Develop a positive attitude to life

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


A positive attitude can go a long way in making you happier overall. To develop a positive attitude, you will have to learn to control it. It is also wise to spend some time learning to appreciate yourself and your time, as this can contribute to a more positive outlook on life. Another way to improve your positive attitude is to find a way to deal with stress, because stress will make you think negatively more often.

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Method 1 of 3: Learn to control your posture

  1. Understand how your attitude affects your life. Your attitude towards life determines how happy or unhappy you are. You can't always change what happens to you, but you can change how you respond to what happens to you. Every time you are faced with a new situation, you make a choice.
    • For example, suppose you get a flat tire. Nobody likes to deal with it, but you can choose how you deal with this situation. You can get angry and have a fit, which will cause your blood pressure to rise, and then change your band. If you get angry, you will spend a certain period of time very unhappy.
    • On the other hand, consider the incident as a normal part of life, take a deep breath, and then change your tire. By not responding, you will not spend that moment angry. You can even turn it into something positive. Maybe you can read a book while changing the band that you haven't gotten around to for a while.
  2. Place events in a positive frame. The way you talk about events can influence your attitude. For example, if you talk or think about a particular event in a negative way, you will continue to place it in a negative light. However, if you talk about it in a positive way, your attitude towards it will also change.
    • For example, you received a disturbing email early in the morning. You might think, "Well, the rest of the day will be worthless too." On the other hand, you can think, "Well, that was rubbish, but the rest of my day can only get better now." The event remains the same, but how you think the day will go on will affect your attitude.
  3. Change your language. Words like "I can't do that" encourage you to think that way too. If you say something is impossible, you will probably believe it. Instead, use positive language like, "I can handle this, as long as I take it one step at a time."
  4. Be proactive instead of reactive. Each situation allows for different choices: you can complain or do something about the problem. Complaining makes you unhappy, but taking action will almost always make you feel better about the situation. It makes you feel a lot more productive, like you're actually getting something done, because you really are.
  5. Enjoy the small things. Like most people, you can be busy with your big goals all the time, always looking ahead to the next trip or vacation. While looking ahead isn't necessarily a bad thing, it can sometimes prevent you from enjoying everyday life. A nice piece of cake or a walk with a friend is a simple, run-of-the-mill experience that you may not appreciate if you focus only on what lies ahead. Instead, try to live in the here and now and enjoy what you are doing.
    • For example, if you find yourself drifting off to the next vacation while talking to a friend, force yourself to focus on the here and now again. Really listen to what your friend is saying, instead of letting your mind wander.
  6. Try to be grateful. Gratitude is essential to a good attitude because it helps you appreciate the good things in your life. Rather than focusing on what's going wrong, practicing gratitude will help you focus on the right things.
    • Always take a moment to think about what you are grateful for. Perhaps you can come up with three things that you appreciate each day and then write them down in your journal.
  7. Stop craving the next great thing. If you are always eagerly looking forward to the next TV, the next smartphone, the next beautiful car, etc., you will not appreciate what you have now. You move your happiness to what you don't have, instead of what you do, which means that you will always be looking for something that can make you happy.
    • In other words, instead of thinking, “I need that crazy new cellphone,” you can try to think, “You know, that phone I have now is really great. A phone from 10 years ago only had a fraction of it. of these possibilities. "
  8. Combine goal fantasy with realism. It is often thought that if you can imagine achieving a certain goal, it will help you get there. However, research has shown that if you just imagine the end goal and the joy of achieving that goal, it can actually slow down your progress.
    • Instead, take a few minutes to imagine the end goal. But you should also spend time thinking about all the obstacles you may encounter along the way, as a counterbalance to the fantasy.

