How to apologize to your friend

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Apologize
Video: How to Apologize


Apologizing is not easy, as it requires the person to admit that they did something wrong in the past. If you want to improve your relationship with a friend, then you need to apologize. Boys and men are less emotional than girls and women, but they also expect and appreciate an appropriate apology.


Part 1 of 3: Admitting What You Did Wrong

  1. 1 Understand what upset your friend. When you find out that your friend is angry with you, you need to understand the reason for the anger.
    • If you do not already know the answer to this question, then consider your last actions or words. How could you upset your friend?
    • If it is not possible to establish the cause, then you just need to ask. You can't make a sincere apology if you don't know what the problem is.
  2. 2 Admit your mistake. People do all kinds of things that upset their friends. To make a sincere apology, it's important to admit to yourself that you made a mistake.
    • Sometimes this is difficult, because people do not like to admit their own mistake or wrong. It is important to understand that without recognition it is impossible to make a sincere apology and build a friendship.
  3. 3 Understand why your mistake upset your friend. You probably know your friend well enough. Another important aspect of apologizing is understanding the cause of the hurt.
    • Have you insulted his views or values?
    • Have you hurt his feelings?
    • Have you cheated on a friend?
    • Have you insulted his family or another loved one?
    • Did you hurt him physically?
  4. 4 Decide how you should apologize. In general, apologizing in person is the preferred option. If this is not possible, then try writing a personal letter or calling a friend.
    • Most people strongly discourage apologizing in a message as it makes them seem insincere. By doing so, you show that you don't have the time or desire to make a personal apology, and that you don't value friendship.
  5. 5 Apologize after your friend's emotions have subsided. If you decide to apologize in person, then invite a friend to talk the next day. Otherwise, you should write a letter or not call on the same day.
    • Better to wait for both parties to calm down and pull themselves together. Very often, an instant apology can sound insincere and selfish. But you shouldn't wait too long, so that your friend doesn't accumulate resentment.
    • At this time, you can think about what words should be pronounced.

Part 2 of 3: Apologize for what you did

  1. 1 Consider what to say. It is important to think over the text of the apology in advance. Usually boys and men are not interested in idle chatter. Better to get down to business.
    • "I want to apologize for what I did."
    • "Ask me for what I said yesterday."
    • "I have to apologize for my behavior."
    • "I apologize for the way I treated you."
  2. 2 Do not go into explaining the reasons for your action. Often such words sound like an excuse for their own behavior.
    • If you really want to explain your behavior, it’s best to voice your reasons for keeping the blame on you. For example, say, “I allowed myself to be rude about you because I felt the need to join a new team.” Don't say, "I know I shouldn't have said that, but you provoked this reaction yourself."
  3. 3 Take responsibility for your actions. In some cases, both sides are to blame for the disagreement. At the same time, if you decide to apologize, then it is better to accept responsibility for your actions.
    • "I confess I was wrong."
    • "I know I was rude, and you don't deserve to be treated like that."
    • "I understand I made a mistake."
    • "I made a mistake and I fully admit it."
  4. 4 Explain how you are going to make amends. If you hurt your friend's feelings or upset him in some way, then he may no longer trust you. Try to repair the friendship and show that you value your relationship and want to fix it.
    • "I'll buy you a new pen instead of the broken one."
    • “I don't like that they made me tease others in order to be friends with them, so I will no longer communicate with them. I already have good friends like you. "
    • “I also want to apologize to your loved ones. What I said is just awful. "
    • "I will never lie to you again, because I really appreciate our friendship."
  5. 5 Please apologize. It's time to voice the text that you have composed.
    • Try to meet a friend in person or call. If you decide to write a letter, then mail it or leave it where a friend can find it.
    • During the conversation, do not make excuses for your actions.
    • Be calm. If you cry, your friend may feel guilty, even though you are to blame. This can make the friend angry and turn the conversation into a fight.
    • Let him interrupt you if the friend is upset or wants to say something. You don't need to overreact if you don't like his words. This will show that you are serious and that you value your friendship.

Part 3 of 3: Move on

  1. 1 Resign yourself if your friend doesn't accept the apology. In some cases, a friend may refuse to accept an apology. In such a situation, it is important to behave correctly.
    • No need to get angry and shout at him. The person is free to accept or not accept an apology. If you have seriously offended your friend, they may refuse to forgive you.
    • If a mistake cost you your friendship, then accept responsibility for that outcome.
    • You don't have to beg for forgiveness or ask how you can make amends. Better to take the initiative and regain your friend's trust with your actions.
  2. 2 Show that your apology was sincere. During your apology, you probably said how you want to correct your mistake. Keep these promises to show that you are sincere in your intentions.
    • Keep promises without complaint. Otherwise, you will only cross out the apology and may even shift the blame onto a friend.
    • If you refuse, it is even more important to try to make amends so that you can regain your friend's trust.
  3. 3 Don't think about the situation. If you have apologized and resolved the problem, then it is best not to think about the situation at all.
    • You don't have to keep going back to the problem, regardless of whether your friend accepted your apology or not. If successful, reminders can annoy the person and cause new problems. If the friend did not accept your apology, then do not bother the person, so as not to alienate the friend even more.


  • Keep your apology short, so don't drag out the conversation or letter. Say what you wanted to say and move on.
  • Speak sincerely and back up the words with further actions.
  • Look at the situation through the eyes of a friend to better understand the cause of the resentment.


  • Don't drag other friends into the situation. The more people in the know, the higher the likelihood of rumors and complications of the situation.