How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To GET STARTED With Affiliate Marketing & ACTUALLY Make Money // My affiliate marketing strategy
Video: How To GET STARTED With Affiliate Marketing & ACTUALLY Make Money // My affiliate marketing strategy


Affiliate marketing is one of the ways to make money online. Affiliate marketing involves promoting specific products, services, or sites in exchange for a portion of the profits or commission on generated web traffic. Any referral or web traffic from an affiliate that brings a sale gives you, as an affiliate, a profit. In other words, if goods and services are provided by another person or company, and you, as a participant in an affiliate program, create only an outlet to the sales market. And while there are no successful schemes to get rich in affiliate marketing, many people do it successfully. Find out how to make money on affiliate programs and determine if this field of activity is interesting and promising for you.


Part 1 of 3: Entering Affiliate Marketing

  1. 1 Decide on a business model. Typically, there are two types of business models used by members of affiliate marketing programs. The first is an information site, the second is a site with reviews. The model you choose depends on how familiar you are with the products or services you intend to promote.
    • Communication sites usually include an affiliate link or banner ad to the affiliate site in their training articles and publications. This business model requires frequent content updates in order for customers to return to the site regularly.
    • Websites with reviews and testimonials about goods and services tell about a product or service that a partner has tried or tested. Each product or service review usually includes a link or banner directing the buyer to an affiliate site. The advantage of such sites is that they do not need to be updated as often.You only need to make small changes periodically so that search engines continue to include them in search results.
  2. 2 Create your website. To make money on affiliate programs, you need your own platform (personal website or blog) where you can post links and advertisements to selected products and services. If you already have your own website or blog, then you can use this platform to generate additional income from the affiliate program. If you don't have your own website or blog yet, then you will need to create one.
    • The advantage of blogging (for example, on Blogger) is that it is completely free to do, while it takes money to build a website. However, services such as and Hostgator offer relatively inexpensive sites to manage. Overall, the site looks more professional than a personal blog. If your ultimate goal is to make money from your blog, then feel free to go with hosting. In this case, the blog will be your property. You do not have to register a subdomain *. (does not allow you to configure different settings or choose your own domain name) or Tumblr to host your blog. If you want to use your own name, you will have to pay for hosting. gives you complete freedom to download tools and themes from multiple platforms, customize your blog design, monetize blog content, and more.
    • Join the network of affiliate programs. One of the simplest ways to start affiliate marketing is to register on a website that acts as an intermediary between partners (webmasters) and the affiliate program. While you'll ultimately be working on your own, sites like Admitad allow budding webmasters to join for free. Then you need to select traffic sources (contextual advertising, social networks, e-mail newsletters) in order to attract interested users to the advertiser's website.
    • Some sites allow you to use pay-per-click affiliate programs without running your site or blog. Direct links to external merchant sites allow you to earn money from ads without having to publish them on your own site. For example, you can make an ad on a dating site on Facebook or Vkontakte, and when someone clicks on your ad, they will go directly to that dating site, and not to your site or landing page. Some of the affiliate networks that specialize in direct linking are Advmaker, Bizzclick, ClickIce.
  3. 3 Pick a niche. Most of the participants in affiliate marketing programs choose a niche, or in other words, an area of ​​specialization. Before you start promoting a product or service, you need to choose the area in which you will be able to do it the easiest.
    • This niche does not have to be an area in which you are already a specialist. You can choose what you are interested in or what you want to study.
    • The initial work in affiliate marketing will be very stressful, so it is very important to choose a niche that you don't mind working hard on over the long term. This will help you achieve success and build a new career from scratch.
  4. 4 Select products and services. Once you've chosen the niche you want to work in, you should start looking for products and services to promote on your website or blog. The products and services you choose, as well as your efforts to promote them, depend on your specific market niche.
    • Networks like cityads and actionpay are ideal for those looking to promote more traditional products and services. They offer a variety of potential opportunities, perfect for newcomers to the industry who are still undecided about their niche.
    • If you are interested in digital content such as e-books and software, then you should enjoy working with companies like Amazon, Liters, Ozon or AffiliateCube.
    • Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing models such as Google AdSense or Yandex.Direct may be the most attractive to some webmasters. PPC marketing is paid a lot less than in other cases, but its advantage is that it requires less active work from the webmaster. The reward in such cases depends on how much web traffic you sent to the target site.
  5. 5 Find partners and work with them. Partners help grow your business and help you get traffic. There are many ways to find partners, but the best way to reach preferred partners is to build a positive reputation for yourself. To do this, you will need to make your blog popular or attract a large number of users or visitors in another way, become the author of a book or published articles. There are many other ways to find and meet partners, and they differ in the effort required as well as in their effectiveness. Generally speaking, the following methods are used when looking for partners:
    • Sending suggestions by email or otherwise connecting with other bloggers and online marketers who work in the same niche. You can ask them how they are promoting the product. You can also offer mutually beneficial cross-promotion, in which you and another blogger promote each other's products.
    • Search for partners online using forums, mutual contacts or partner networks (for example, through admitad, actionpay, mixmarket or cityads) where you can register online.
  6. 6 Drive traffic for the affiliate program. Once you create a platform that is popular and safe for partners, you will need to manage your affiliate program traffic. There are various ways to do this, but the simplest and most successful method is by writing blog posts or articles, and using newsletters that invite subscribers to join your chosen affiliate program. Other methods:
    • Providing free content to other sites (which can drive traffic to your links).
    • Using viral marketing that allows users to share or transmit a message to other readers quickly and easily.
    • Placing free links on sites that already have a lot of traffic.

