Is it possible to enlarge the penis using herbal remedies: facts and fiction

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 8 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Penis Augmentation Doctor Explains How Getting Bigger Actually Works
Video: A Penis Augmentation Doctor Explains How Getting Bigger Actually Works


To increase the size of your penis, you can use some herbal remedies that increase blood flow to the genitals, which can lead to fuller erections. In order to permanently enlarge the length and width of the penis, it is necessary to change eating habits, exercise and reduce fat deposition in the abdominal area. It's much easier and safer than surgery, isn't it? Read this article to learn more about how you can increase your penis size without the use of drugs or surgery.

Attention:the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare professional before using any dietary supplements or herbal products.


Part 1 of 3: Herbs that Increase Blood Flow to the Penis

  1. 1 Try ginseng. The ginsenosides contained in this plant stimulate the nervous system. There is no conclusive scientific evidence on the effects of Korean Red Ginseng on the penis, however, studies in South Korea showed that men who took red ginseng extract pills for several weeks reported better sexual function.
    • Ginseng has contraindications and side effects for heart disease, insomnia, cancer, and other conditions. Check with your doctor before taking ginseng.
    • If you plan on taking a ginseng supplement, make sure it contains 500 mg of Korean Red Ginseng extract.
    • Since nutritional supplements are not as well monitored as drugs, choose a well-known brand with a good reputation.
  2. 2 Try ginkgo biloba. This plant is used to improve memory and also promotes blood flow to the penis. Research from the University of California has shown that ginkgo is most effective for men with antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. However, other studies have shown no effect of ginkgo. Scientific evidence is lacking, however, given the positive effects on memory and the low number of side effects, it might be worth trying.
    • Ginkgo is available as a tea or capsule. Both of these forms are sold in pharmacies.
    • Do not use ginkgo if you have ever had a seizure or are using blood thinners. Talk to your doctor before starting ginkgo supplements.
  3. 3 Try Peruvian maca supplements. The powder from this plant is known as an aphrodisiac. It contains active ingredients - macamides, which are believed to energize and help a man to maintain an erection for a long time. Since there is no scientific evidence for this plant, care must be taken when using it. Please consult your doctor before using this supplement.
  4. 4 Supplements with L-Arginine. This amino acid increases blood flow, which contributes to the enlargement of the penis during an erection. Research from the University of Tel Aviv found that some men felt the benefits after taking an L-arginine supplement for 6 weeks. Typically, this supplement can be found in health food stores or ordered online. The recommended dose is 1 gram three times a day.
    • Do not use this amino acid if you are using nitroglycerin for heart disease - this can lead to a sharp drop in blood pressure. Talk to your doctor about using an L-Arginine supplement.
  5. 5 Eat watermelons. Drinking watermelons can increase the size and duration of an erection. Watermelon contains the amino acid citrulline, which is converted into arginine in the body and causes blood vessels to dilate. The fact that there is citrulline in watermelon is a godsend. Unfortunately, so far there has been no research done on how much watermelon should be eaten in order to achieve any effect. Despite this, watermelon is considered a very healthy product for men's health, so it won't get any worse if you eat even a little extra in the season.

Part 2 of 3: Natural Methods for Enlarging Penis Size

  1. 1 Quit smoking. The size of the penis, whether erect or non-erect, depends on the amount of blood in it. Smoking cigarettes causes the arteries to shrink, which reduces blood flow to the penis. Men who smoke have a smaller penis than it could be.
  2. 2 Exercise regularly. Exercise improves blood flow and strengthens arteries in tissues, including the penis. If you do not exercise, then the potential of penis enlargement is not fully exploited. It is recommended that you exercise for an hour every day, be it swimming, jogging, walking or cycling. Any physical activity will improve the blood flow in the penis.
    • However, there are no specific exercises to make your penis bigger. The penis has smooth muscle fibers that cannot be trained with exercise.
  3. 3 Do pelvic floor exercises. There are no specific exercises for the penis, but there are exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor muscles compress the veins, which helps to maintain an erection. Kegel exercises can help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. Studies in England showed that men who did the Kegel exercise had better sexual function than those who made certain lifestyle changes but did not do the exercise.
    • Feel your pelvic floor muscles, squeeze them as you do to stop urinating.
    • Contract and relax your muscles 8 times. Relax and do 8 squeezes again. Do 3-4 sets.
    • Train every day for maximum results.
  4. 4 Lose Belly Fat. Men who have a hanging fat fold in their abdomen have a smaller penis. Losing belly fat is not an easy task, but it is important for your assessment of penis size. Take steps to reduce weight and you will see that fat is removed evenly from all areas. According to a Harvard University study, men with a waist of 105 cm are 50% more likely to have erectile dysfunction than men with a waist of 80 cm.
    • Regular physical activity contributes to weight loss. We recommend cardio and strength training.
    • Eat meat, fish, whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruits, and vegetable oils.
    • Eliminate processed, refined foods, as well as sugars, starches, and hydrogenated oils.
  5. 5 Try special devices. There are several simple, non-invasive techniques that can be used to enlarge the penis as well as prolonged erections during sex. If you are aiming for larger size and longer lasting erections without the use of drugs or invasive techniques, try the following:
    • Penis ring.The ring is used to keep blood in the penis during an erection. Your penis will temporarily get bigger and harder.
    • Penis pump. A vacuum pump is put on the area around the penis. When you use the hand plunger, blood flows into the penis and stays there for a while.

Part 3 of 3: What to Avoid

  1. 1 Don't eat foods that promise penis enlargement. Having a big penis is the desire of many men. This is used by scammers who offer magic potions to enlarge the penis. Penis size is genetically predetermined. Do not waste your money and do not experiment on health, relying only on the promises of unknown companies.
  2. 2 Be careful with herbal Viagra. These herbal cocktails are used to increase blood flow in the penis, but their production is not controlled, so it is difficult to tell about the side effects in advance. We recommend using the tips earlier in this article.
    • Don't buy penis enlargement products from online stores, even if they inspire confidence.
    • If you bought such a product, consult your doctor about starting it.
  3. 3 Do not stretch your penis or use objects to stretch it. These methods are believed to lengthen the penis, but this is not always the case. Stretching the penis contributes to its thinning. The only reason a penis stretcher can be used is after surgery on the penis to prevent scar tissue from forming.
  4. 4 Think twice before going for surgery. Unfortunately, penis enlargement surgery, or phalloplasty, has a number of side effects. The penis will increase in length, but people who undergo this operation sacrifice its function. After the penis enlargement procedure, it will simply dangle between the legs and it will not be easy to achieve an erection. In addition, phalloplasty is fraught with complete erectile dysfunction. Agree, a natural solution to the problem is much better!
    • Phalloplasty is used for a very small penis, the so-called "micropenis". Only in such cases are the operations successful. However, phalloplasty on a medium-length penis can lead to erectile dysfunction, scarring, and deformity.