How to get a person to do funny things under hypnosis

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hilarious Hypnotized Person does Unbelievable Things ! By SpideyHypnosis
Video: Hilarious Hypnotized Person does Unbelievable Things ! By SpideyHypnosis


Have you ever seen magic shows during which the stunt performer mesmerized the audience? These shows can be very interesting! Think about how funny it will look when your friend starts clucking like a chicken or doing a silly dance. Once you learn hypnosis, you can put everything you see in the show into practice. With simple hypnosis techniques, you can hypnotize your friends and make them do stupid things. However, remember that there are precautions that must be followed. It is important to remember that some people do not lend themselves to hypnosis. So if your friend doesn't do what you want, chances are his mind defies hypnosis. This is a very common occurrence, and even experienced sorcerers encounter it.


Part 1 of 4: Do Your Own Research

  1. 1 Read the information on hypnosis. Hypnosis is not difficult to learn, but you need to make sure you are doing the right thing. Research is the first step to success. Although hypnosis is not considered a science, it has many followers. Read books by professional hypnotists to better understand the principle of the process itself.
    • Make sure to find a book by a reputable writer. Most of the time, people are just trying to sell their product, such as DVDs that teach hypnosis. Look for a writer who approaches hypnosis from a professional point of view. This information will be more reliable. The section on the author should indicate whether the author has a master's degree, a Ph.D., or medical science degree. This criterion indicates the level of education of a person. Look for information on free sites - this is an important criterion for whether to trust the source or not.
    • Ask your local library staff for some good reference books on this topic. They usually know exactly where to look for good material.
    • Please consult with someone. Another good way is to seek the advice of someone who knows a lot about hypnosis. If among your friends there is one of the hosts of such magic shows, then it's time to turn to him for help. Just tell them that you want to know more about what he does. Most people would love to talk about their work!
    • You can also consult with a specialist in psychology. Many psychologists and psychiatrists use hypnosis in their practice. Make an appointment with a local psychologist. You can learn a lot about hypnosis from him.
  2. 2 Find a volunteer. The next step is to find a volunteer to help you master hypnosis. You need to try your knowledge on someone, so you should ask a friend or family member for help. Explain that you just want to have fun and suggest that you learn a new hobby together.
    • It would be good to choose someone you know well. The more comfortable you are with this person, the easier it will be for him to relax in order to become more susceptible to hypnosis.
    • Try to pick up a few people. Some people are more susceptible to hypnosis than others, and you need to test your skills on different candidates. This will help you understand which methods are already working well and which ones need to be improved.
  3. 3 Think about safety. Even if this experiment is just an innocent joke, you still need to take care of your safety. For example, make sure you conduct your hypnosis session in a safe, hidden area. Your own apartment is a great choice. Taking hypnosis in a public place is not a good idea. You don't want your volunteer hypnotized to accidentally walk out into a busy street right into a crowd of people.
    • Plan ahead. Think about what actions the person should be doing under hypnosis. Make sure everything you are planning is within his physical capabilities.

Part 2 of 4: Hypnotizing Your Volunteer

  1. 1 Start hypnosis by talking. Choose your words carefully. Your words are the most powerful tool in hypnosis. The secret is to constantly give commands through which people should feel or behave in a certain way. As a result, the person should begin to react to the words you repeat. Hypnosis is a process that does not imply instant results. This may take a few minutes.
    • For example, you can periodically say the phrase: "Wow, how quickly time flies, it's already very late." Also try the phrases: “Don't you feel like sleeping? It's already very late. " The key word is "late", which should signal to the person that he is very tired.
    • You can also repeat the following phrases: “It's very warm in here,” and then, “Aren't you hot in this jacket? It's so warm here. " The person's brain will signal to him that it is getting very hot, and it is possible that after that he will take off his shoes or take some ice cubes.
  2. 2 Make adjustments to your voice to heighten the hypnosis state. Just like your words, your tone of voice is a very important part of hypnosis. Make sure your voice sounds confident. The volume determines how the person will answer your questions. Don't speak too loudly so as not to scare him. Don't speak too softly, as your words will sound uncertain.
    • Try to make your voice sound pleasant as you express "sentences." When pronouncing the phrase "It's too late", choose the appropriate tone, volume and speed of pronunciation.
    • Record your voice on a tape recorder if you are worried that your voice does not sound well.You will be able to listen to the recording and draw conclusions. For example, if your voice is very timid, then try to speak a little louder and more confidently.
  3. 3 Maintain eye contact for deeper hypnosis. Eye contact is extremely important in hypnosis. This is important whether you are exercising or actually hypnotizing someone. Focus on your subject and maintain eye contact with it.
    • While maintaining eye contact, observe the signals on your subject's face. Does he respond to your hypnosis? If not, try changing the tone of your voice or using different words.

Part 3 of 4: Play a Trick on the Hypnosis Target

  1. 1 Try something silly. After putting the subject into a state of hypnosis, you can mock him a little. You will be able to control the person when he responds to your voice and makes eye contact. There are many fun things you can do with a person under hypnosis. Once you've made sure that the person is actually under hypnosis (you can tell by looking at how well they are following your commands), you can try some funny things with them.
  2. 2 Dance. One of the funniest things is getting a person to do dance moves. Put on the music and tell your subject to dance. Tell him that no one is looking at him. Alternatively, say that he is participating in a dance competition. Encourage him to dance with applause. It will be very interesting for sure.
    • Try a selection of popular dance music. Choose the one your friend probably knows. This will subconsciously help him feel more comfortable.
  3. 3 Make your subject believe they are some kind of animal. For example, you can force him to behave like a cat. You and your friends will surely find it very funny when the subject starts purring, meowing, and trying to lick itself.
    • Continue giving commands to him while he is still hypnotized, for example, “Oh, you’re a cat. Would you like to purr? " The power of suggestion is a very important element of hypnosis.
  4. 4 Ask your friend to sing. Your friend may be very shy. Therefore, it will be doubly funny when he sings. Use the commands again and try saying, “Do you like this new song on the radio? I'm sure you would sing it great! " Then enjoy a free concert.

Part 4 of 4: Learn the Effectiveness of Hypnosis

  1. 1 Learn more about self hypnosis. Hypnosis can be a lot of fun, but remember that hypnosis is also used to treat ailments. Therefore, this is another reason to master the art of self-hypnosis. After learning the basics of hypnosis, try to improve your self-hypnosis. Of course, now you will not be able to maintain eye contact, but you will be amazed at how the power of suggestion can change your life for the better.
    • For example, you are afraid of heights. Self-hypnosis will help you gain more confidence and reduce your fear. Memorize the mantra you like and repeat it regularly. Try to relax while climbing high stairs. You can program yourself that the height is not dangerous for you.
  2. 2 Hypnosis is good for sleep. As you learn more about the power of hypnosis, you will realize just how powerful a tool it really is. This procedure is especially useful for people suffering from insomnia. Once you have mastered the basics of hypnosis, you can help a friend or family member who is suffering from insomnia.
    • Try making a note to help you fall asleep. Use the power of suggestion and a properly modeled tone of voice to convince the subject to fall into deep sleep.
  3. 3 Become a hypnotherapist. Once you discover the fun of hypnotizing people, you may realize that mastering this art has other benefits as well. After getting really good results in hypnotizing your friends, you can start a new activity, because hypnotherapy is a very profitable business.
    • Contact local hypnotherapists and ask them to tell you about their training and careers.


  • Maintain a pleasant tone of voice.
  • Choose someone who trusts you.


  • Do not ask a person to do what he cannot! If he has a leg injury, don't ask him to jump.