How to play sports on public transport

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Future of Public Transportation
Video: The Future of Public Transportation


Passengers spend from 30 minutes to 2 hours a day commuting to work. Many people drive or sit on the bus after sitting in an office chair for hours. It can be hard to find time for the recommended 30 minutes of exercise a day. If you can, walk or cycle every day instead of riding. If you have to sit in a car or bus, you can do a 10-minute exercise to stretch your muscles and relieve back and neck pain. If you are driving, these exercises can be done when you are in a traffic jam or stop at a red traffic light. You can try whenever you can by doing the exercises. Read on to find out how to exercise during your trip.


Method 1 of 2: Healthy changes in the way you travel

  1. 1 Buy a bike and commute to work every day. It is best if your journey takes about 30 minutes and you have somewhere to park your bike at work.Whether this change is good for you can only be judged by the safety of the path.
    • Remember, you don't need an expensive bike, but you should buy a helmet and reflective tape. Purchase a cyclist's hand signaling manual and follow the recommendations carefully. You can buy a backpack or shoulder bag that's easy to carry and change boots for work.
  2. 2 Walk to work 2-3 days a week. Explore the route to work, if it's comfortable, experiment with hiking to work in boots with good instep insoles. This can be a good stress reliever for you after work, giving you time to get some fresh air and warm up after a hard day.
    • Make sure there are parks and walking paths in your path to walk on. Never walk on the highway, lawns or unsafe roads.
  3. 3 Park further away from the building. Of course, this seems like a bad idea, if you park 500 meters from the office you will have an extra mile to walk in your schedule.
  4. 4 Stand on the bus or train all the way or half the way. If you sit all day, stand on the bus, even if there are seats. Hold on to the handrails and contract your abdominal muscles to support braking and cornering.
  5. 5 Take the stairs when you can. Never use an elevator to go up or down one floor. If you suffer from knee pain, always go up the stairs and take the elevator down.
  6. 6 Exercise while you wait for the bus. Do a calf lift, stand up on your toes, and hold for 10 seconds. You can also wiggle from foot to foot for 30 seconds and toe up for 10 seconds.
    • An alternative exercise is marching. While walking in place, engage your abdominal muscles and march, lift your leg so that your foot is parallel to the ground. Do this for one minute until you feel muscle tension.

Method 2 of 2: Seated Transport Workout

  1. 1 Do deep breathing exercises for 2 minutes. Inhale so deeply that your ribcage and diaphragm expand. Exhale slowly all the air from your lungs. Repeat this for 2 minutes for 1 song on the radio.
    • The goal of this exercise is to reduce stress. It is important to increase your breathing and stop before you relax too much. Breathing deeply for extended periods of time can lead to deep relaxation and drowsiness.
  2. 2 Do the eye exercise for 1 minute. Glance from mirror to mirror, or side to side, up and down if you are on the bus. This will help prevent and avoid eye strain.
  3. 3 Do crunches. Pull in your pelvic muscles and engage your lower abdominal muscles. Then engage your upper abdominal muscles and move your chest, swinging your hips slightly.
    • Hold for 10 seconds and rest for 3 seconds, but keep breathing throughout the exercise. Repeat 8 to 12 times until the muscles are tired. Car drivers can do this when they stop in a traffic jam or stand at a traffic light, commuters on a train, bus or plane can do it when it suits them.
  4. 4 Tighten your oblique abdominal muscles. Contract your lower and upper abdominal muscles and lift your right thigh as high as you can. Hold for 3 seconds and then lower and repeat with the left hip.
    • Repeat 10 times on each side until you feel tired in the muscles.
  5. 5 Pull your arms up towards the roof of your car or bus. Tighten your abdominal and back muscles at the same time. Hold on for 10 seconds while standing at a traffic light.
    • Repeat 3 to 10 times throughout the ride. Do not exercise while driving or on the move.
  6. 6 Do isometric exercises. Imagine pulling every muscle in your body. Start by wiggling your toes and then squeeze each muscle group for 3 seconds until you reach your arms, neck, and head.
  7. 7 Do steering isometric exercises while standing at traffic lights. Spin the wheel the other way and try to squeeze your hands for 3 seconds, as if you want to squeeze the wheel. Relax and then spin the wheel and push your hands apart for 3 seconds.
    • Repeat 10 times, or until the traffic light switches. You can repeat the exercise at every traffic light or until your muscles get tired.
  8. 8 Push from the steering wheel. Place your hands at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock on the steering wheel. Stretch your arms. Lie on the handlebars for 3 seconds and push off for 3 seconds.
    • Rest after 1 repetition and then repeat 10 times until the traffic light switches or the muscles get tired.


  • Another way to meet your fitness needs is to join a gym near your work place. Walk there before or before work and you can skip rush hour and get home faster. You can also go there at lunchtime if you need to relieve stress or take a break from work.
  • You may need to increase your stretch time or reps based on your fitness level. If you do these exercises 5 times a week, you should be able to do more reps each week and you will see changes in the size of your waist.


  • Remember that exercises in the car should only be done when you stop at traffic lights or in a traffic jam. Certain exercises, such as deep breathing, checking mirrors, or squeezing your abdominal muscles, can only be done while riding if they are not distracting.

What do you need

  • Bicycle
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Variable transport flow