Checking your iron content

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blood tests that check your iron levels - what the results can mean
Video: Blood tests that check your iron levels - what the results can mean


If you suspect that your iron level is not what it should be, it is best to see a doctor to have your iron level tested. If you can't afford that option, give some blood if necessary. Although the lab technicians will not give you an exact iron level, they will test your hemoglobin level with a finger prick. They perform this test to exclude donors with too low or too high an iron content. Also pay attention to the symptoms of low and high iron to know when to see your doctor.

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Method 1 of 3: Go to the doctor

  1. See your doctor if you suspect your iron levels are low. Your doctor is the best person to check your iron levels. If you have standard symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, make an appointment with your doctor within 1-2 weeks. The first step the doctor will take is to ask you about your past history of low iron. The doctor will then ask you about recent complaints and your health.
    • If you have palpitations or shortness of breath, go to the emergency room or the emergency room right away. If you have chest pain and difficulty breathing at the same time, go to the emergency room right away.
    • Your doctor may ask you questions about your diet. As a woman, you may also be asked if you have had a heavy period recently.
    • It can help to write down any symptoms you have experienced before going to the doctor. The chance that you will forget them when you visit the doctor is somewhat smaller.
  2. Expect a physical exam. The doctor may examine your mouth, skin, and nail beds, listen to your heart and lungs, and feel your abdomen area. He or she will look for signs of low or high iron.
    • Some signs of low iron are fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, cold limbs, pale skin, a delayed appetite, and a craving for non-foods (known as pica). Let your doctor know if you have experienced any of these symptoms.
    • Other physical signs your doctor may look for include brittle nails, a swollen tongue, cracks in the corners of your mouth, and recurring infections.
  3. Consider a blood test. The doctor will order blood tests if he suspects that your iron levels are not good. The doctor may order more than one type of blood test to check if your iron level is too high or too low. You will usually get the results 1-3 days after you have the blood test.
    • These tests give your doctor an idea of ​​your hemoglobin level. These levels measure how much oxygen binds with your red blood cells.

Method 2 of 3: Checking your iron levels while giving blood

  1. Find a place where you can donate blood. Check blood bank websites to find out where you can donate blood. For example, you can use the Red Cross website to search for blood donation centers in your area. Alternatively, you can also see if there are mobile donor centers nearby where you can give blood.
    • Check the website of the Red Cross to see if the hemoglobin test is being performed. Check whether the organization you are donating to also offers this test. Most organizations screen for low or high iron levels.
  2. Go in to donate blood. This method requires you to be willing to donate blood as the test is part of the donation process.Usually you can just drop by and donate - no need to make an appointment. But you have to be healthy. You must also be at least 18 years old and weigh at least 55 pounds.
    • Before donating blood, "healthy" means that you are able to carry out your usual routines and that you have a chronic illness, such as diabetes, under control. It also means you don't have a cold or the flu, or certain illnesses such as malaria, syphilis and HIV / AIDS.
  3. Expect a finger prick. Before you give blood, the lab technician will take some blood with a fingerstick, which means they'll prick your finger with a small, spring-loaded needle. This will provide a drop of blood that the lab technician can use to check your hemoglobin level.
  4. Ask about your hemoglobin level. The lab technician probably won't give you an exact figure. However, this test is used to screen you for high or low hemoglobin levels, which can indicate high and low iron levels. Therefore, if you are not allowed to give blood, you can ask if it was your hemoglobin level and if the level was too high or too low.
    • The technician will look for certain levels of hemoglobin in your blood, but they will likely be in a general range to see if you fall above or below certain levels. They will tell you not to give blood if your level is too high or too low.
    • For example, if your hemoglobin level is below 12.5 g / dl for a woman or 13 g / dl for a man, then you cannot give blood because your iron level is probably too low.
    • If your iron level is higher than 20 g / dl for a man or woman, then you cannot give blood because your iron level is probably too high. This is a rare phenomenon.

Method 3 of 3: Recognize clues that you have too high or too low iron

  1. If you suspect low iron, watch for fatigue or weakness. Fatigue is one of the main signs of low iron. Iron is essential for your red blood cells, and your red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body. When you have few red blood cells, your body does not get as much oxygen as it is used to, which can make you feel very tired and weak.
    • In general, this symptom is more serious than feeling tired for a day or two. It's a deeper fatigue that lasts longer.
  2. Look for shortness of breath or dizziness due to low iron. Since your body is not getting enough oxygen, you may feel dizzy or lightheaded from lack of oxygen. This can, in extreme circumstances, lead to problems with breathing, such as a feeling that you cannot take a deep breath. Such symptoms are rare and are usually associated with situations where someone is actively losing blood.
    • You may also experience a headache, which is a related symptom.
  3. Check for cold in your limbs at low iron levels. Low iron makes your heart work harder to pump blood to your body because it doesn't have as many cells to carry oxygen. Therefore, your fingers and toes may feel colder than usual.
  4. Look in the mirror and notice pale skin, a symptom of low iron. If your heart isn't pumping as efficiently, you can get pale skin. You may also notice this symptom in your nail beds and your gums.
  5. Be vigilant for heart problems with low iron. Because your heart works harder to keep blood flowing through your body, you can develop heart problems. For example, you may have a heart rhythm disorder or murmur, which can make your heart appear to be skipping a beat.
  6. Watch for a strange craving for non-food items at low iron. Your body knows that it is deficient in the necessary nutrients (iron) and it may have a strange craving for things that are not food. For example, you can crave soil, ice or starch.
  7. Look out for stomach problems, as they can indicate high iron levels. The main symptoms of high iron are related to your stomach. You may experience constipation, vomiting, nausea, or stomach pain, all of which may indicate high iron levels.
    • Stomach problems can be a sign of many illnesses, so don't automatically assume that these problems are related to too high iron.


  • If you notice symptoms of high or low iron, see your doctor for a blood test.
  • Always talk to your doctor before taking or stopping a supplement such as iron. They can advise you whether you should take this at all, whether it is safe, and what the correct dosage is for you.