How to throw toilet paper at home

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What happens when you flush PAPER TOWELS down your toilet - E38 S3
Video: What happens when you flush PAPER TOWELS down your toilet - E38 S3


1 You will need many rolls of toilet paper. Buy stock before sunset as overnight shopping will raise suspicions. Double is best. It lasts for a long time, and the heavy weight will allow you to make more accurate throws. With one roll of this paper, you can make 4 or 5 throws around a medium-sized tree. Whereas with a cheap single roll of toilet paper only 2 or 3.
  • 2 Take the time. The best time is when people have not yet woken up and went for a walk with their dogs. Find out what time your neighbors usually wake up. This will be useful information for you. As it will be a shame if someone catches you with a bag full of toilet paper. At the same time, don't go on your adventure too late! If you wait too long, you may be drawn to sleep and fall asleep, which will ruin all your plans!
  • 3 Decide on the time of year. Weekends are the best option if you are planning to implement your plan in the summer, as many adults go to bed early enough. In other seasons, it is better to choose the night before the weekend (for example, the day before spring break, or days during the President's vacation are good days to get things done).Remember, during the summer season you will have to wait a very long time, because many people during this time of the year do not go to bed for a long time. In many ways, your choice will depend on where you live, so make sure you make your choice!
  • 4 Don't panic if you can't get to the place in complete silence. If you sneeze or step on a dry branch, don't worry. Nobody gets out of bed in the middle of the night because of a little noise. However, people will wake up and want to look out the window to find the cause of the noise if it is persistent. Therefore, stop making noise as soon as possible, but do not run away.
  • 5 When you get to the trees, it's time to get some gear. Unroll the roll of paper so that you can grip both ends like a bicycle handlebar only in an upright position. Then toss the roll onto a tree. He should arc and fall to the ground from the other side. Repeat from another location, if necessary. Now the bushes. Wrap them in toilet paper and leave a small amount to tuck in. So the bushes will be in toilet paper both inside and out.
  • 6 Write on the trunk of your car using toilet paper (this is not necessary, but it shouldn't be a lot of work). Decide what message you would like to leave for the owner of the car. You can write "we won" or something like that. Don't write something cruel and rude. Because if you get caught, it will look more like an act of vandalism than a joke. In any case, take a sufficient amount of toilet paper, wet it with saliva every couple of centimeters and place it on the trunk. Thus, when removed, there will be no traces left, but it will take you some time to place it all somehow. You can also paint with car window paints. Make sure that the paint you will be using is designed specifically for car windows and that it leaves no residue when washed off. The most common phrase used by pranksters is "Caught!"
  • 7 Alternatively, you can scatter small pieces of toilet paper over the lawn. Many, many small pieces.
  • 8 If you want to leave behind a couple of days of hard work, try to roll the rolls up to the very top of the tree's crown. It is very easy to remove the paper from the lower branches.
    • Note: If you often throw toilet paper at home, or just want to do something unusual, try tying bows around lamp posts or drawing a huge smiley face on the road. Use your imagination!
  • Tips

    • Wear a light-colored garment over a dark top. That way, if you need to "make legs", you can take off the dark top and throw it away somewhere. And those who are chasing you will not recognize you, since you will be wearing something completely different. True, this can only be done if you manage to hide from their field of vision for a while. If asked, tell me that you saw a man in a dark shirt, turning into the forest or into the courtyard of another house. For girls: if running away your hair was collected, let it go. That's all the disguise you need.
    • Park your car away from home, some houses have security cameras, and you absolutely do not need any camera to detect your car.
    • Don't make a sound. It is so annoying when you go to throw toilet paper at the house, and accomplices interfere with their conversations and begin to whisper something loudly. If you make noise, wake up the neighbors or homeowners. Then you are in trouble.
    • Wear something comfortable. If you need to give a fight, you cannot run away from a person if he is in sneakers, and you are in flip flops or heels. You need to practice running on any surface. You need to be agile enough in your movements, running away from someone in the dark.
    • ALWAYS do this with friends and be creative (shaving cream, forks, shredded paper). Also you can leave any message in the yard. You can use cheap shampoo and water for this. One last thing: don't waste a lot of money, have fun and always act within reason!
    • Wear blue protective clothing and shoes. You can also choose dark green, brown or gray (the main thing is that the clothes do not arouse suspicion). You can, of course, look idiotic, but blue camouflage (not black - black clothes will 100% arouse suspicion of a passing patrol police car. Well, if neighbors or drivers of passing cars notice you, you are definitely a dead body) night time.
    • If you like, you can wrap toilet paper around the machine and then wet it. Thus, you get the impression that the car, as if in a shell.
    • Again, do everything very quickly, but don't leave the place without enjoying your work. Just don't lose your guard. Otherwise, you risk being caught.
    • Take a spray gun filled with water and spray the surfaces as you did with your machine. The paper will hold better.
    • Stand on the sides of the machine and start wrapping paper around it until the machine is completely covered.
    • ENSURE that neighboring houses are not equipped with 24/7 security cameras. If all available cameras are monitoring only for a certain time, specify when the cameras are turned off, and only then carry out your plan. If the cameras are 24/7, then be super cunning. Hide behind bushes, trees, etc. And also put on a mask on your face. Or just find another home as a "victim."
    • NEVER leave your belongings if someone starts chasing you. So you will have several more attempts to implement your plan. Entrust this job to someone.
    • Don't throw eggs in cars and houses. And don't coat garage doors with nut paste. These products leave behind marks and spoil the painting of cars.
    • Be careful if the house has floor-length windows, especially if you can be easily seen through them.
    • If you bump forks in someone's backyard, make sure they freeze in the morning. Thus, the forks will break if you try to pull them out of the ground.
    • Try to throw the paper as far away as possible. This will give a better look and complicate the task of the person who will clean it all up.
    • Get to the chosen house on foot. If you are driving and get caught, they may not recognize you. But they will definitely recognize your car! If a car is such a necessity, park it a few blocks from the chosen location. You can also cover the numbers with something so that no one can write them down or remember them. Technically, this is not legal. Therefore, the rooms need to be opened as soon as possible while no one sees you.
    • Also, if it snows outside, running away, go in the opposite direction to confuse the tracks. So they will think that you ran in a completely different direction.
    • Focus on familiar homes rather than completely strangers. Thus, they are more likely to take it as a joke rather than a crime.
    • Buy regular nasal wipes and scatter them all over your lawn. Also, you can easily make letters from them, so that you can later fold them into words.
    • Keep track of the house. Is the light on anywhere? Is the window open? You can still get things done without the risk of getting caught. Just be extremely careful.
    • Wrap the hedge in toilet paper!
    • Move in several groups so as not to end up alone.
    • Take a souvenir photo and then walk away, as the camera flash can wake up the owners of the house. Take photos at the very end if in any doubt. DO NOT post these pictures on the Internet. Someone can look at them and displease you.


