Making a pond

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Making a Small Wildlife Pond - Timelapse - 4K
Video: Making a Small Wildlife Pond - Timelapse - 4K


A water element in your garden gives a peaceful and natural feeling. If you don't have a natural water source in your garden or on your land, you can consider creating a pond. Not only are ponds very beautiful, they can also be very practical. If you build your pond properly, it can serve as a habitat for wildlife in your area. Here you can read how to make a pond for animals or just a garden pond.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Plan and choose a location

  1. Think about what kind of pond you want. What position will he serve? Think about what things you will enjoy the most while making your building plans. Most garden ponds can be divided into the following categories.
    • An animal pond may be the easiest pond to make. Such a pond does not need a pump so you do not have to make it close to an electricity source. You make an animal pond in such a way that it appears as if it is a natural part of the environment. You don't put fish in it, which makes it attractive to frogs, snails, damselflies and other animals that come by to drink or bathe.
    • A garden pond is more decorative in appearance. Usually garden ponds are built to complete the design of the garden and float lilies and other aquatic plants in them. You also often see beautifully placed stones, waterfalls and, for example, goldfish in garden ponds.
  2. Find a place for your pond. It's best to build your pond in an area of ​​your yard that gets both sun and shade. Many plants can grow here and there will not be too much algae in your water. You may want to consider building your pond somewhere where you can see it inside your house. This way you can also enjoy your pond when it rains or when it is cold.
    • If you are considering creating a pond in your backyard, you should first consult with your gas, cable and electricity company so that you know where the pipes and cables run.
    • If you own a larger piece of land, you have to take other things into account. Always call the municipality or water board first to check whether you can make a pond on your land. Also ask if there are any other things you need to consider when creating your pond.
    • Do not choose a spot close to trees. You can damage their root system if you dig too close.
  3. Think carefully about the size and depth of your pond. A pond that is too shallow will evaporate quickly so make sure you make your pond deep enough.
    • Larger ponds are easier to maintain. They are more stable so plants and animals have a better chance of survival in them.
    • Lay out the shape of your pond with a rope. This way you can see exactly what size you want and if you leave the rope when you start digging, you can use it to dig out the right shape.

Method 2 of 3: Build an animal pond

  1. Dig the pond. If you want a small pond you can just use a shovel to dig with. While digging, consider the following:
    • Since you want to make your pond a suitable place to live for animals, you should make your pond so deep that it does not freeze completely in the winter. If it gets cold where you live in the winter, make your pond at least three feet deep so that the animals that live in it can hibernate there too.
    • One side of your pond should have a not too steep slope, a kind of beach. This ensures that animals can also get out of your pond. If your pond doesn't have a place for animals to get out, they can drown in it.
    • Dispose of the top layer of soil separately in a heap as you dig. You may need this later for the edge and bottom of the pond.
    • When you are done digging, remove any sharp stones from the hole.
  2. Level the soil. First put a layer of sand in the pond and make sure you have covered all the nooks and crannies. Then lay down a biodegradable or a synthetic layer of material. You can use old newspapers or jute bags, but remember that biodegradable materials can rot and you won't be left with any protection except the bottom layer of sand. Stones can come up through the sand and damage the pond liner. So you can also go for a non-biodegradable solution. Consider, for example, a piece of carpet or a protective cloth that is specifically made for ponds. After you have laid this layer, cover it with a large piece of waterproof pond liner.
    • You can buy different types of pond liner at most construction and garden centers.
  3. Fill the pond. Use a garden hose to fill the pond until it is completely full. Do stop before it overflows.
    • You can also fill the pond with collected rainwater if you prefer not to use drinking water.
    • Cut the pond liner until you have an edge of about 12 centimeters.
  4. Make a slit along the edge of the pond. Lift the pond liner and use a shovel to make a 16 cm deep groove along the pond. Insert the shovel into the slot making sure it is parallel to the ground. Now carefully lift the grass that runs along the groove so that you get a kind of flap of grass around the pond. Now lift the grass and insert the remaining piece of pond liner into the slot. Now put the grass back over the groove so that you can no longer see it. This way your pond gets a natural edge and that attracts more animals.
  5. Add water from a local pond. Take a few empty bottles or jerry cans to a healthy pond that is not too far away. Find a natural pond that has been around for a long time, not your neighbor's backyard pond. Fill your bottles with water from the pond and be careful not to accidentally bring a fish. Now go back to your own pond and add the natural pond water to it. This water contains bacteria and other microscopic animals that ensure that your pond becomes a more natural water source for animals from your environment.
  6. Now watch as your pond naturalizes. Your pond will gradually change and more and more insects and animals will enter as your pond develops more and more nutrients.
    • Do not mow the grass that grows around your pond. Let the wild grass grow nicely.
    • Wait a few years before putting fish in your pond. If you put fish in right away, your pond will attract less frogs, snails and other wildlife.
    • Make a muddy bottom by throwing the top layer of soil from your hole back into the pond. You can also plant reeds and other aquatic plants such as lilies in your pond. This helps the pond to develop further and attract more life.

