Become a hacker

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 23 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become A Hacker In 2022 | Step By Step Guide For Beginners
Video: How To Become A Hacker In 2022 | Step By Step Guide For Beginners


Today's community of expert network programmers and virtuosos arose decades ago from the first experiments with interconnected computers and ARPAnet. The members of this culture were the first "hackers". Today, hacking is associated with breaking into computer systems, but the hacking culture is much more complex and moralistic than most people know. Learn the basic techniques of hacking, learn how to think like a hacker and learn how to earn respect in the community. This article is an introduction to the complex world of hacking.

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Part 1 of 3: The foundation

  1. Run Unix. Unix is ​​the operating system of the internet. You can use the Internet without understanding Unix, but you cannot be a hacker without a solid knowledge of Unix. That's why the hacker community is very focused on Unix these days. A Unix like Linux can run on your computer next to Windows, on the same device. Download Linux online or search for a Linux user community to help you with the installation.
    • A good way to get started with Linux is to boot from what is called a "Live CD", which is a Linux distribution that boots from a CD. This way you don't have to do anything with your hard drive, so you can get to know Linux without making drastic changes to your computer.
    • There are other operating systems besides Unix, but they are so-called binary distributions, which means that you cannot read and / or modify the code. Microsoft Windows is not "open-source" and therefore not suitable for learning how to hack.
    • You can run Linux on Mac OS X, but only part of the system is open source. You will then quickly reach the limits of what is possible, and you must be careful not to develop the bad habit of becoming dependent on Apple's code.
  2. Write HTML. If you cannot program, it is important that you master the basics of HTML (HyperText Mark-Up Language) and then get better at it. Everything you see when you look at a website is coded with HTML. Start a project where you create your own webpage and get better at it.
    • Open the page source information in a browser to preview the HTML code of a page. Go to Web Developer> Page Source in Firefox and study the code.
    • You can code HTML in a simple word processing program like Notepad, save your file as "text only", then you can upload it to a browser and check what your work looks like.
    • You need to learn how to use tags and learn how to think visually when using tags. "" is used to open a tag and "/>" is used to close a tag. You use tags to indicate everything that is visual: italicized text, layout, color, and so on. If you know how HTML works, you will understand better how the internet works.
  3. Learn the language of programming. Before you can write poems you must first learn grammar. Before you can break the rules, you must first learn the rules. But if your goal is to become a hacker, you will need more than a basic understanding of the language.
    • Python is a good "language" to start with because it is neatly designed, has a lot of information to be found, and is relatively easy for beginners. At the same time, it is not a toy; it is very powerful, flexible and particularly suitable for large projects. Java is an alternative, but many people don't think Java is a good language for beginners.
    • If you seriously want to learn to code, you will have to learn C, which is the core language of Unix. C ++ is related to C; if you know one language it is not difficult to learn the other. C uses your system efficiently, but the "debugging" takes a lot of time, so it is avoided by many hackers.
    • It may be a good idea to start with a platform like Backtrack 5 R3, Kali or Ubuntu 12.04LTS.

Part 2 of 3: A hacker's views

  1. Be creative. Once you've mastered the basics, you can let your creativity run wild. Hackers are actually artists, philosophers and engineers all in one. They believe in freedom and shared responsibility. The world has all kinds of fascinating challenges that need to be solved. Hackers love to solve problems, to hone their skills and to put their knowledge to use.
    • In addition to hacking, hackers have all kinds of cultural and intellectual interests. Work and play are just as important. The boundaries between "play", "work", "science" and "art" are blurred for the true hacker, often it is precisely at these interfaces where the real creative game begins.
    • Read science fiction. Go to sci-fi meetings, it's a good place to meet other hackers and proto-hackers. Consider learning an Eastern martial art. The mental discipline required for this is similar to the discipline required for hacking. This mainly concerns mental discipline, relaxed awareness and control rather than strength, athleticism and physical toughness. Tai Chi is an example of a good martial art for hackers.
  2. Love to solve problems. No problem should be solved twice. Think of it as a hacker community where each member's time is precious. Hackers believe that sharing information openly is a moral obligation. If you solve problems and share this information, you can help others who are struggling with the same problem.
    • You don't have to feel obligated to make all your creative thinking public, but the hackers who do are the most respected in the community. It is generally considered normal for you to sell just enough to make a living.
    • Read older work such as "Jargon File" or "Hacker Manifesto" from The Mentor. Technically these pieces are dated, but the views and enthusiasm are timeless.
  3. Learn to recognize and fight authority. The hacker's enemy is boredom, drudgery and authoritarian figures who use censorship and secrecy to thwart the freedom of information. Monotonous work keeps the hacker from hacking.
    • By embracing hacking as a way of life, you reject the common concepts of work and ownership, you choose to fight for equality and shared knowledge.
  4. Be competent. Anyone on Reddit for a moment can pretend to be a tough hacker with a ridiculous username. But the internet values ​​competence more than ego and attitude. So spend the time on your skills and not on your image and you'll earn respect sooner.

Part 3 of 3: Good hacking

  1. Write open source software. Write programs that are useful or fun to other hackers and share the source of the program for everyone to use and modify.The true demigods in the world of hackers are the people who have developed large, powerful programs and then shared them for free with anyone for anyone to use.
  2. Help test and debug open source software. So-called beta testers are very important for developers. In addition, it can be very educational to test software.
    • Try to find a program that is still in the development phase and try to be a good beta tester. This will develop a lot of goodwill and others will be more willing to help you later on.
  3. Publish useful information. Collect and filter useful and interesting information and post it on web pages or in documents such as frequently asked questions (FAQ), share this information with everyone. This is another good way to earn a lot of respect.
  4. Keep the infrastructure going. The hacker culture (and the people behind the internet's innovation) is run by volunteers. There is a lot of important work that needs to be done to keep things going - managing mailing lists, moderating newsgroups, maintaining websites with software archives, and developing standard technical rules. By doing this you show that you are committed, everyone knows that these chores take a lot of time and are often not very fun.
  5. Serve the hacker culture. Only when you have become known by one of the previous steps and have been working on it for a long time can you grow into a kind of hero within the hacker culture. There are no leaders in the hacker culture, but there are heroes, chiefs, historians and representatives. If you are respected for a long time, you too can become one of these figures.
    • Hackers hate big egos, so be careful not to give yourself a certain status. Try not to strive for it, but position yourself in the right place so that it will be thrown into your lap, then be modest and humble about this status determined by others.


  • Don't get caught.
  • Make sure you can write well in your native language. The stereotype of a programmer cannot write well, but many hackers are very good writers.
  • Learning LISP is valuable in another way - the profound experience of enlightenment you have when you finally understand it. That experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your life, even if you don't actually start using LISP.
  • Perl is valuable to learn for other reasons: it is widely used with active web pages and system administration, so even if you are not programming in Perl you should know it. Many people use Perl instead of C if they don't need C's efficiency.


  • Hacking is an illegal activity and can result in fines or imprisonment.