How to express your point of view

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Expressing your point of view in English
Video: Expressing your point of view in English


If you want to overcome your shyness and express your point of view more often, then read this article, in it you will find some tips on how to clearly and clearly express your opinion. Whether it's a simple conversation with friends, answering a teacher's question in class, or an interview, this is a great opportunity to express your thoughts or just “speak up”! Unfortunately, this does not apply to people who have hearing problems.


  1. 1 Do not be nervous. There is no need to worry when you speak, let others hear you, because it is pleasant to express your point of view, moreover, you will overcome shyness. People will see you from a completely different perspective. If you continue to be nervous, think of the three Cs: calmness, resilience, and composure. But not only say them, but think over each word. Close your eyes and clearly, slowly say each word. As you do this, picture yourself as calm, resilient, and collected.
  2. 2 Have good posture. A beautiful and even posture is a sign that you won't let anyone wipe your feet on you. If you look hunched over, then people may not take you seriously.
  3. 3 Listen. Hearing what the people around you are saying will greatly expand your knowledge and have more topics of conversation. Listen, but don't eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
  4. 4 If you find it difficult to start a conversation, then just ask your interlocutor: "How are you?". If you see that the person intends to continue the conversation, do not be embarrassed and keep the conversation going. There is nothing more awkward than silence at the most inopportune moment.
  5. 5 Time to study. Listen carefully to what the teacher has to say during the lesson. So, not only will you do your homework faster, but you will also learn how to ask questions when necessary.
  6. 6 Friends. If you are texting with friends, then try to keep the conversation going. If you listen, you will know their interests and also what to talk to them about! Try to take an active part in the conversation. If people see you are interested, they will want to connect with you!
  7. 7 Communities. If you are a member of a club, you are probably leading an active lifestyle. It is important that adults know your point of view if you and your friends are making a decision. Everyone should beat involved in the conversation! This is difficult to do if you are not the kind of person who speaks out easily. But if you can still convey your position to the leader of your community, then everyone will respect and appreciate your point of view, if this is not the case (which happens very rarely), you can become a member of another club / company. You are part of the community of which you are a member. Everyone should take part in solving this or that issue. Voting is not always transparent, especially when it comes to big money.If you notice something is wrong, tell the whole group (if you are a community leader) or the teacher (if you are still a child). Always remember that your opinion is IMPORTANT and should not be ignored.
  8. 8 Self-esteem. If you are taking part in contests for children, then you must be able to express your opinion. Don't be shy. It will only make you nervous. Believe in yourself, that you can handle it. If you are shy, then imagine that you are alone with the leader of your club. It might sound silly, but try it and don't think about the rest. You just have to be strong.
  9. 9 Confidence is key. Always act with confidence. But don't overdo it! Others may think that you are feeding on being cocky or overconfident. GOOD LUCK!


  • Not only think about it, but speak it out.
  • Be educated, because no one wants to talk to someone who snaps and teases.
  • Understand and really listen to what other people have to say, they will find you friendly and caring.
  • Just say "I'm sorry" and people will listen to you.


  • Don't interrupt people during their speech. Instead of making friends with someone, you may lose a friend. Interrupting someone else's speech or thought can make you sound rude.