How to lose weight once and for all

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why WEIGHT LOSS Is All In Your HEAD | Drew Manning on Health Theory
Video: Why WEIGHT LOSS Is All In Your HEAD | Drew Manning on Health Theory


Overweight people know that it is quite difficult to find a diet and exercise plan that would help them lose weight once and for all. With the wealth of information available, and the many trendy dietary theories and exercise plans, it can be extremely difficult to choose a diet that will help you stay on top of weight over time. Fortunately, the basic principles of losing weight and maintaining weight are relatively easy to understand.


Method 1 of 3: Start changing your lifestyle

  1. 1 Change your perception. Don't think of it as a diet and exercise plan. If you constantly think of your new way of eating as a diet, then it will be more difficult for you to stick to this diet and the excess weight will not disappear forever. Try to see your new routine not as a diet and exercise routine to be done, but as an active lifestyle with healthy eating that will simply become your new lifestyle.
    • Instead of thinking about all the foods you can't, find and add some healthy variations of your favorite foods to your diet. This way, you will feel like you are treating yourself and you will not feel like cheating yourself.
  2. 2 Clean out your pantry. The first thing to do when starting a weight loss program is to get rid of the junk food in your home. Look in the refrigerator, freezer, pantry and cupboards to get rid of all the tempting foods: ice cream, candy, breaded and fried foods, chips, cakes, and the like. Replace them with healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that taste and smell good and aren't too bad for you.
    • If you are not living alone, then have all your family members try to get rid of these foods. They don't have to stick to your program, but everyone will benefit from eating healthy foods.
  3. 3 Change your routine. If you have found in the past that it is difficult to follow your diet and exercise plan entirely, then try to approach it gradually now. Sometimes with an all-or-nothing approach, you can get very frustrated and give up without achieving any positive results. Try making the changes gradually, such as swapping your meals with healthier foods at mealtimes and exercising once or twice a week first. Once your body gets used to this routine, there are more and more tips you can follow until you live a fulfilling, healthy life.
  4. 4 Be patient. Weight loss does not happen overnight. The healthiest weight loss that will remain in the long term is around 450-900 grams per week.It may seem like it’s very slow, but if you’re working on it and trying to change your lifestyle to become healthier, then you will no longer perceive it as a weight loss program. It will just become your life.
    • Dont be upset. The worst thing you can do is give up too early. Even if you eat something harmful during the day or skip a workout for several days, do not admit that you are defeated. Just go back to your diet and exercise plan and you will see the results.
  5. 5 Pay attention to what you eat. Don't eat mechanically. Pay attention to the food you eat, enjoying every bite of it. By remembering every bite you eat, you will enjoy your meal more, and you will also be more aware of the number of calories you consume each day. Paying attention to every food you eat will help you make better decisions and not overeat too much, which will help you lose weight and not gain weight again.
    • Use a calorie counting app to get a better idea of ​​how many calories and nutrients you are getting each day. Try documenting your eating habits throughout the week to strategize for small but effective dietary changes.
    • Eating smaller meals can help you cut down on your calorie intake while still eating what you like.
  6. 6 Find support. The support of a friend or family member can be a critical factor in your fight against excess weight. Surround yourself with people who will help and support you as you try to stick to your diet or exercise regimen. Having someone to rely on when you feel unmotivated or are desperately struggling with old habits can help you stay on track.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise to keep fit

