How to get your ex-boyfriend back

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 28 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back (Make Him Beg to Be With You?)
Video: How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back (Make Him Beg to Be With You?)


Bringing back an ex-boyfriend isn't easy. It doesn't matter if he was the initiator of the breakup or if you left, but then realized the mistake. In any case, it is difficult to get a person to come back and start again what has already been completed. But don't worry! It may be difficult, but it is still possible. If you take a little distance, think about your mistakes and do some work on yourself, then you can bring your ex-boyfriend back. If you want to know how to do this, follow the next steps.


Method 1 of 3: Move away from the guy

  1. 1 Take a break from your ex. You may be crazy to get your boyfriend back, but continually following him, calling and catching looks is the worst thing you can do. If, due to circumstances, you often intersect, just stop pestering his eyes and keep your distance for a couple of weeks (or a little longer).
    • If you are studying together, you may not be able to completely cut all contacts.
    • Stop calling and texting him. Even when you think of something cute that reminds you of him.
    • Try to avoid meeting him altogether. Even if you have mutual friends. If you've crossed paths at a party, you don't need to be rude to him, but you shouldn't talk too much either.
    • You don't have to be rude to keep your distance. If you run into somewhere, you don't need to run away right away, but you also don't need to stop and chat about trifles.
  2. 2 Think about what went wrong. As long as you keep your distance, you have time to analyze your relationship problems. If you want to get the guy back, you need to understand what went wrong so that it doesn't happen again. The problem may lie on the surface, or you have to think carefully about its roots. Here are some examples:
    • Perhaps you were too jealous and controlled him constantly. In the end, he simply could not bear it.
    • Maybe you haven't spent enough time with each other.
    • Perhaps he thought you weren't caring enough.
    • Maybe he decided that you are too intrusive and constantly spin around.
    • Perhaps there have been some changes in your life. For example, some of you have moved to another city.
    • Maybe you fought constantly and didn't get along with each other.
  3. 3 Make a plan of action to solve the problem. Once you understand what the problem is - and there may be several at once - it's time to think about how to change that in the future. Why would you want to bring the guy back if everything goes round again?
    • You need to work on some major changes. For example, take control of some of the personality traits that soured the relationship, or think about how to change the dynamics of the relationship if it starts again.
    • If your jealousy was the problem, you need to think about how to tame it.
    • If you think you were overly demanding and constantly in control of everything, you need to work on this aspect of the character.
    • If you are constantly cursing, consider how to tame the aggression.
    • If the problem is more related to him, think about how you can overcome it (maybe he wants to change). If he does not want to change anything and you know that you can’t come to terms with it, think carefully about whether to return it.
  4. 4 Work on yourself. Take the time to analyze the relationship, devote this time to yourself and chatting with friends. Make a list of what you want to change about yourself and start taking action.Even small steps on the way to a goal can help restore a relationship.
    • If you start making time for yourself, your ex will start to wonder where you have disappeared. And the more you become focused on yourself, the more it will hurt him.
    • Spend time with your friends, study or what you love.
    • Don't pause too long. If you spend months working on yourself and get completely out of sight, your ex may start to move on.

