How to go hiking

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hiking 101 for Beginners | Useful Knowledge
Video: Hiking 101 for Beginners | Useful Knowledge


Few things compare to hiking! Affectionate sun, nature around, amazing views - a miracle, we truly say to you. However, there is also a fly in the ointment in the campaigns - they can be dangerous ... even deadly, unless, of course, you do not properly prepare for them. Hiking is unthinkable without preparation, but don't worry - this article will explain everything you need to know about hiking.


Method 1 of 2: Preparing for the hike

  1. 1 Buy a local travel guide. This is a very important moment when preparing for a hike, because from these guides you will learn about the local landscape, flora and fauna - from what flowers bloom in each season to what birds you can meet on your way. This book can be bought at a general bookstore, tourist information center, or online.
    • However, you can also look for hiking spots on the Internet. Chances are you will find hiking sites in your area!

    Thomas churchill

    Trekking leader Thomas Churchill has been hiking California for the past five years as a freshman trekking leader and adventure tour guide at Stanford. For 3 months he worked at the Stanford Sierra Conference Center, where he led day trips in the Desolation Wilderness Conservation Area in Northern California.

    Thomas churchill
    Hiking leader

    While paper maps are important for safety net, hikers can take advantage of new technologies. Thomas Churchill, Camping Leader, advises: “I recommend downloading the Topomaps + app - or something like that - from the App Store before embarking on a new hike. This application allows you to download detailed maps of any hiking trails and find your location on them offline. "

  2. 2 Start small. If this is your first time going on a hike, then look for a simpler and shorter route for yourself. If you rarely go out into nature, then you should choose a path along the plain and no longer than 3-5 kilometers. For those who go hiking more actively, longer trips can be advised. In any case, decide for yourself - the main thing is, do not overestimate your capabilities for the first time!
  3. 3 Take plenty of water with you. One of the most important conditions for a safe hike, which must be remembered right away, is to have enough water with you. Drink before, drink during, drink after: hydration is no joke! Remember, it is better to take more water with you than you can drink than to wander through the forests and mountains, languishing with thirst. The general rule is this: for a 2-hour hike, you need to take at least a liter of water per person.
  4. 4 Collect your backpack. Of course, what will be in it depends on where you go. However, you will always need food, a knife (and better - a Swiss one), a compass and a map, a flashlight, matches or flint with flint, and additional clothing in case of bad weather.
    • A first aid kit, binoculars and so on are also good. Most importantly, do not forget water and do not overload yourself with unnecessary things.
  5. 5 Protect yourself from the sun. Hat? Take it. Glasses? Put it on. Sunscreen? Cover yourself! Sunburn or skin cancer are no joke, so feel free to take care of yourself!
  6. 6 Wear suitable footwear. Shoes should help you walk, this is extremely important. Lace-up boots with ankle support are good. Evening shoes are bad. We hope that you yourself understand this.
    • You should not take shoes that are “fresh from the store” on a hike, it is better to carry a pair well first, and only then go to nature. No, if you like blisters, then it's up to you ... ... but we warned you.
  7. 7 Invite friends and family. It is better for beginners to walk in groups, and it is advisable if there is someone experienced in the group. You understand that this is much safer and more reliable. Plan a trip, invite friends, have fun, but don't forget about safety.
    • Have you decided to go camping alone? Warn loved ones about where, where and how you will go, tell them when you will get in touch with them, etc. Don't get lost!
  8. 8 Know what to do in an emergency. Yes, your hike is unlikely to end in a style worthy of horror films. Nevertheless, you must always be ready for everything. Bring a first aid kit, cell phone (although there may be no connection in the forest), read guides on how to survive in the wild, etc.

Method 2 of 2: On the hike

  1. 1 Start from the starting point. Each route has such a point - there is written the name of the path, its length, and so on. Sometimes there is even a map showing points of interest along the way.
    • If you don't see a starting point, then there is a chance that you are not at all in the place where you should have been. On the other hand, there are tourist routes without starting points - this should be written in the guidebook.
  2. 2 Pay attention to direction signs. Following the route, you will certainly come to a fork. Where to turn off? Where the sign with the name of your route points. No pointer? Look at the map and think. And it's not clear from the map? Take a look around to see the marks on the area left by other tourist travelers.
    • Small footprints, marks and trails are not always what you need. Such marks may even be the trace of some forest animal. Gamekeepers and foresters tend to cover this up so tourists don't get lost, but that doesn't negate the need to think sensibly on the hike!
  3. 3 Follow the requirements of the signs. If you see a sign "Do not go off the route", then you should not take a step to the left-step to the right. The sign hangs for a reason. If you get lost, then perhaps no one will find you ...
    • The sign "Do not feed wild animals" is also not hung up for beauty. Food suitable for tourists may not be to the liking of forest animals. Do not feed them, even if they look like the hungriest or cutest animals in the world.
  4. 4 Rest and drink. A hike is not a race, there is nowhere to rush. So feel free to take breaks when you're tired. Drink, rest, come to your senses.
  5. 5 Watch your step. Not only in order not to fall, but also in order not to inadvertently distribute some small animal. And look around too, do not approach wild animals, if you notice any! They are wild! Wild!
    • Watch out for snakes. If you are wandering in an area where there are many snakes, watch out for twice and look at your feet more often. Stepping on a snake is a sure chance to get a venomous bite.
  6. 6 Take only photographs, leave only footprints. Truth is hackneyed, but still the truth. Nature must be respected, appreciated and protected. Do not leave trash behind, do not shout or turn on the music at full power. Don't pick stones, don't pick flowers, don't catch animals - don't interfere with the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Respect nature!


  • Beginners should not embark on extremely difficult routes.
  • If there is a logbook at the starting point, make a note on it that you started the route. When you come back, make a note that you came back.


  • Observe the signs! Stay on the route if you don't want to get lost!