How to talk to a guy you like in high school

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 4 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Approach Someone You Like!
Video: How to Approach Someone You Like!


High school can be a tough time in your life, especially when it comes to guys! Are you sitting and trying to find a way to start a conversation, but you can't connect even a few words? Or he asks you a question about your math homework, and all you can say is, "Uh, I, uh, you know, the point is, I don't know." Would you like to answer something more witty and reasonable? Then this article is for you!


  1. 1 If you don't really know what he likes, it's never too late to find out! Say hello and smile sweetly. If he answers, great! Then ask how he is doing! If he answers you with the same question, then you are already on your way to victory!
  2. 2 Get in the habit of seeing him at school, say "Hi" as you walk by, or throw a playful smile. He will soon begin to notice you and understand how good it is that you are!
  3. 3 Once you get used to communicating in this manner, start asking deeper and more personal questions. For example, you might ask, "Do you have brothers and sisters in your school?" or “So what's your next lesson; do you like him? " Find out what interests he has, or, for example, what he thinks about the new song.
  4. 4 Find out what interests him. Remember what he enjoys; make him laugh! There is nothing better than making a guy laugh! When he finds out that you have a great sense of humor, he will look forward to your joint lessons, because you can "laugh a little".
  5. 5 Start flirting a little during your conversations. Remember, you just have to always be yourself! Compliment him about his new sneakers. Ask if he has had a new haircut, because he has a great haircut! Lightly touch his hand while talking. Or you can tease him a little; but, play nice !!!
  6. 6 Ask for his phone number if he doesn't do it first. The guy might just be too shy! It should look light and casual. Say something like, “Would it be cool to exchange phone numbers? I'll need to call someone if I can't do my homework! " You can just write to him on Facebook: "Can you write your phone number?" He will most likely answer in the affirmative !!
  7. 7 Invite him for a walk. This shouldn't sound like a date if you don't want to! Invite all your friends and ask if he would like to join your party with a couple of his friends, because it will be fun!


  • Always be yourself. Don't try to imitate other girls' flirting style or manner. Don't change too much for someone else - it's not worth it! Don't use too much makeup - the guys don't like that very much. And all the more so you will only attract more UNNECESSED attention ... Although you should make some effort to feel satisfied with your appearance, but remember, the LESS the BETTER, so be able to recognize this fine line!
  • Enjoy! Don't take boys too seriously. If you get rejected, don't worry, just pull yourself together and move on. It doesn't matter, there are many other wonderful people out there who don't mind getting to know you!
  • VKK !! This is a pretty flirty conversation structure! Question, Comment, Compliment. For those still not in the know, here's an example:
  • You say, "Is this the real Converse?" He says yes. Answer: "Oh, I'm going to find the same for my brother." He answers: "Really?" (or something like that), and you compliment, in turn, they look really great with his T-shirt!


  • Don't flirt with his friends. Be natural, not promiscuous! His friends should approve of you, because guys are like tame animals. Don't forget this!
  • Don't cover your face with makeup like plaster.This clogs your pores, causing more acne and imperfections on your skin, which is not good for you at all! Just use some makeup!
  • Don't interrogate him! Girls, don't ask guys too many questions. It will look like you are stalking him.