How to grow long hair for a guy

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Grow Your Hair Out | Men’s Long Hair Q&A
Video: How to Grow Your Hair Out | Men’s Long Hair Q&A


Long and healthy hair looks attractive on both women and men. If you yourself thought about how to grow your hair, but were at a loss as to how it can be done, you have come to the right place! In this article, we'll show you how to care for your hair and what lifestyle changes you need to make to make your hair grow faster. By the way, this article will also come in handy for those who cut their hair shorter and are now waiting for their hair to grow back!


Part 1 of 2: Take care of your hair

  1. 1 Give yourself a hot oil massage. Hair grows from the roots, which means that proper care of the scalp and hair roots can stimulate hair growth. Take, for example, oil that moisturizes hair - if heated and massaged into the scalp, then it will surely accelerate hair growth. Olive, coconut, and argan oils work well.Preheat it - do not heat it, but heat it until it becomes warm to the touch. Then rub the oil into the scalp for 10-15 minutes and do not rinse it off for another half hour. Rinse off the oil with warm water.
  2. 2 Wash your hair with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is widely used in cosmetology, it works wonders for the skin and hair, and is useful for health in general. For example, apple cider vinegar stimulates hair growth. Dilute apple cider vinegar 1: 1, pour everything into a spray bottle. Whenever you shower, apply this mixture to your hair - but only after shampooing - wait 1–2 minutes and rinse off. After a few weeks, you will notice that your hair grows faster.
  3. 3 Use a deep conditioner. Damaged hair does not grow as fast as healthy hair. The action of the deep conditioner restores hair follicles and stimulates hair growth. You need to choose a conditioner that suits your hair type (pharmacies and cosmetics stores are at your service). Follow the directions for applying conditioner to your hair. So, as a rule, the conditioner is left on the hair for 20-30 minutes, only then washed off with cold water.
  4. 4 Make an egg white and aloe vera mask. Both protein and aloe vera have been used in hair for hundreds of years - they moisturize hair, give it a healthier look and stimulate its growth. Mix the egg white with fresh aloe vera (or 100% bottled aloe), then apply this mixture to your hair and scalp. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. Let your hair dry naturally.
  5. 5 Wash your hair with onion broth. Put an onion in a saucepan, cover with water, bring to a boil. Boil the onion for 10-15 minutes to get a decoction. Onions will not only provide your hair with nutrients, it will also add shine to your hair. Rinse off the broth with cold water, let the hair dry naturally. Do not worry - your hair will not smell like onions, the main thing is not to forget to wash off the broth.

Part 2 of 2: Change your lifestyle

  1. 1 Comb your hair correctly. Brushing is generally beneficial for hair growth by stimulating blood flow in the scalp and also by distributing the sebum secreted by the scalp throughout the hair shaft. However, not everything is so simple. You should comb your hair only 1-2 times a day (in the morning and before bedtime). Again, the more and harder you brush your hair, the more you will pull it out (and your goal is to grow your hair!). In addition, you should not comb wet hair, as it is wet hair that is most fragile and brittle.
  2. 2 Try to avoid hot appliances and chemical treatments for your hair. Of course, women are more likely to use all this, but we still note that the use of hot hair accessories (irons, etc.) and chemicals (hair dye, etc.) causes more than serious damage to the hair, due to which the hair is not only become less healthy, but also begin to grow more slowly. If possible, dry your hair naturally and do not curl it in any way.
  3. 3 Wash your hair less often. Perhaps this will not affect the appearance of hair in the best way, but here's something worth remembering: the scalp produces a natural lubricant necessary for healthy hair and, in particular, their rapid growth. If you wash your hair every day, then all the fat will be washed out without having time to benefit the hair, which will slow down its growth. If possible, it is better to wash your hair once every two to three days.
  4. 4 Take dietary supplements for hair growth. Some vitamins and trace elements have a stimulating effect on hair growth. If you take these supplements on a regular basis, the results will be noticeable pretty quickly. Biotin (vitamin B7) and fish oil, for example, are good for both hair and nails.In addition, you need to consume a sufficient amount of all other vitamins and minerals, so if necessary, take a multivitamin complex.
  5. 5 Use a shampoo that's right for your hair. There are dozens of different types of shampoo on the shelves in stores, each suitable for a particular type of hair. Which shampoo to choose? The one in which there is no silicone. Despite the fact that every now and then there are assurances of its benefits, silicone only inhibits hair growth, blocking the flow of moisture and nutrients to the follicles. Look for shampoos and other hair products that contain only natural ingredients.
  6. 6 Use a conditioner that's right for your hair. As we said, silicone is bad, so go for a conditioner made from natural ingredients. Also, by the way, a good option is not to rinse the conditioner out of your hair, leaving it on them.
  7. 7 Wash your hair with cold water. Yes, a hot shower is much nicer, we don't argue. Nevertheless, under the influence of high temperature, the pores open, and the hair ... the hair is deprived of moisture so valuable to them, from which it becomes more brittle and fragile. Accordingly, it is better to wash your hair in cold water - more precisely, in as cool as you can tolerate. Washing your hair in cold water will prevent your hair from losing moisture.
  8. 8 Monitor your health. Quite often, people lose their hair due to stress, poor diet or lack of physical activity - that is, anything that leads to thinning and slower hair growth. Eat right, exercise, avoid stress and take care of your health - and then such problems will not arise.
  9. 9 Drink plenty of water. Water is generally necessary for health, and even for the scalp and hair follicles at all! Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day to keep your body hydrated.
  10. 10 Decide how often you will cut your hair. Actually, there are two camps on this issue: those who favor regular hair cutting, and those who oppose hair cutting as such. Oddly enough, everyone is right. Cutting your hair is necessary to regulate its length and get rid of damaged hair. However, since you want to grow your hair, the question of length does not scare you - but in this case, a haircut is still necessary, but already to get rid of split ends. A haircut, of course, does not help hair growth, but it makes hair healthier (and brittle and dry long hair does not look very good, this is a fact). Accordingly, it is a good option for you to cut your hair 1-3 times a year.
  11. 11 Sleep on satin pillowcases. Sounds strange, but true: the fabric of most pillowcases causes hair loss. And all because the "rough" fabric, as it were, pulls out the hair while you sleep. To avoid this, it is worth replacing your pillowcases with satin ones, which will allow your hair to slide without clinging.


  • Remember that hair will grow back about 6 millimeters in a month, so it may take a long time to grow your hair.
  • While your hair is not yet branched to the desired length, you will have to use different styling methods in order not to look ridiculous.
  • Use shampoo less often. Shampoo is harmful to hair because it contains many chemicals. Use water to wash away dirt and dust.
  • Don't worry about what others think. People who tell you that you look like a girl are just stupid. Don't let negative opinions influence your decisions.


  • A common misconception is that the longer the hair, the more it falls out. Science has not found confirmation of this. In fact, exactly the same amount of hair falls out as before (about 100 per day), just long hair is much more noticeable. Do not be alarmed, even 100 hairs is very little, everything will grow back. Long hair does not lead to baldness ... unless, of course, you do not pull out the hair on purpose.
  • If your work involves power tools, such as a drill, hair should be collected to prevent it from accidentally getting tangled in the tool.
  • Long hair is discouraged in a number of medical professions. It is possible that you will have to cut your hair short when you start building your medical career. However, it all depends on the rules of the medical institution where you will work - perhaps it will be enough just to collect your hair in a ponytail.
  • If you work with food, you will probably be asked to wear a hairnet.