    • Never chat about your intentions in public.Someone from relatives or friends of the owners of the house may hear this.
    • Set your phone to silent mode. You don't need the sound of your mobile phone to wake everyone up!
    • Make sure you know well the owners of the home. Otherwise, they may get angry without understanding the humor.
    • Remember, if you choose a time on New Year's Eve, people most likely will not go to bed until half past midnight. Don't make it your goal to have parties at home.
    • If you are not alone, make sure that the people next to you will never tell anyone about it.
    • Use codenames. Participants are often caught because they hear their friends shout out their names. Usually the jokers are familiar to the members of the house chosen as the "victim."
    • When choosing a home, make sure there are no dogs. The barking of a dog will wake up the owners. If there is a dog in the yard, get your feet out of there as quickly as possible.
    • Never throw eggs in cars and houses. They leave stubborn stains. And this is already an act of vandalism. You can be fined for this, and you will receive a corresponding entry in your file.
    • If you see a police car approaching, you can of course run away. But first, make sure the officers don't chase you. Police officers can catch up with you in a matter of seconds.
    • Do not over tighten. Try to do everything as quickly as possible. Because if your neighbors see you, they will definitely call the owners of the house and notify them that they are being bombarded with toilet paper.
    • In some states, this action is considered a crime. If your state is one of that number, then it may not be worth doing it at all. But, in any case, study the law enforcement in your state. If this does not stop you, then good luck and do not forget about the possible consequences.
    • In most states, throwing paper is not illegal. If your state is one of those, then the police can't do anything with you. They will only ask if you know these people. If you answer that you know, they will not suspect you, they will just think that you are making fun of your friends. Problems can arise if you climb into private property or violate the age curfew.
    • You can be caught and punched. Don't run if the owners suddenly catch you in the process. People will appreciate it. If the owners appear on the doorstep of the house, but you remain unnoticed, then, in this case, you can hide in the bushes, if there are any nearby, or hide behind a fence or behind a parked car nearby. Stay in cover until everything dies down. Do your best to prevent the victim from getting to your home. What you definitely don't need is to know where you really live. As soon as you leave the chase, you can return home.
    • You need to throw toilet paper at the very end. But do not overdo it and do not wake up the owners of the house.
    • Always be careful, some people will not appreciate your efforts to wrap their home in toilet paper.
    • Don't get started if you know in advance that the owners of the house will not appreciate your joke. In some cases, such actions can be seen as something rude, and you will look ignorant.
    • Never write on the roadway or block it with any objects. Sometimes the consequences can be dire.
    • Check for prohibition signs. Sometimes, walking on the lawn can cause significant harm to the overall appearance.
    • In Singapore, this action is severely punished by prison and public flogging, regardless of the reaction of the owners of the home.

    What do you need

    • Backpack or trash bag
    • A place from which you can monitor
    • Place to hide toilet paper
    • Dark clothes
    • Toilet paper!
    • Flag to celebrate victory!
    • Forks to poke around the front yard.
    • You can bring a video camera with you to capture everything, but this is not necessary (just remember that video is considered “proof”).