How to fry lobster

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 7 April 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to make the BEST Crispy Fried Lobster | Red Lobster’s Leaked Recipe shh
Video: How to make the BEST Crispy Fried Lobster | Red Lobster’s Leaked Recipe shh


1 Buy fresh or frozen tails from the supermarket or your local fishmonger. The tails are the fleshy part of the lobster. Naturally, you can fry the other parts as well, however, if you're looking for an easy way to cook, you can't go wrong with the tails.
  • If you bought fresh tails, put them in the refrigerator and remove them just before you start cooking.
  • If you purchased frozen tails, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight. This will cook them thoroughly.
  • 2 Preheat the oven. If you have an oven with an overhead fire, place the wire rack in the middle of the oven.
  • 3 Rinse your tailings under running water. Pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • 4 Make a hole in the shell. Use sharp kitchen scissors to cut a rectangular hole along the top of the lobster's tail so that the meat is cooked thoroughly. Don't remove the carapace completely, just cut a rectangle a few centimeters wide along the tail.
    • You can also use a knife for this if you don't have kitchen scissors at hand. Use a serrated knife that won't slide over the lobster shell.
    • If you wish, you can make one cut along the tail and stretch the shell with your hands, releasing the flesh.
  • 5 Make an oil-based marinade. Because lobster meat becomes dry when frying, oil must be used to keep the meat juicy. In such a sauce, the type of oil plays the most important role - it can be flavored to your liking. To make the oil-based sauce, combine the following ingredients:
    • 1/4 cup melted butter per lobster tail
    • 1 head of minced garlic per lobster tail
    • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 6 Pickle your tails. Place them in a small skillet with the flesh side up to allow the lobster to absorb all of the marinade. Spread the sauce over the tails, letting the sauce drain into the cut shell.
  • 7 Place the lobster baking sheet in the oven and cook for 10-12 minutes. The tails are done when the meat turns opaque in the middle and the butter turns brown. Remove them from the oven.
    • If the meat is still translucent, then the lobster is not ready yet. Leave them in the oven for a few more minutes, then check again.
    • Do not overcook the lobster - the meat will look like rubber. After 10-12 minutes, check the lobster for doneness.
    • In general, every 30 grams of meat should be cooked for a minute.
  • 8 Serve. Fried lobster tails are delicious when served in an oily sauce with lemon juice and a sprinkle of herbs such as dill or green onions. Serve the fried lobster immediately after cooking. You can either get the meat out of the shell or serve it like that.
  • Method 2 of 2: Fried Whole Lobsters

    1. 1 Buy fresh lobsters. Find live lobsters at the supermarket or fishmonger. Be sure to check out the lobster tank for vibrant, healthy lobsters. Don't buy lobsters that are too stiff, or lobsters with black dots or holes in their shells.
    2. 2 Pour boiling water over them. This method is recommended as a preliminary preparation before frying the lobster. The boiling water kills the live lobster and the meat cooks more easily when frying than if it is directly fried with a live lobster. To pour boiling water over them you need:
      • Fill a large saucepan 3/4 full with water. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt for each part of water. Bring water to a boil.
      • Then, one at a time, dip the lobsters into the boiling water, head down, and cover the pot with a lid.
      • Cooking time depends on the weight of the lobster. Typically, a pound of lobster should be cooked for 3 1/2 minutes, 1 kg for 5 1/2 minutes, and a pound and a half for 7 1/2 minutes.
      • Then dip the lobster in ice water to stop further cooking.
    3. 3 Preheat the oven. If you have an oven with an overhead fire, place the wire rack in the middle of the oven.
    4. 4 Divide the lobster in half along the torso, from head to tail, using a sharp knife or kitchen scissors. Remove the guts that look like greenish horseradish. Although edible, they look unsightly and people choose to remove them to make the lobster look more presentable. Rinse the lobster to remove any remaining entrails.
      • If you intend to fry the pincers, break them so that the heat of the oven reaches them.
    5. 5 Make an oil-based marinade. Place the lobster on a baking sheet.In a bowl, combine 1/4 cup butter (for 1 lobster), 1 head of minced garlic, salt and pepper to taste, and brush over the lobster mixture.
    6. 6 Place the lobster pan in the oven and cook for 10-12 minutes. The lobster is done when the meat turns cloudy in the middle and the butter turns brown. In general, every 30 grams of meat should be cooked for a minute. Take them out of the oven.
      • If the meat gets dry during cooking, pour oil on the lobster to prevent overcooking.
      • If the meat is still clear after 12 minutes, return the lobster to the oven for a couple more minutes.
    7. 7 Serve whole lobster on a serving plate. Sprinkle with lemon juice and sprinkle with dill, parsley, or green onions. Whole lobsters are served in a shell for added effect.


    • For extra flavor, try serving the lobster with melted butter in small bowls. By dipping them in oil, you will enhance the flavor of the lobster and allow it to be juicier.
    • Lobster meat is a delicacy that can be digested very easily. If you are not sure if the meat is ready, check the temperature inside the tails. The meat is done when the temperature reaches 127 degrees Celsius. The meat should be slightly brown and firm to the touch. It may take a while before you can set the oven to the desired temperature.
    • If you are frying lobsters weighing 30 grams or more, first heat them in a skillet over medium heat for 1 to 2 minutes before placing them in the oven. Place the lobsters in a heavy-bottomed skillet with the flesh facing up. This will cook them faster and stay juicy.

    What do you need

    • Lobster tails, fresh or frozen, or whole lobster
    • Melted butter
    • Sea salt
    • Lemon juice
    • Kitchen scissors
    • Smearing brush
    • Bake