How to freelance if you have a creative profession

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Set Up a Freelance Business for Creative Professionals
Video: How to Set Up a Freelance Business for Creative Professionals


Many people in creative professions work with clients on their own under contracts without being tied to any company or studio. Becoming a freelancer is not always easy. You may have to work hard for years to become a well-known professional. To start freelancing and enjoy your job, it's important to understand if you can work that way and organize your business properly.


Method 1 of 3: How to determine if you can count on success

  1. 1 Rate your creativity. Before starting freelancing, you will need to honestly assess your ability. An objective analysis of your skills will let you know if freelancing is right for you.
    • To gauge your skills, try comparing your work with the work of other authors who do the same thing as you. Is your work comparable in quality or better? You cannot succeed if the quality of your work is worse than average.
    • Do people often praise or ask about your work? If so, this could be a sign that there is demand for you, as word of mouth is often a good source of new customers.
    • Are you ready to spend money to create your works? If you are not ready to offer something to people, you are unlikely to succeed.
  2. 2 Consider if freelancing suits your lifestyle. How will this affect you and your family? It is important to understand if you can give your work the time and energy that is necessary for self-employment.
    • Will you be able to physically do the job? You may need to stand or sit in front of your easel for hours.
    • Consider if the job is right for a person of your character. Freelancers have to deal with clients a lot, and if you don't like talking to people, chances are that this kind of work will not suit you.
    • You will need to set aside a place and time to work and find a place to meet with clients. Are you ready to organize your time and rent an office?
    • You will not be able to take paid sick leave when you are self-employed.
    • Consider where you live. If you live in a remote area, it may be difficult for you to attract new clients, and it may be difficult for them to find you.
  3. 3 Consider if you can support yourself with freelancing. Freelancers earn differently. It all depends on how often and where they work. Decide to freelance only if you are ready for a possible drop in income.
    • Calculate how much money per hour you earn now, and think about how much your services should cost so that income does not fall.
    • You can also compare prices for similar services in your area. It is important to evaluate your work at its true worth, but at the same time not to raise prices. Perhaps you should check with someone who knows more about pricing.
    • It is important to consider how much time you are spending on your overall work. If you have to spend a lot of time, prices should be higher to compensate for the time and labor costs.
    • Remember that you will need to pay the applicable taxes and fees.
  4. 4 Check the condition of your equipment and tools. You must have quality equipment that can be used for a long time. You will also need consumables. If you have to spend a lot of money on it, freelancing may not be the right fit for you.
    • Remember, hardware is the backbone of your business.It serves as a tool for making money.
    • Many creative freelancers are often faced with extremes: either a lot of money or nothing. You may need to prepare for freelancing. Freelancers have a precarious income, especially early in their careers, so you should prepare for times when you have few jobs.

Method 2 of 3: How to Start Your Own Business

  1. 1 Start your own business. You will need to register as a legal entity. Formalization, as well as a ready-made marketing strategy and financial reporting system, will prepare you for working with clients.
    • If you have any questions, seek legal advice.
    • Make sure you have all the required licenses, certifications, and insurances.
    • Registration is important not only for clients to want to work with you. It will also allow you to protect yourself from personal financial responsibility in the event of a business problem.
    • Fill out all the necessary documents with the tax office.
    • Consider hiring an accountant to do financial reporting.
  2. 2 Write short and long term business plans. Business plans will help you move forward. A business plan allows you to grow your business and accommodates contingencies such as illness or legal action.
    • Capture as many details as possible in your business plan. List all of your responsibilities. List services and prices. Calculate all costs, including the purchase of consumables and salary payments.
  3. 3 Set aside space for your studio. You must have a separate place to work. Allocate for this one room in the house or rent an office where you can do your work and not be distracted.
    • You will need a place to meet clients, store materials, and work.
    • The place should be warm, cozy, clean and tidy.
    • If you plan to allocate a room for work, remember that clients will see your entire apartment, and you will need to maintain order and cleanliness in all rooms at all times.
  4. 4 Buy supplies. You should have included a list of materials in the business plan. After registering a legal entity, purchase materials.
    • It is important not only to have high-quality equipment, but also sufficient materials.
  5. 5 Find someone who knows how a small business or self-employment works. You need someone who can share the knowledge you need, help you grow your business, and get you through tough times.
    • This specialist will give you advice on pricing, dealing with difficult clients, or continuing education.