  1. 1 Focus on strength training. One of the best ways to burn fat and stay fit is through strength training. For every pound of muscle you gain, you burn more calories per day. After doing good strength exercises, you continue to burn calories for several days after the workout, while the body tries to replenish the expended energy and restore the pumped up muscles. They also make you healthier in general by maintaining bone density, blood pressure, heart health, blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood flow. By normalizing all body functions, it will be easier for you to maintain a healthy weight.
    • The best way to see the highest results in strength training is by doing circuit training. To do this, select 5 exercises and repeat them 8-12 times or 20-30 seconds each. The duration of the whole circle is 3-4 times. Exercises can be mixed and combined with each other: it can be static lunges, walking lunges, squats with body weight, push-ups, body lifts, "plank", "plank" with a lift, jumping legs together - legs apart, exercises with dumbbells, dead traction, "bike" and many others. Any strength training exercise will do for this program.
    • Take your time doing these exercises. You want, by doing them, to build muscle mass and so that you have an attractive figure. Don't let inertia help you do the exercises. Also, do not forget about breathing during the reps.
    • You should do strength training three times a week, taking a one-day break between each day of training. This will maximize your results and allow your body time to recover. Do some cardio on weekends.
  2. 2 Add cardiovascular exercises. Although strength training will raise your heart rate, you still need to include a few days of cardio in your weekly program.They help burn calories and improve endurance, heart health and overall fitness. This will help you feel better and burn more calories every day.
    • Jogging is one of the best cardio exercises out there. For some, it is really difficult, although there are runners by nature. If at first you can't run for a long time, then you can develop endurance by gradually increasing the loads, as, for example, according to the program "From the sofa to 5 km". Over time, this will help you maintain your weight.
    • If you hate running or have sore knees or other injuries, try less-impact cardio such as ellipticals or exercise bikes. Elliptical machines work like treadmill running, but with reduced impact due to continuous movement without direct shock loading. Intense pedaling on a stationary bike will also place less stress on your legs than when running. Try to find an exercise bike group at your local gym. These workouts are intense, but fun, with music on and a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system.
    • Good music is one of the best cardio motivators. If you're constantly making an effort not to quit exercising, record some fun, energetic, or rhythmic songs on your phone or music player to create the right atmosphere. Listening to songs like these will make you want to train longer and harder. Eventually, cardio will become part of your weekly routine to keep you from gaining weight.
  3. 3 Try ITVI. If you want something a little more challenging for cardio and strength training, try High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), which alternates between high intensity intervals with moderate or low intensity, usually done in a 1 to 2 ratio. You can burn more fat. ... Fat continues to be burned post-workout as well, because intervals fire up your metabolism and you burn calories for 24 hours after your workout is over.
    • Start with a 3-5 minute cardio workout. Then run as fast as you can for 30 seconds, and then walk or jog for 60 seconds. Do 5-10 reps, then rest for 3-5 minutes. After a brisk run, the heart rate increases, and after a moderate to low intensity, it decreases. As you get better, you can increase the duration by running fast to 60 seconds and walking or jogging to 120 seconds.
    • For strength training, the ratios change because the intensity is not so extreme. Start with a 3-5 minute warm-up. Then do eight sets of 20 seconds intensity, 10 second rest intervals such as squats, jumps with legs together - legs apart, plank, plank with lifts, body lifts, push-ups, 'bike', skater exercise and lifts knees. Since you want to bring your intense workout to about 30 minutes, choose 8 interval exercises. You can strengthen these exercises and do those that you think will help you strengthen the areas you want.
  4. 4 Start going to the gym. Motivating yourself to exercise can be very difficult if you have to train alone. Check with your local gym and see if they have activities that fit into your schedule. Many gyms offer strength training programs, cardio programs, and programs that combine both. Find a program that is right for you so that you want to follow it. Try to fit two or three activities into your weekly schedule to help you lose weight and not gain weight.
    • If you enjoy strength training, look for fitness clubs with martial arts elements of varying degrees of difficulty or other strength training activities. They will pick up a workout plan for you and help you have fun, putting it to music.
    • If you like dancing, try zumba. Zumba is a great combination of cardio and muscle strengthening and is a lot of fun to do.
  5. 5 Practice as much as possible. If you have a really busy schedule that just doesn't have enough time for exercise, try to devote as much to it as you can during your breaks throughout the day. As soon as the opportunity arises: Walk fifteen minutes around the area, do several sets of push-ups, squats, lunges, or torso lifts. If you start slowly incorporating this into your routine, you can burn more calories.
    • This only applies to really busy days. You should still try to make time to exercise regularly, so this advice only applies to days when you are simply too busy to devote 45 minutes to a full workout during the day.
    • Try sticking to your routine together. Instead of going out with friends or colleagues to rest, eat and drink after work, go to the gym, take a walk or run at the local stadium. Not only will you be able to spend time with your friends, but each of you will be able to become healthier by maintaining a healthy weight.