Method 2 of 3: Get back into his field of vision

  1. 1 Show your ex that you are having a good time without him. Some time has passed, and you were alone with yourself. Start appearing at parties where he happens, try to bump into him in his favorite cafe or other places where he hangs out with friends. But don't make it too obvious. Just show yourself around with friends so that he remembers how fun it is to spend time with you.
    • If you know you'll see him, try to look your best, but don't overdo it so he doesn't think you are dressing up for him.
    • When you cross, greet him with a smile and a surprised look. You were so busy having fun that you didn't think he might be around.
  2. 2 Make him jealous (optional). It doesn't work with everyone. But. If you're confident that the fact that he sees you with another guy, or flirting with a group of guys will make him want you back, go for it. However, that doesn't mean you have to start dating another guy to be jealous. Just flirt in front of your ex with others, or have one or a couple of guys dance.
    • Don't go too far. If he decides that you are already dating someone, he may back down. Or - who knows - maybe he wants to get you back even more.
  3. 3 Make him jealous through social media. As if by chance, post a couple of photos with your friends, where you are having fun. It's good if there are several guys in the photo. Your ex will see how good you look and feel sad that he lost you. Don't post photos too often. 1-2 a week is enough to remind you how cool you are.
    • Pick a time when he is most likely to be online. This will make him more likely to see your photos.
  4. 4 Start chatting a little. Make your relationship more friendly. Start with a simple greeting and a short conversation, and then chat for 10-20 minutes when you meet. Make sure you always say goodbye first, but don't delay it too long. So it will be even more sad for him to say goodbye to you. Then wait until he invites you for coffee somewhere or even invites you for a drink in the evening.
    • Don't pretend that you want to be with him again. Just be adorable and friendly and he will want to be with you again.
  5. 5 Show him that you have changed. As you begin to communicate more closely, show that those qualities that he did not like in you during the relationship have disappeared. If he thought you never listened to him, give him a chance to talk more. If he found you obsessive, show that you have become independent.
    • Don't show it too openly. Don't say, "Have you noticed that I am no longer jealous when you are with other girls?" Just remain calm and equanimous when he interacts with others. He will figure out the rest himself.
  6. 6 Read the signs. If your ex wants to come back, you will understand. How did you know for the first time that he wanted to be with you? He may have sent the same signals: complimenting you, lightly touching you, or simply asking if you were seeing someone. If the same thing is happening now, he probably wants to return.
    • Pay attention to his body language. Does he maintain eye contact, tries to stand closer to you, does his face light up with a smile as you walk into the room? If so, he may want to return.
    • If he just wants to stay friends with you, he will not show concern for you and love towards you.
    • Check out his social pages or casually ask mutual friends if he is dating someone. Maybe he has already met someone else and just wants to stay on good terms with you.
  7. 7 Slowly start dating again. If your ex is flirting with you, he may suggest that you get back together. You can also take the initiative if you are 100% sure that your feelings are mutual.
    • Try to develop the relationship more slowly this time. Don't meet more than a few times a week. Do not rush into the whirlpool headlong, it is better to build a solid foundation.
    • If the last time the relationship collapsed due to your dependence on him, become more independent this time. Don't build your life around a boyfriend, spend more time with friends and alone with yourself.

Method 3 of 3: How to Hold It This Time

  1. 1 Don't repeat past mistakes. Remember the introspection period last time? Now this is very useful. Now that you are together again, remind yourself of past problems and try to prevent them. If the problem was that you fought a lot, try to control yourself when a conflict is brewing.
    • If your boyfriend was the problem last time, gently remind him that if he continues like this, you will be stumped again.
  2. 2 Don't put too much pressure on yourself. While you should try to avoid past mistakes, a constant obsession with eradicating them can ruin the joy of a relationship. Just have fun and try not to think too much about it. In fear of losing it, you will not be able to enjoy the moment and live life to the fullest.
    • If you constantly think that the relationship might end again, your boyfriend will surely feel it, and then he will begin to doubt the strength of the relationship.
  3. 3 Start from scratch. Don't think of this as the second part of your novel. Of course, you can't completely forget the past, but you shouldn't delve into it and try to return it.
    • You start over and this time you have to think about the future.
  4. 4 Remember to be yourself. It is very important to work on yourself to improve your relationship. Provided that both will try. However, you don't have to completely change to match your boyfriend's ideal. You can change something, but only if you yourself want it. Not if your boyfriend wants it.
    • There is a difference between working on flaws and becoming a completely new person. The first is completely normal, but it's not worth changing completely for the sake of a relationship.
  5. 5 Admit it didn't work. If you went back to your ex but something goes wrong, it is possible that you broke up was for the better in the end. Many people throw up scandals and disperse loudly, then reconcile to disperse again. But the problem is, they just don't fit together. If the same issues come up, or you or your boyfriend aren't feeling happy, the relationship may need to end forever.
    • Be honest with yourself. If you've tried everything and it didn't work, then it's for the best.
    • Be proud to have fought to the end. After all, now you know it wasn't worth it. It is better to know the truth than to constantly think: "What would happen if ..."


  • Don't be too persistent if he doesn't make contact at first.
  • If he really doesn't like you, stop. He's just not the right person. Do not be discouraged, this is his loss.
  • Do not overdo it. He's unlikely to like it if you bombard him with messages.
  • Don't do anything against your will just to get it back.
  • Dress to impress him, but don't pretend you miss him.


  • Make sure you don’t look silly trying to impress him (don’t go overboard with hair, jokes, etc.).
  • Making jealous is not a bad idea, but everything is good, which is in moderation.