Method 3 of 3: How to Grow Your Business

  1. 1 Offer a variety of products and services. Many creative professionals offer a range of services: digital photography, photo printing, paintings, ceramics. The more you can do, the more different clients you can attract.
    • If you decide to offer additional services and products, you will need to study fashion trends and modern working methods. Information on new products can be found in the special editions.
    • Even if you offer several different services, you must have a specialization. For example, you are good at landscape photography. Make them your specialty and sell them to magazines or various companies.
    • You shouldn't chase a lot of variety. Offer customers a few products or services that you do very well, rather than a dozen things that you do mediocre.
  2. 2 Develop a pricing policy. All your services should have their own price. If you always know how much a particular service costs, your clients will perceive you as a professional.
    • You can set base prices and change them depending on the volume of individual work on order.
    • Study the prices of competitors and base your prices on them.
    • Your prices should be commensurate with your experience and the price level of your city. In the capital, prices are always higher than in the regions.
  3. 3 Consider a payment acceptance system. When you decide on the prices, purchase the necessary equipment for accepting payments or prepare a book with vouchers. This will make it easier for you to keep records.
    • Create a separate bank account for a legal entity.
    • If you need a loan for business needs, open it as a legal entity.
    • Try to make your pricing policy transparent to customers. Conducting business with integrity is the key to success.
  4. 4 Prepare a portfolio that shows your particular style. You will show the portfolio to your potential and existing clients. You can also use it in online and social media advertising.
    • A distinctive style will differentiate you from other writers and help you attract customers.
    • Take pictures of your work and post new material online regularly.
    • Include diverse work in your portfolio to attract clients with different tastes and different financial capabilities.
  5. 5 Develop a marketing strategy. Ads are often the first thing customers see. Different advertising channels should be used. If you can get people interested in an original and simple message, you can attract a wide variety of customers.
    • If you decide to do advertising and a website yourself, study the websites and advertisements of competitors. Your brand should be simple, straightforward, and appealing to your customers.
    • Develop your ad style. Use the same colors and style everywhere to make them associate with you.
    • Most of the work for freelancers comes from word of mouth. Find new customers through the recommendations of others and keep in touch with existing customers.
    • Collaborate with other firms. You can negotiate with some companies about mutual advertising (for example, you place an advertisement of another company in your office, and they place your advertisement in their office).
    • Community service is also a form of free advertising. Donate your work or donate to a charity. Thanks to this, people get to know about you.
  6. 6 Create a website. Think about whether you need a website. The site should present examples of the services you provide, with a description of the benefits. It is important to have a well-made website as it can be used as a tool for attracting and retaining customers.
    • Website design should be done in your corporate style and match the mood that your work sets. It can be calm and serene or bright and dynamic.
    • Provide sections for different types of services. Include prices and special offers.
    • Arrange sections of your site so that search engines can quickly find and refer customers to you.
  7. 7 Advertise your services on social media. People are increasingly turning to social media to find information about creative people and the firms that provide such services. Create accounts on Facebook, VK, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter and update your pages regularly.
    • Write about events in your and other galleries, as well as events where you can buy your work.
    • Post snapshots of your work and use hashtags to attract readers.
  8. 8 Follow the news. Explore information about new tools, techniques, and trends. Art can be highly influenced by fashion. If you keep abreast of all the fashion trends, you can successfully sell relevant products and services.
    • Read special editions, attend conventions and exhibition openings, and connect with other authors. All this will allow you to always be aware of the news.
  9. 9 Sell ​​your work through multiple channels. If you are creating art, try selling them in different places. You can do this online or at trade fairs, which will increase your profits.
    • There are special sites on the Internet for the sale of art objects. There you can exhibit an entire collection and show your clients your skills.
    • You can also sell your work at fairs and festivals. Such events can help to increase brand awareness.
  10. 10 Register on the site for freelancers. There are many sites on the Internet where freelancers advertise their services, and people are looking for a suitable specialist. Submit your profile on similar sites or see if there is a suitable job for you.