How to become clairvoyant

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become Clairvoyant
Video: How To Become Clairvoyant


Clairvoyance is the ability to "see" the future, but, contrary to the prevailing stereotypes, clairvoyance does not work from crystal balls and complex divination rituals. Before developing your clairvoyant gift, you should work on developing your natural intuitive abilities. Once you've tuned these abilities, start training your brain to engage with the images, sounds, feelings, and general energy that surrounds you. Keep reading this article to learn more about this process.


Part 1 of 4: Exercises to Develop Intuition and Perception

  1. 1 Work with direct intuition. Direct intuition, or literal intuition, is the kind of intuition you use when asking yourself about a particular situation.
    • Sit comfortably. Sit in a quiet place and concentrate on your breathing until your body is completely relaxed.
    • Think about a situation that you would like to know more about. Concentrate only on this situation for a few minutes.
    • Ask - aloud or inwardly - about a direct intuition about this event in the near future.
    • Let go of your thoughts. You may need to do this several times before you succeed, but by focusing all your energy on a specific situation, you will be more likely to turn on your intuition and learn something new about this situation than about anything else. ...
  2. 2 Work with indirect intuition. Indirect intuition, or symbolic intuition, focuses on the brain's natural ability to capture key points and details in any situation by developing your ability to see and interpret mental symbols.
    • Take a pencil and a piece of paper.
    • Ask yourself: "What do I need in my life at the moment?" Repeat this question three times, pausing after each time to imagine yourself moving towards a more significant answer from time to time.
    • After you've asked yourself this question three times, take a pencil and draw the first symbol that comes to your mind.
    • Interpret the symbol. Understand what this symbol means from your point of view and how this meaning relates to your life.
  3. 3 Listen to your dreams. The human brain goes through REM sleep every 90 minutes, and it is during this phase that we dream. Dreams can be a very effective tool on your way to interpreting signals from external stimulants that your subconscious mind has already analyzed.
    • Place a notebook and pen next to your bed before bed. Ask yourself a question or focus on a specific life situation to which you are looking for an intuitive answer. Repeat this as many times as possible before you fall asleep.
    • When you wake up, write down your dreams. If you dreamed nothing, write or draw the first thing that comes to your mind.
    • Repeat this exercise until you get an answer to your question or a solution to your situation.
  4. 4 Try blind reading. For this reading, you need a blank card system to help you focus your energy on a problem and use your subconscious mind to intuitively find a solution to it.
    • Sit down at the table with three blank cards ready.
    • Think about a question or situation in which you need help from your intuition. Write three different solutions to this question, one on each card.
    • Flip the cards with the answers down. Shuffle them and leave them face down on the table.
    • Swipe your hands over the cards. Take your time, relax and breathe calmly.
    • Flip the cards back with the labels facing up. The card that you felt most attracted to contains the correct solution.

Part 2 of 4: Developing Clairvoyance

  1. 1 Let go of your fears. Most telepathic development teachers say that the biggest obstacle in your path to clairvoyance is the fear of knowing your future.
    • Identify the source of your fear. Often times, your fear can be something very simple, like worrying that you will look stupid, but sometimes it can also be something scary from your childhood that blocks your clairvoyant abilities.
    • Let go of your fear by constantly repeating an affirmative phrase to yourself or out loud, such as "I am willing to let go of all my fear of the future."
  2. 2 Boost your visual imagination. Before you can use your clairvoyance to get answers to direct, specific questions, you will need to improve your ability to see vivid images in your mind. You can develop this ability through simple visualization exercises.
    • Imagine holding seven balls. Each ball should be a different color.
    • Release the balls one by one. Watch as each ball flies into the blue heights and disappears into it, before releasing the next ball and following it in the same way.
    • Do the exercise until you trace the movement of each of the balls from beginning to end.
  3. 3 Formulate a specific question. When it comes time to use your clairvoyant powers, make sure you formulate a very specific question so that you can truly get to the heart of the matter.
    • Beware of general questions like "Will I like my birthday this year?" Immediately start thinking about how you would really like to celebrate your birthday, and then ask a more specific question such as "Will my friends and family have a birthday party for me this year?"
  4. 4 Open your third eye. After asking the question, take three deep breaths. Concentrate on the area between your eyes. This point is a chakra known as the "third eye", which psychics claim is responsible for the visual abilities of clairvoyance.
    • Continue to breathe, concentrating all your attention on this area. Look for a horizontal oval shape between your eyes. This is your "third eye". Ask him to open up, repeating your request until he opens up and you feel a warm wave of energy spreading throughout your body.
  5. 5 Let the visuals come naturally to you. Don't imagine anything. If the images don't look clear, tell them — aloud or inwardly — to get bigger and clearer.
    • Clairvoyant visions usually take the form of an image inside or outside the third eye, or a film inside or outside your head.
    • Images can be black and white or multi-colored. Moreover, they can either be very life-like or in the form of cartoons.
    • If you cannot understand what your visions mean, ask out loud or silently, "What do these visions mean?"
    • You will receive an answer in the form of a sensation, thought, or sound.
    • If at first you fail, keep repeating the exercise until you get some answers. When you first start practicing clairvoyance, the answers may seem hazy and fuzzy, but it's important to keep believing yourself no matter what.

