfort food to it. Bake a load of cookies on the go, or add some of their favorite sweets to the package.

Method 2 of 4: Write a farewell letter

  1. Look back at the friendship. Saying goodbye brings a unique opportunity to think back to the friendship and tell your friend how much that friendship has meant to you. It's not often that friends get such an opportunity, so take advantage of it. Writing down what the friendship has meant to you can be purifying, and your friend will be able to cherish the letter forever.
    • Look back at how you met. Do you remember the first time you and your friend felt a click? Sometimes you just know when someone you meet is going to be a great friend.
    • Write down some of your favorite memories. Memorize movies you've seen together, concerts you've attended, fun sleepovers, etc.
    • If you want, you can vent your heart even further. You can also talk about black pages and tell how your friendship grew when you turned those pages.
  2. Lighten up the letter with jokes. Saying goodbye is often sad, but it is something you will have to bite through. Your friend will have to make a lot of adjustments and it is up to you to cheer him / her up. Add some lighthearted stories or jokes to the letter so that he / she can have a laugh when he / she unfolds the letter.
    • Draw funny cartoons of comical scenes that you have experienced.
    • Write something in ciphertext and put the key on the back of the letter.
  3. Close the letter with a promise to keep in touch. Make sure your friend knows that, as far as you are concerned, this doesn't have to be the end of your friendship. You will never forget those wonderful years you have spent together - this is just another phase of your friendship. Now you can visit each other and share what you have learned from living apart from each other.

Method 3 of 4: Organize a farewell party

  1. Visit his / her favorite places. Setting up a day to do the things you used to do together is a fun way to say goodbye. You can do something special, such as attend a football game or a concert. You can eat at your favorite restaurant, or prepare a meal at home for a more intimate setting.
  2. Celebrate it at school. If you and your friend go to the same school, celebrate with your other friends during recess. Let everyone decorate their locker with farewell wishes and in honor of your friend, bring some treats to munch on during the break.
  3. Throw a party. If you and your boyfriend have other friends together, say goodbye to your boyfriend with a great party. It may be a surprise or not - you know your friend best so that's up to you. For example, you can throw a theme party, or keep it simple by organizing a farewell dinner in a restaurant.
    • Ask each invitee to write down a nice memory with / from your friend. At the party one can read those memories in turn.
    • Buy or make a parting cake to share at the party. Write "WE WILL MISS YOU [name of your friend]!" on.

Method 4 of 4: Speak the words

  1. Say goodbye to your friend at the station or airport. Spending the last few minutes with your friend before everything changes is priceless. If it is not possible to say goodbye, schedule another time a few days before departure to say goodbye.
    • Ask your friend if he / she needs help packing. That's a great way to spend some more time with him / her. You will also take some of the relocation stress away from him / her.
    • He / she may be very busy with his / her family during those last days. If so, come by for an hour to say goodbye.
  2. Tell your friend how you feel. There is no one particular way to say goodbye. The best thing you can do is to speak honestly and sincerely about how you feel. Even if you don't do it in the most articulate way, your friend will know how much you care about him / her. The warmth and love you convey will help him / her gather the courage to start over in his / her new hometown.
    • It can be difficult to express your innermost feelings directly to another. However, now is the right time to do so. Tell your friend that you love him / her and that you will miss him / her.
    • Sometimes saying goodbye is too hard to express in words. A hug and a genuine smile will tell your friend exactly what you would like to say to him / her.


  • Tell him / her how much he / she has meant to you and promise to stay in touch.
  • Remember that you can maintain a healthy relationship with your boyfriend regardless of physical distance.
  • Sometimes moving is the best solution. There are reasons for this. Do not give up! Keep your chin up, saying goodbye might be harder for your friend than you.After all, he / she has to say goodbye to all his / her friends; you only love him / her.
  • If you find out that your friend is moving, try to strengthen the bond between you and your other friends. That way, you won't feel as bad when the moment comes.
  • Be as cheerful as possible and smile when he / she leaves.
  • Give him / her something that reminds him / her of you. Promise to keep in touch. See if you can arrange a date to visit.
  • Don't let the friendship water down and stay in touch.
  • Sometimes your friend can misunderstand if you are cheerful and cheerful. Don't be afraid to show your emotions. It's okay to feel bad when your best friend leaves.
  • Don't keep whining or sulking about it. Spend as much time as possible with your best friend so that he / she knows that the friendship means a lot to you.
  • When you say goodbye, make a present so your friend knows how much he / she has meant to you.
  • Do what he / she wants to do on the last day, but remember that it is not "his" / "her" day - it is "our" day.