How to make money in the Sims 2

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get rich in The Sims 2 (MILLIONS of Simoleons) without cheats (CHECK OUT DESCRIPTION)
Video: How to get rich in The Sims 2 (MILLIONS of Simoleons) without cheats (CHECK OUT DESCRIPTION)


Need more money in The Sims 2? In this article, we will tell you about several secret codes that will help you make money quickly and easily in the game!


Method 1 of 3: The Basics

  1. 1 Start a family in The Sims, then buy or build a cheap home.
  2. 2 Place the family in a home that they can afford.
  3. 3 Hold Shift, Ctrl, C. Once you press these three keys together, you will see a white text line at the top of the screen.

Method 2 of 3: Easy Ways

  1. 1 Enter the following codes (each of them will add a certain amount of money to the budget).
    • motherlode = 50 thousand simmillion
    • kaching = 1 thousand simmillion
    • (This code works if you have the Nightlife app installed) familyFunds family name> amount of money> = as much money as you wish will be added to the family budget. For example, enter: "Johnson familyfunds 250,000". And to the Johnson family budget will be added 250 thousand simmillions (monetary unit in the Sims game). The maximum amount is 9999999 simmillions. If you decide to increase the amount of money in this way, you do not need to settle the family in the house.

Method 3 of 3: Alternative Method

  1. 1 You can try the following method:
    • Open the code panel.
    • Enter the code "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true". Then press the Enter key.
    • Press the SHIFT key and click on the Sim.
    • Click "Create ...", then select "More ...", then click on the icon that looks like a little standing child.
    • Open Sim's stats
    • Open the Career Rewards section, All (or change all to the name of a specific Sim).
    • Go to the career awards section.
    • Find the money typewriter (Sims 2 with University only) and drag it onto the lawn.
    • Use the typewriter to type money for yourself (only if this character does not have a gold aspiration indicator!)
    • Wait a moment, then click on the "action icon" in the upper left corner to stop the action.
    • Enjoy your wealth!


  • Once you have enough money, move your family to a larger home that you like best.
  • Don't mix up the code. It is spelled like this: "motherlode", not "motherload". Many people confuse writing code!
  • This way of adding money will help you quickly pay off your bills.
  • Remember that you only need to save with one code, because the “familyFunds” code cancels the total money you earned with the “Motherlode” code. This is how Sims 2 differs from Sims 1, where money earned using different codes is added together.
  • You can go to the "edit city" section, then select the "move to family" option. Then move the second family out of the house, their house and money will remain with your family.
  • If you know the codes, your character won't have to work!
  • If you have no money and cannot buy even the cheapest house, buy a cheap plot, put your family there, and then use the code to save money.

What do you need

  • The Sims 2

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