How to protect yourself and your home from flies

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 24 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Get Rid of House Flies (4 Simple Steps)
Video: How to Get Rid of House Flies (4 Simple Steps)


Flies are not harmful, but they can be annoying and annoying, especially if they have invaded your home. If you want to keep flies away from you and your home, there are some steps you need to take to keep your home from flies. Some preventive measures should be taken and even some fly traps should be created. If you want to know how to protect yourself and your home from flies, follow these steps.


Method 1 of 3: Trap or Kill

  1. 1 Use Velcro straps. If you really have a problem with flies, hang Velcro straps around the room to keep the flies away. Although it doesn't look very aesthetically pleasing, it works. Hang the Velcro in the sun behind the wind so that it works most effectively.
  2. 2 Use fly traps. Place fly traps outside your window or yard to catch pesky creatures. Do not install them in the room. They can be quite smelly and the smell will quickly spread throughout your home.
  3. 3 Hang clean plastic bags, half filled with water, near doors and windows. The water in the bags will reflect light and disorient flies. They will be unable to enter your home.
  4. 4 Use spiders. If you notice one or two spiders in the corners of the room or hanging from the ceiling near the window, do not touch them. If spiders are not dangerous, they will help kill flies and protect you and your home from these annoying creatures. The next time you see a spider in a room, consider whether or not you really need to kill it.
  5. 5 Use a fly swatter. If you see a fly, you can use a fly swatter to end its suffering. Simply position the swatter over the fly and use your wrist to click the swatter at the insect. While the fly swatter will not solve all flies problems, it will be useful if a fly is approaching you, or if you see a fly flying into your room uninvited.

Method 2 of 3: Organize the space

  1. 1 Close windows and doors. If you want to keep flies away from you and your home, then you must close windows and doors through which flies can enter. If you have a fly screen on a window or door, you can leave it open until holes appear on the screen.
    • If a fly has entered your room, open a door or window until it flies out, and then close it again.
  2. 2 Keep food away from flies. If you store food in a room or kitchen, you should cover it to keep out flies - flies love the smell of sweets and meat and will try to get as close to your food as they can. Here are some tips:
    • After you have prepared your food, before you start eating, remove unused foods and excess portions (they can attract flies).
    • When you are finished eating, wash the dishes right away to prevent food particles from attracting flies.
    • If you have removed food, make sure all containers are tightly closed.
    • Fruit flies love fruit. Do not leave the fruit open - cover it with cheesecloth.
  3. 3 Take special care to keep the meat free from flies. Flies especially love the smell of cooking meat. If you're cooking meat, [5] remember to remove any leftovers and wash the dishes when you're done.
    • If you need to leave the door open while you cook meat, direct the fan towards the open door to keep flies away.
    • If you are barbecuing outdoors, make sure the windows and doors to your home are closed.
  4. 4 Clean your pet's litter box. If you have a cat and the litter box is in your room or at home, when cleaning the litter box at least once a day, throw its contents into a trash bin or outdoor trash can to keep flies out of your home. If you have a dog, discard the contents of the litter box in a closed container, preferably outside your home. If you have a yard, try to prevent your dog from making a toilet in the yard. This will attract flies to your home.
  5. 5 Close trash cans tightly. Make sure the lids on the trash cans are tightly closed. Use trash bags to prevent food scraps and other debris from sticking to the inside of the bin. These measures can help prevent flies from entering your home.
  6. 6 Remove excess water from your home. Flies love moisture, so make sure you don't leave a puddle of water after showering or that you don't leave wet clothes in a pile on the floor after the gym. Do not leave open containers of water in your room, or this will attract flies.

Method 3 of 3: Take Preventive Measures

  1. 1 Check your home for cracks. Cover all the cracks. This will help you save energy and prevent flies. Check window seals, seal gaps around windows and doors, make sure they are not cracked, and replace if necessary. Check all pipes in the stairwell and in the air conditioner for leaks. Fill any gaps you find with polyurethane foam.
  2. 2 Replace any broken screens on windows and doors. Check the mesh screens for holes or torn - even if there are small holes, this may be enough for flies to get inside. Replace them or cover temporarily with plastic and see if anything changes. Make sure the edges of the mesh screen are tight and that there is no way for flies to get inside.
  3. 3 Use plants or herbs to keep out flies. There are many herbs and plants that will repel flies, so consider creating a mini garden in your room and see how that repels flies. Here are some plants and herbs to help you fight flies:
    • Basil. Grow basil outdoors near your room window and see how effective it is. It will scare away not only flies, but also mosquitoes, and will also be an excellent seasoning for any food.
    • Bay leaf. You can grow it outdoors during the summer, but in the winter you must bring it indoors. Alternatively, simply placing dry bay leaves in the bowl will keep flies away.
    • Lavender. It smells good and repels flies. You can grind it into powder and sprinkle it on the furniture. Grow it in flower pots or garden beds.
    • Mint. Put a mint plant in your room, it will protect not only from flies, but also from fleas and ants.
    • Tansy. Tansy is another plant that is known for its properties to repel flies, ants, and fleas.
  4. 4 Get a dog. Dogs are not only cute and lovable creatures, but they also love to eat flies. Consider getting a dog not only to add fun to your life, but also to get rid of those annoying flies.
  5. 5 Get a cat. Cats are cuddly and cute animals and they love to play with flies. It's so funny when cats play with flies.


  • Incense is the best choice if you also want to enhance the smell in the room.


  • Don't let small children light incense.
  • Outdoor electronic fly traps can harm squirrels and birds.