Part 3 of 4: Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Clairvoyance

  1. 1 Know the difference between these types of clairvoyance. When people think about psychic abilities and predicting the future, they tend to think about clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the practice of "seeing" the future, but there are other senses with which you can predict the future.
    • Clairaudience is the ability to "hear" psychic energy.
    • Clairvoyance is the ability to "feel" energy. Common types of clairvoyance are instinctive feelings and empathy.
    • Clarity is the ability to "know" something without understanding how you know it. If you had a grandmother or auntie who always knew that someone in the family got sick before she was told about it, she had clairvoyance abilities.
  2. 2 You can develop clairaudience by focusing on the sounds in your imagination. To do this, you will need to adjust your sensitivity to the sounds around you, as well as to the sounds within you.
    • When you lie in bed at night, consciously listen for sounds that you usually don't notice. Separate and define each of the sounds. Repeat the exercise with as many sounds as possible before falling asleep, and continue to exercise throughout the week.
    • Listen to the advice of clairaudience. Imagine that you turn on the radio and tune in to your clairaudient station. Start asking questions and listen for any words or sounds you get back. These words can be quiet or loud, clear or incomprehensible, but when you hear the answer, you must analyze its meaning.
  3. 3 Work on clairsentience by focusing on the other person's energy. One of the most effective ways to develop clairvoyance is to try to read other people's energies and feelings. There are several exercises for this.
    • Ask a friend to show you a photo of someone you don't know, but whom your friend knows very well. Look into the eyes of the person in the photograph and try to understand how that person felt when the photograph was taken.Ask yourself if you could trust this person and if you see anything that sets him apart from other people. Test your guesses by asking your friend about this person.
    • Ask a friend to give you an item that belongs to someone you don't know, but whom your friend knows very well. This item should be something that the person often wears, because such items are the best for absorbing the person's energy. Hold the object in your hands and determine if it is saturated with positive or negative energy.
  4. 4 Clarity can be developed through automatic writing exercises. The development of this ability is in many ways similar to the development of intuition. You will need to focus on exercises that help you organize your thoughts and concepts, such as automatic writing.
    • Sit down at the table and grab pens and a piece of paper. Ask yourself any question and write the first thing that comes to your mind, even if it initially looks like something completely extraneous.
    • Force your brain to be the observer in this exercise. Do not allow yourself to think about the information you receive and do not try to manipulate it. Just write your thoughts as they arise until they appear with ease.
    • Read what you have written. If something catches your attention, circle it and try to analyze after you've read everything you've written.

Part 4 of 4: How to Improve Your Experience

  1. 1 Keep a diary. Whether you are trying to develop intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairvoyance, or clairvoyance, keeping track of your psychic successes and failures in a journal will help you further develop your abilities.
    • By keeping a journal, you will be able to understand which abilities and intuition are best developed for you. The diary will also allow you to check the accuracy of your guesses and predictions and evaluate the answers you receive.
  2. 2 Find a friend by intuition. Even if none of your friends and relatives are trying to develop their clairvoyant abilities, you should find at least one person with whom you can share your thoughts. This will help you better understand your visions and premonitions.
    • Share your journal entries and discuss your interpretations.
    • Discuss any similar experiences your friend has and help her or him analyze dreams and visions that are a mystery to your friend.