Method 3 of 3: Eating Well

  1. 1 Eat a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast is the worst thing to do while losing weight. If you eat early in the morning after waking up, your metabolism will start working as soon as you get up. If you skip breakfast, your body goes into fasting mode and stops burning fat when you burn calories in the morning. It will also make it easier for you to resist the temptation to grab a snack during the day. Eat a healthy breakfast containing proteins, fruits, and whole grains to reduce your appetite throughout the day and help your metabolism work better.
    • Eat a slice of whole wheat or whole wheat bread with peanut or almond butter and a slice of fruit. You can also turn it into a peanut butter and banana or apple sandwich. These foods are high in protein and whole grains, which will keep you feeling full all morning.
    • Try mixing half a cup of traditional oatmeal with a tablespoon of nuts and half a cup of fruit. Preheat the fruit in the microwave and combine them and the nuts with the oatmeal after cooking. Combine food: strawberries with almonds or bananas with walnuts. You will get a hearty breakfast, and you will feel full for a long time. It will also have enough sugar for you to treat yourself to something sweet.
    • If you don't like oatmeal, try an egg white omelet with spinach, tomatoes, and avocado. Add some spinach to the omelet, and garnish with cherry tomatoes and avocado. They are packed with protein, fiber and other essential nutrients to keep you energized throughout the day.
  2. 2 Balance your lunches and dinners. If your lunches and dinners are balanced, you are less likely to overeat during the day, which will help you maintain a healthy weight. Combine protein-rich foods like fish, chicken, other lean meats, beans, nuts, and tofu with high-fiber foods like whole grains and vegetables to feel full after every meal. These two ingredients will help you feel full and satisfied for a longer time.
    • Try a salad with grilled salmon, spinach, pecans, tomatoes and feta for lunch. You can also try the chicken salad with Greek yogurt, nuts and grapes in half a whole wheat pita bread.
    • For dinner, try tilapia fillets, lightly fried with tomatoes and dill on the side of baked broccoli, a serving of beans, and fried green beans. You can also try baked tofu with chickpeas, kale and fried Brussels sprouts.
    • Avoid foods high in carbohydrates and sugars. If you don't want pasta, rice, and other starchy carbs to add extra pounds to your weight, move them away. If you want to add these foods to your diet, then it is better to eat grains such as brown rice or quinoa.
    • Also focus on portions. You don't want your plate to have too much food or too many calories. Make sure half your plate is vegetables and avoid large portions.
  3. 3 Make healthy snacks. Snacking between meals can help you eat less during meals and avoid overeating. Snacks are usually eaten between each meal and before bed. Try to eat snacks twice a day when you are most hungry. For example, grab a snack between lunch and dinner, and before bed if you're hungry at that time. Or between breakfast and lunch, and before bed, if you then feel hungry. The main thing is that these are small and healthy snacks, and not full meals.
    • Try eating a tablespoon or two of almond butter with an apple or carrot, or a small roll, or half a chicken salad sandwich made with Greek yogurt and grapes. Protein will help fight hunger, sugary foods will be a pleasure.
  4. 4 Eat more vegetables. Vegetables are an important part of any healthy lifestyle and will help you maintain a healthy weight. Vegetables like kale, spinach, zucchini, avocados, beets, turnips, and carrots are packed with fiber, potassium and essential vitamins and nutrients to help you stay healthy and lose weight. They will also help you eat fewer meats and carbs, like pasta, which are full of fat and calories. Add them to two to three meals, as well as snacks. Fiber and other nutrients will keep you satiated quickly, which will help you eat less and therefore lose weight. In addition, you will become healthier in general.
    • If you love pizza, instead of adding a lot of cheese or pepperoni to these dishes, try adding more vegetables: spinach, peppers, artichokes, tomatoes, or broccoli. Also, don't forget about the wheat crust. In pizza, the vegetables and crust are delicious and you feel full faster, which means you can eat less and lose more weight.
    • For a snack, you can use carrots with a spoonful of hummus or peanut butter. Carrots are great for dipping, both of which give them an amazing taste. Plus, the fiber and protein in the snack will quickly reduce your appetite.