Method 2 of 3: Valuing yourself

  1. Talk to yourself in a friendly voice. Like everyone else, you have an inner critic who wants to make it clear to you when you've done something wrong. However, that critic can cause you to consider yourself worth less. If you can transform your inner critic into a positive voice, you will learn to appreciate yourself more.
    • One way to measure how often you talk negatively about yourself is to count this during the day. Every day, when a negative thought manifests itself in your head, make a note of it on a piece of paper or in your phone. That process will make you more aware of how often you criticize yourself.
    • Once you've determined how often you talk negatively about yourself, start turning those negative thoughts into positive ones. For example, if you think, "I think my hips are ugly," try to think of a positive thought about that part of the body instead, such as, "I may find my hips ugly, but they are strong hips that make it easier for me. have made to give birth. "
  2. Surround yourself with positive people. The people you interact with affect your attitude of mind. You deserve to be surrounded by people trying to be happy because that will encourage you to be happier yourself. Choose positive people for your life, and try to keep out people who encourage your negative side.
    • With the same thought, you skip media and news reports that make you depressed. They can affect you just as much as the people you surround yourself with.
  3. Look for inspiration. Find books, podcasts or radio shows that inspire you to be your true self. Every day you take a moment to listen to or read from these uplifting programs. That way, you get a boost of positivity every day, and you are inspired to come out with a positive attitude.
  4. Appreciate your own opinion of yourself. There will always be people who try to make you feel bad about yourself. They may criticize your appearance or your driving style. The truth is, the only opinion that matters is your own. Most of the time, what people say about you is not about you at all. It's about that other person trying to make themselves feel better by putting you down.
    • An example: If someone comments on the sweater you are wearing, don't let that upset you. Rather, think about why you liked that sweater so much in the first place, and respond with a friendly, "Well, I'm sorry you don't like it, but I love this color orange. It makes me happy to to wear him. "
  5. Help other people. Helping other people makes a positive difference, makes you feel better about yourself and encourages you to develop a positive attitude. In addition, it can help you develop a sense of gratitude for what you do have in your life.
    • If you are not sure where to volunteer, ask the local food bank, a homeless shelter, a school or the library. These all offer the opportunity to do voluntary work.

Method 3 of 3: Reduce your stress

  1. Focus on your breathing. When you notice that your stress levels are rising, one way to calm yourself is to take a moment to focus on your breathing. By simply closing your eyes for a moment and filling your mind with your breath, you will slowly but surely notice that you are becoming calmer. Breathe in and out slowly and deeply, with each breath pushing away other thoughts.
  2. Keep a regular sleep schedule. The amount of sleep you get can have a significant effect on your stress level and behavior. If you don't get enough sleep, you can get tense more quickly and you are more likely to develop a negative attitude. Sticking to your schedule every night will help you get enough sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed and happier.
    • One way to make sure you stick to your sleep schedule is to set an alarm for when you want to go to sleep, just like you set the alarm for when you want to get up. Set the alarm for 30 minutes to an hour before you want to go to bed to remind you when it is time to unwind.
  3. Stretch out your tension. If you find yourself particularly tense at work, take a moment to stretch and relax. A simple stretch can help take your mind off work for a while, and it can loosen muscles that are tight from the stress.
    • A simple stretch you can apply is a movement from the cow position to the cat position. While sitting in a chair, lean forward with your hands on your knees. Arch your back up. Now move into cat pose by arching your back down.
    • Continue to extend your arms overhead, leaning to one side as you stretch.
    • You can also apply a circular motion. While sitting, keep your arms bent and turn first to one side and then the other.
  4. Keep a diary. Taking time every day to write in a journal can be liberating for your emotions. Allowing your emotions to bottle up over time can lead to an even more stressful life.
    • It is important to let your emotions flow on the paper. Don't try to get it all grammatically correct or perfect, or worry about what to write down.
  5. Try a hug. Hugs tell your body to produce oxytocin. This hormone can relax you and stimulate you to be more social, which can also be good for your stress level.
    • Try to get at least eight hugs every day. Don't limit yourself to family and friends - pets count too.