How to play counter strike

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


This article is not intended for those who only play video games from time to time. Playing once a month is not enough to be successful in the game, unless, of course, you have a natural gift.


  1. 1 First, you need to download and install the game. To do this, you can download Steam for free from the official website (google) (it contains the game engine that controls the CS and servers). After that, CS: Source can be purchased via Steam.
  2. 2 When everything is downloaded, open Steam and enter your username and password. Then select "Servers" from the menu, wait a moment and a long list will appear. Each server has its own game. The server window contains basic information: the current map, the number of players, whether the server is password protected. To connect, double-click on the server.
  3. 3 One of the most important parameters is the "Latency" (latency) of a particular server, it is better to keep this number as low as possible, so you can play without lags and freezes. You will also have your favorite cards, you will develop your own style of play. In addition to different cards, there are different game modes, for example, death match (where it is important to kill several opponents in a row, because this often allows you to get the best weapon.Another mod is demolition (ie de_), where terrorists win either if they shoot counter-terrorists ("konters"), or by planting and detonating a bomb that the konters are trying to defuse.
  4. 4 Wait for the server to load, on some servers it takes longer, depending on additional effects (music, lights, etc.)etc.). When the message "Sending client info ..." appears, the download is almost complete. Now everything will begin! First, you need to choose a team (counter-terrorists or terrorists), their weapons are slightly different, plus they appear in different places on the map.
  5. 5 Most likely, you will connect to an already running game. If so, you will have to wait until the end of the round, until then you can observe (as if through the eyes of another and a player). By clicking the left mouse button, you can choose who to observe, the space bar allows you to select different types of observation. All this is saved by default.
  6. 6 At the beginning of the round, press "B", a weapon menu will appear. At the beginning of each round, you need to buy something. At the beginning it seems that it takes a long time, but there are a few tricks - you can automatically buy the same as in the previous round, weapon numbers and menus can be indicated by numbers on the keyboard. Soon you will be doing this reflexively in a couple of seconds.
  7. 7 Briefly about the choice of weapons. Everyone has their own style and their own preferences, but basically the people agree that the best weapon for the conters is the M4 carbine, for terrorists (terrorists) - the AK is very powerful, but you need to be able to shoot correctly, otherwise, due to recoil, all the bullets will go above the target. Everything else also has its own characteristics, so you just have to try and find something to your taste.
  8. 8 Beginners sometimes get confused in management. The main thing here is to accurately control the movement of the keys W, A, S, D and the mouse - overview and shooting, this is the most important thing. The sensitivity of the mouse can be adjusted in the options, it is better to increase the sensitivity as you master the COP.
  9. 9 So, shooting, that's what everyone plays for. Simply put, KS, and this applies to any weapon, and especially to rifles, is quite realistic - a burst of more than 2-3 shots becomes aimless. Make 2-3 shots and aim, no need to hold down the mouse button and hope for luck. You need to aim at the torso or head. If you really really want to shoot the entire clip at once, at least aim at the legs, so there are more chances that the bullet will hit the enemy in the head. Stick to the 2-3 shot rule and you will go far.
  10. 10 You can communicate in the game in different ways, many do not bother with this at all, but sometimes you want to brag or complain, plus it's more fun to play with friends. You can communicate by microphone, chat, for tactical tasks you can use pre-recorded commands like "Go, go, go!" and "Cover me!", which, by and large, no one pays attention to. :)
  11. 11 Several different tips... no need to camp (wait in the corner or shoot those passing by from the dark), players who know the map well will kill you without any problems, and you will not get much pleasure from the game. Try to identify the strengths of the team and add something. For example, take a sniper rifle and try to shoot enemies. Grenades are useful in difficult situations and for smoking cornered rats (be careful, they bite).
  12. 12 Mood has a huge impact on how you play. If you are annoyed or on edge, then you will not show a cool game. The best thing is to stay focused and calm, take nothing to heart and shoot accurately!
  13. 13 So, in general, that's all, enjoy the game, it is special in many ways.


  • There are boxes on most maps, especially on Aim cards, they can be used for cover, but they are made so that the top of the person is visible behind them, the shooters can use this, focusing all the fire on the black semicircle above the box.
  • In a hurry, you will make people laugh - although the one who takes aim first usually wins the firefight, but it is better to spend the extra half a second on aiming and looking around. Shooting anywhere, you can run out of ammo at the decisive moment. Remember, the more you shoot, the worse the shots. The first shot should be good, then 2-3 should follow the first. This will make them more accurate than if you were in a hurry.
  • Get used to always keep the sight at shoulder or head level, so you can quickly shoot at opponents unexpectedly appearing from around the corner.It will also help you better navigate.
  • Recoil control is where most players have problems. A firm hand here, of course, will come in handy (and a cool head), stick to the rule of 2-3 shots. If you get involved in a firefight at a distance, aim at the level of the enemy's head and just move to the sides, dodging his shots. So you don't have to fiddle with the sight with the mouse, dodge and try to give him a headshot (shot to the head).
  • Reliable and accurate weapons: Clarion, M4A1, CV-47 (i.e. Ak-47), MP5, ES Five-Seven, C90, IDF Defender, Kreig. After a while, you will start using your own tactics and, perhaps, become specialized in one area, then you can start using the Scout Rifle and Desert Eagle.
  • 'Unwanted' and 'Nubian' weapons for players in CS are: Magnum sniper rifle (i.e. 'AWP'), M249 submachine gun, shotguns, machine gun, Shotguns, Bullpup, D3 / AU-1 and flash drives. All this is a fairly simple and very effective weapon, and hammered opponents do not have the most pleasant impressions.
  • Grenades are simply irreplaceable. To throw, select a grenade, hold down the left mouse button, aim and release. In your hands, it will not explode, so aim calmly. Throwing grenades (especially where players spawn) is considered amateurishness and bad manners.
  • Always follow the server admin messages and follow all the rules. He can kick you, ban you, or report you through Steam.


  • Do not use cheats and additional software, it is not worth it and unfair to honest players.
  • Do not get involved in stupid arguments and swearing, this will ruin the game and can lead to a ban on the server.
  • Don't be discouraged when meeting stronger players. When they meet the pros themselves, they feel the same way.
  • If you get worse, take a break, get some air, and join another server.
  • For all that, COP is a difficult game, and often you will find yourself on the side of the losers. Don't try to cheat and change teams, the best way to learn is to play against the best.

What do you need

  • Computer
  • Microphone (to speak)
  • Headphones (to listen)
  • Free time (if you sit down quickly, you won't even have time to blink an eye)