    • Try stir-fried vegetables instead of fries. Try baking root vegetables for dinner: beets, courgettes, and turnips. Cut them into strips, sprinkle them with olive oil and sea salt, and bake the vegetables in the oven. They are much more useful, for example, potatoes and the feeling of fullness will come faster.
    • Instead of head lettuce, use kale or spinach. These vegetables contain many more nutrients than lettuce to help you fight hunger and maintain a healthy weight.
    • If you love pasta, swap out the noodles for zucchini or pumpkin spaghetti. Its composition and consistency is similar to pasta, but with much fewer calories and many different nutrients to help fight hunger and fat. Simply cut the zucchini into thin strips by hand or with a vegetable cutter. Under the peel of a spaghetti pumpkin there are tendrils resembling spaghetti in appearance, which is where the name actually comes from.Saute the vegetables in a skillet, adding a little water, until they're done. Then add the rest of the ingredients as if you were preparing a wholesome and nutritious Italian dinner.
  5. 5 Avoid low fat foods. It is good to eat less fatty meats and oils, but avoid buying low-fat foods such as dairy. Natural fats found in foods actually help you stay hungry longer. In addition, when a product is fat-free, manufacturers tend to add a bunch of artificial additives, which makes the products less natural. Over time, excess fat will actually help you eat less and maintain your weight.
    • Buy low-calorie dairy products instead. The only difference is that such products are usually made from 2% fat milk instead of whole milk. These foods have no additives and still have hunger-fighting fats, but are generally lower in fat.
  6. 6 Eliminate high-calorie drinks. Drinks can be a hidden source of additional daily calorie intake. If you drink a latte on your way to work, you can consume somewhere between 200-400 calories. If you drink soda, you can add several hundred calories to your diet with just one tin. Drink regular coffee or hot tea instead of lattes, and water instead of carbonated drinks.
    • If you want to add something to your coffee, you can use 2% milk or skim milk instead of cream. If you like sweeteners, use only natural, non-nutritive sweeteners such as stevia or monk fruit.
    • If carbonated drinks are your thing, try seltzer water. This carbonated water contains no sugars or artificial ingredients.
  7. 7 Stop eating outside the home. The worst thing you can think of when trying to lose weight is eating out. Ingredients and calories are difficult to control, so you end up eating too many calories without even realizing it. Try to cook as much at home as possible. Thus, you will be able to control the food consumed and maintain a normal nutritional balance.
    • If you need to eat away from home, you can eat some baked meat with vegetables or salads with little or no dressing. You should also pay attention to the portion sizes. Divide your portion if you feel like it’s more than one person needs.
    • Avoid pasta, fatty meats, and fried foods. They are high in calories and low in nutrients that can help you stay full longer.
  8. 8 Avoid unhealthy foods. When shopping at the grocery store, do not stop near the sections with chips, sweets, or high-calorie desserts. If these products are not in your home, you will not be tempted to splurge on them when you are weak. Instead, buy healthy snack foods like nuts, peanuts or almond butter, fresh fruits and vegetables, raisins, or dark chocolate.
    • Try the "hiking mix" by mixing unsalted almonds, raisins or dried apricots, dark chocolate chunks, and any natural muesli. This blend is made up of sweet and savory ingredients that contain nutrients to help fight hunger.
  9. 9 Reward yourself in moderation. We all love certain foods that aren't our healthiest. Instead of giving up on them forever, indulge yourself once every few weeks. For example, if you love cookies, buy yourself one large cookie when the time comes. Enjoy it, eat slowly, savoring every bite. This will become something to look forward to and help motivate you to stick to your meal plan for the next few weeks.
    • Don't encourage yourself too often.If you start pampering yourself on a daily basis, you are more likely to deviate from your meal plan and start eating foods that you tried to avoid so as not to gain excess weight.


  • Take your time during physical activity. Listen to your body, because you don't want to get hurt. If you find it very difficult to exercise, then slow down until you develop endurance and build muscle. Any exercise is useful only if it is done wisely and the load increases gradually.
  • Eating right is a daily struggle. It will get easier over time. If you slip up, just go back to good habits and don't get discouraged.
  • Not gaining excess weight again is possible, but it takes effort. Don't give up, you will succeed!