How to get a good older sister's attitude

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 5 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Narcissism in a Sibling [How to Spot the Signs]
Video: Narcissism in a Sibling [How to Spot the Signs]


Have you ever wanted your older sister to spend more time with you? Have you ever hoped that she would stop yelling at you, "Leave me alone!"? Have you ever wanted to do something with your sister, but she was against it? Read on to find out what you can do about all of this!


  1. 1 Take a moment when your sister is not busy and try to talk to her. Compliment her, tell her that she has beautiful shoes, that you love the posters she has hung in her room. Talk about yours, about women, paint your nails, do your hair. At the end of the conversation, politely hint that you enjoy spending time with her and that you hope it won't be the last time.
  2. 2 Help your sister politely. Wash the dishes for her, fold the washed things. Hopefully, your sister will understand that you are trying to be kind to her and, in turn, will try to be kind to you. But at the same time, you should not do this too often, because she may just use you for her own purposes.
  3. 3 Try to find out what your sister is interested in. Strike up a conversation with her about Taylor Swift or someone else she likes. When she tells you something, show interest in what she says. She will understand that you respect her and her interests, and she will probably start to respect you more.
  4. 4 Be kind to your sister. Kindness is the key to good relationships. Your sister will not be kind to you until she realizes that you are genuinely trying to be kind to her. Try to minimize communication with her if you are in a bad mood.
  5. 5 Find a common language with your sister. If you find out that you and your sister enjoy doing the same activity, then take advantage of it. When your sister is not busy, ask her if she would like to kick a ball in the yard or watch YouTube clips. It's worth a try, isn't it?
  6. 6 If your sister says no, then never ask her to be with you again, because she will become more irritated and will probably never agree to spend time with you again.
  7. 7 Never bother your sister when friends visit her or when she is with her boyfriend. She will be angry with you, and accordingly, she will not want to spend time with you even when she is alone.
  8. 8 Let your sister come to you. Allowing her to spend time with you can build a wonderful friendship.
  9. 9 Leave her alone. If you let go of her, she will probably be happy and may begin to perceive you differently.She'll just want to spend more time with you if she's never done it before.
  10. 10 Do something nice for her (for example, help clean up her desk), she may want to help you later.


  • Remember that your sister has the right to voice her opinion, so leave her alone if that's the only thing she wants.
  • Don't be discouraged if your sister doesn't want to spend time with you at first. You show all your positive sides, and she may change her mind.
  • Be kind to your sister's friends and boyfriend. Your sister will like you much more if you don't have problems with her friends. Tell her politely if her friend has offended you, but don't get into trouble.
  • Don't be too nice. Don't praise everything. Say that you like her shoes, but then add that she might try something else! Say "I really like your shoes, they are really cute, but next time try wearing them with a shiny top, it will look stunning."
  • Ask her to help you do your homework or what she does better than you!
  • Don't be friends with her. Older sisters can be irritable and spoiled, but not always (and it really depends on the personality). Don't be upset if she doesn't want to spend time with you. Make a sad face and walk away slowly, and she will run after you, be sure!


  • Don't suddenly start acting nice to your sister because she might think you are bluffing. It is best to do everything gradually.
  • When helping your sister, do not go to her room. She may think that you are rummaging through her belongings.
  • You shouldn't be nice to your sister just to make yourself look good in front of your parents. Try to find a common language with your sister so that one day you will have a wonderful friendship.