How to make a boyfriend or girlfriend jealous of you

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Perhaps one of your friends is constantly annoying by trying to make you jealous. For example, a person brags about money, a car or things and this annoys you. So it's time to switch roles! Become the life of the party, begin to emphasize your merits and develop to make your friend jealous of you. Have fun!


Method 1 of 3: Become the center of attention

  1. 1 Show confidence with body language. Become the master of the situation when you enter the premises! Keep your head straight, take long strides, and let your arms swing freely along your torso. Take up as much space as possible while standing or sitting! When sitting, rest your elbows on the chair and spread your feet a little. Keep your back straight and eye contact when talking to people.
    • Remember that confidence is important first and foremost to you, and then to everyone else.
  2. 2 Be the life of the party. Everyone should know that you are attending the event. Don't stand still, chat with friends and meet new people. By the end of the evening, you will have a ton of new friends and acquaintances. It's always more fun than sitting in a corner.
    • For example, you might walk up to a stranger and say, “Hey, fun party, isn't it? My name is Alice. And you?" Then you can discuss food, music and your acquaintance with the party organizer. Remember to ask the person questions.
    • If the music is playing but no one is dancing, grab some girlfriends and get out on the dance floor! If possible, you can also sing in karaoke. Try to stir up the party.
  3. 3 Stand in the center of the room. Go into the room where the friend or girlfriend is now, and immediately go to the center of the room. Thus, all eyes will be directed towards you. It is important to look your best in order to feel confident and attract the attention of everyone around you.
    • Stay in the center for five to ten minutes and chat with friends, then mingle with other guests.
  4. 4 Surround yourself with friends. Your company should always be nearby. If the person who needs to be forced to envy you is part of the company, then have fun with him, but try to attract more attention to yourself - laugh, tell jokes and help people not to get bored. Spending time with friends is also important, even if the right person doesn't envy you.

Method 2 of 3: Show off in front of your friends

  1. 1 Invite a friend over when you buy new items. If you bought a new set of bedroom furniture, a TV or a video game console, then you probably want to show the new items to a friend or a friend. Invite the person to your place and tell them how happy you are with your new purchases. It's always fun to show your stuff to friends.
    • There is no need to brag about it. Nobody likes braggart. Just say, “Listen, Katya, I have a new PlayStation. Do you want to play together? "
  2. 2 Post vacation photos to social media. On vacation, remember to take pictures and post them. If your parents threw a party on the occasion of your birthday, then take some pictures or invite a photographer. In addition, the pictures will help you better remember all the pleasant emotions and guests.
    • For example, you can post a short story on Snapchat that shows the view from your hotel room with the caption “Enjoy your vacation.”
    • You can post a selfie on Instagram to show your new hairstyle or car.
  3. 3 Demonstrate your strengths. Do you have expressive eyes? Accentuate them with mascara or eyeshadow. Do you have strong hands? Wear a jersey so everyone can see your muscles. Receive compliments and feel good about yourself.
  4. 4 Spend time with your significant other. Go on dates and communicate regularly to stay in touch. Share shared shots taken during fun activities. Also, don't forget to share photos of the gifts.
    • Don't date the person for the sake of making the boyfriend or girlfriend jealous. Nobody likes it when people are used.
  5. 5 Plan interesting activities every day. Your crafty plan should include a fun time. Enjoy ice cream with friends, go to the movies with your sister, or play basketball with your dad. The more fun the better. You may even forget that you wanted to make your friend jealous of you.
    • Remember that family and friends fill life with meaning! Why lose a friend because of the desire to make him jealous of you?

Method 3 of 3: Develop to be Jealous

  1. 1 Develop your speaking skills. The more effectively you communicate with people, the more friends you will have. During the conversation, listen carefully and ask clarifying questions. Use their first name often to elicit a favorable response.
    • For example, you can say: “Well, Sasha, it looks like you are delighted with your new job! Are you planning to stay here for a long time? "
  2. 2 Strive to look good at all times. The better a person looks, the better they feel, so be proud of your appearance. Wake up early to have time to put yourself in order. Take a shower, shave, and fix your hair. Wear clean, ironed items of the right size. Choose bright accessories like a belt or watch to complement your look.
    • For example, wear trendy high-waisted jeans paired with an off-the-shoulder blouse. You can also opt for new sneakers and sportswear.
    • You can go beyond the above and do makeup or use perfume.
  3. 3 Exercise 30 minutes a day. Show your friend (and yourself) your strength and consistency - start exercising regularly in the gym. Work on your body to please others and boost your self-esteem.
    • You can work with a trainer in the gym, study at home, or go for a run.
  4. 4 Make the effort to study and work. Behave like someone who can handle any task. Come to class or work a few minutes before the start. Check your homework to fix any mistakes. Learn to be the best of the best! The more you achieve, the more you get closer to your goals.
  5. 5 Repeat positive mantras every morning. At the start of your day, remind yourself that you are beautiful! Before leaving the house, look in the mirror and say something inspiring to yourself. It is important to remember that there are more important things in life than making friends envy, so you should not dwell on such a task for more than a couple of weeks. True friendship usually has no place for envy. Focus on your own happiness and your life will be wonderful!
    • You can say: “Karina, you are great! Great things await you today! You are beautiful, smart and unique. "