Part 2 of 3: Growing Your Business

  1. 1 Learn from other affiliate marketing webmasters. A quick and easy way to gain experience and learn about affiliate marketing is to join an online community or topic forum. These resources are free, and you can get a lot of valuable advice from webmasters of all levels and backgrounds. The first two things to look out for are commissions and average order value (AOV). Remember, high commission rates x high average order value = more affiliate income. Next, take a look at the cookie duration and potential earnings per click (EPC). Look for the following parameters in the best high paying programs: 1. Commission 2. Average Order Value (AOV) 3. Average Income Per Click (EPC) 4. Cookie Expiration
    •, and are excellent and completely free resources for webmasters looking to study affiliate marketing earnings. On the forums, you can not only find advice from more experienced webmasters, but also get to know them.
  2. 2 Build relationships. Affiliate marketing takes a lot of work and patience before it starts making real money. Affiliate programs should drive traffic to the partner's site, but it is the webmaster's responsibility to build lasting professional relationships with clients outside of that traffic. The webmaster must also constantly look for ways to improve relationships with their partners.
    • Find out your preferred methods of contacting partners. Each partner has a different work schedule and preferred communication methods, and you must respect those preferences.
    • Know what your partners need and what they expect from you.
    • Give new ideas to your partners. Explore the sites of your partners and tell us how they can improve their sites and services.
    • Ask your partner for advice on how you can improve your own platform / website / blog.
  3. 3 Drive targeted traffic. It's not enough for people to just visit your website or blog. To receive money from an affiliate program, you need people to click on your affiliate links. There are four main ways to attract potential buyers:
    • Paid advertisements... This method requires an effective mix of ad copy, graphics, and link text. Unlike many traditional affiliate marketing strategies, paid advertising (PPC - Pay Per Click) allows you to make money regardless of whether users buy a product or not. Services like Google Adsense are very easy to use and even provide an ad code.
    • Free advertisements... This method involves posting links and advertisements on free sites such as Avito or OLX. When someone clicks on your ad, both you and the site will make money from it.
    • Article Marketing... The goal of this method is to get higher rankings in search results by maintaining a good reputation of the webmaster as a reliable source that does not use spam. Many webmasters use sites like RusArticles to publish their articles containing a unique anchor link, and as other sites and bloggers publish that article (without changing the anchor link), the webmaster who published the original article gradually gets more and more higher positions in search engines.
    • Email Marketing... In this method, webmasters add a special form of electronic subscription for visitors to the site. This allows the webmaster to get the site visitor's name and email address and build long-term relationships through their newsletter. Everyone knows that email marketing or email marketing gives you the highest return on investment (ROI) of any marketing channel - with a 4200% ROI. This is 42 rubles for every 1 ruble spent. In addition, Gmail has 1.5 billion active users - all of whom can be potential customers.
  4. 4 Create pay-per-click advertisements. Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements are the bread and butter of any affiliate marketer, but the quality of the ad determines your success or failure. A good PPC ad should:
    • Indicate a specific problem that a consumer may face and draw attention to a way to solve it or the benefits of the proposed product.
    • Use strong and specific keywords that will drive traffic (for the right keywords, use the free Google AdWords Keyword Planner or Yandex Word Search), or you can use professional software like Key Collector.
    • Specify the keywords that are used on the landing page (on the "landing") where the ad leads.
    • Write in an imperative or call to action to get potential customers to click on your link.
  5. 5 Strive for quality, not quantity. A large number of affiliate programs will not necessarily allow you to make more money. Some experts believe that the foundation of success in affiliate marketing is the selection of the right partners who will make the most of your website. These partners can be large sites, small sites, or a combination of both, but the most important thing is to build and maintain strong relationships with the partners you choose.

Part 3 of 3: What to Expect

  1. 1 You will have to work hard and hard. Many people who become members of affiliate networks think they can get rich quickly.However, be prepared to work hard and hard to grow your affiliate business, especially in the initial stages. Many webmasters work 12 hours a day, seven days a week, trying to get their platforms up and running.
    • Remember that many industries are highly competitive, and many companies are hiring professional marketers, and large companies have the opportunity to spend large sums of money to drive Internet traffic.
  2. 2 Learn how it works. By participating in an affiliate program, you post your unique affiliate link on your website or blog. This link does not affect the buyer in any way: it does not change the price of any product or service. However, when a customer follows your affiliate link and makes a purchase within the specified time frame, you receive a commission on that purchase. The amount of remuneration for a partner depends on the commission percentage, the cost of the product and the number of sales that you generate per week or per month.
  3. 3 Assess your target audience. Each partner has its own target audience. As a member of an affiliate program, you must understand and adjust your advertisements or testimonials accordingly in order for your target audience to respond to your ads. Knowing, for example, the age, interests and average income of your target audience, you can change your reviews and advertisements so that they are of interest to this particular target audience.