How to recite mantras

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to chant mantras correctly by Sadhguru
Video: How to chant mantras correctly by Sadhguru


All over the world, people meditate and recite mantras (chanting the name of God), whether it be Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam or Christianity. Reading mantras is a mystical and magical experience, because through chanting and meditation, the body turns into a temple, a divine instrument. To recite mantras, you need to breathe correctly, properly relax and be in a certain state of mind.


  1. 1 Choose a mantra. Basically, mantras consist of chanting the divine name, religious Jews chant the secret names of God such as Yahweh, Adonai and Elohim. Indian yogis repeat the names of Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and many other gods and goddesses. For Christians, an ancient way of expressing love for God is the repetition of the names of Jesus and the Mother of God, as well as singing addressed directly to the Lord. Choose the type of mantra that suits you.

  2. 2 Mantra recitation is a form of meditation where peace and quiet is the key. Prepare a place for meditation - light candles and incense, and, first, turn to the silence of your heart, feel the mantra. Each mantra has a deep, serious meaning - feel it. From the space of peace, openness and love - start singing!

  3. 3 Sing and listen to your body's signals. Are you nervous when chanting mantras? Is your voice very quiet and are you afraid that someone will see you while singing? Is your throat too tight? Are you reading from the depths of your heart or from your head? Are you focused, focused, in harmony with yourself and equally responsive to the needs of your heart and your mind? Are you reading too loud? Is your ego trying to interfere with the process? Are you chanting a mantra so that others can hear you doing it, or do you want to become a divine power and let that power pass through you?

  4. 4 Sing with love and reverence. Through the recitation of mantras, prayers and chanting of religious songs, we become the transcendental vibration of the sound that we repeat, and we become pure love and joy. Sing religious songs with deep feeling and faith, allowing the transcendental beauty and the qualities expressed in words to enter your soul.

  5. 5 Sing along with others and play musical instruments. Merging the voices and hearts of many people in an atmosphere of love and devotion is a magical experience. Mantra recitation is usually accompanied by drumming, clapping, tambourine, and other percussion instruments.

  6. 6 Dance. If your heart is overflowing with strong feelings, then dance in the name of divine love, this will enrich your experience.

  7. 7 Meditate every time after reciting mantras. Mantras, kirtan, reading, chanting religious songs, they all have the same purpose - to calm our minds and open our hearts to divine energy. Let the peace and quiet lead you towards divine energy.


  • Om namah Shivaya is a mantra dedicated to the god Shiva (Śiva). It is said that reciting mantras and sacred chants dedicated to Shiva purifies your karma.
  • In order to purify consciousness, Hare Krishnas practice various forms of bhakti yoga and religious services. One of them is reciting the powerful Hindu mantra Hare Krishna.
  • Buddha leads us to enlightenment represented by the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. It is said that all of the Buddha's teachings are represented in this mantra.
  • Ananda Marga use the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra in Sanskrit. Reading this mantra, which means endless love, fills us from within with happiness, peace and love.
  • If you cannot relax, become a child, sing with glee, drop all thoughts and let your song flow.