Method 3 of 3: Build a garden pond

  1. Dig the hole. A garden pond often has different levels so that you can build a waterfall in it and to make a place for a pump. If you want to install electrical appliances near your pond, make sure it is placed close enough to your house so that you have easy access to the electricity. Use a shovel to dig the hole in the shape and depth you want.
    • If you want a pump in your pond, dig a slightly deeper hole about 10 inches deep in the center of your pond.
    • Create a second level for aquatic plants by digging a little less deep around the edges.
    • You can also use a ready-made pond. You can buy these at garden centers and often have the shape of a bean. They usually have different levels themselves. If you are using a ready-made pond, you will need to make the hole you dig large enough to fit your pond shape.
  2. Level the soil. First, level the bottom of your pond with a layer of sand. Make sure you have covered all the nooks and crannies. Then add a layer of biodegradable material such as old newspapers or burlap sacks. Cover this layer with a piece of waterproof pond liner. Make sure this covers the entire pond and sticks out a little more at the edges.
  3. Install the pump and any other devices. If you want a pump in your pond, install it in the deeper hole in the center of your pond and make sure the hose is pointing towards the surface of the pond. You can also install a filter or surface extractor, or skimmer. Consult with the device manufacturer for a more detailed explanation of how to install it.
    • Do not place the pump directly on the ground. This ensures that mud and other debris that falls into the pond can fall on the pump as it is in the lowest part of the pond. Place the pump on an elevation of at least four inches. For example, use a bucket or flower pot for this.
  4. Create the edge of the pond. Cut the edge of the pond liner so that you are left with about 12 centimeters. Then dig a shallow trench underneath the pond liner. Lay the pond liner flat and place heavy, flat stones on the liner along the edge of the pond. River stones, for example, are very suitable for this.
    • Make sure the stones are a few inches in the ground so that they are level with the pond when it is filled.
    • If you are using large, heavy stones, you do not need to secure them with cement. On the other hand, if you are using smaller, lighter stones, it might be a good idea to secure them with cement. This ensures that they do not come off when people are standing along the edge of the pond.
    • If you want to make a waterfall, it always looks nice if you put stones around it.
    • Be creative: create patterns with your stones, use stones of different shapes, sizes and colors to beautifully decorate your garden.
  5. Fill the pond. Use the garden hose to fill your pond to the brim. Make sure it doesn't overflow. Test the pump and any other electronic devices you have in your pond and make sure everything is working properly.
  6. Create a water garden. Add aquatic plants such as lilies or reeds to your pond. Each plant has its own requirements for growing well, so make sure you have created a good environment for the plants you want. For example, some plants cannot withstand movement. So do not put it too close to the waterfall.
  7. Add a few goldfish. Go to a nearby pet store and buy some goldfish for your pond. Just find out which plants the fish go well with. Do not add too many fish as this may not be good for your pond plants.
    • If you can find the right balance between plants and fish, you may not need a filter in your pond. If you have a lot of fish, you could install a filter for removing faeces.
    • Koi carp are not goldfish and need a special pond.


  • Water hyacinths get a lot of the nutrients that algae eat from the water and therefore ensure that you keep nice clean water.
  • You can often get water plants, rocks, statues, and fountain supplies for your pond from a nearby plant nursery or garden center.
  • Do not add fish to your pond for the first few days. Wait until the temperature and the pH value have normalized somewhat.
  • Know that ponds containing fish receive far less wildlife. Fish eat frogs, toads and frogspawn so you should think carefully about what kind of animals you want in your pond in advance.
  • You can usually buy the fish you want at the pet store in the area, but always check in advance if they still have the fish you want. Large pond fish often sell out quickly and some smaller pet stores often don't even have them in their range.


  • Make sure the plants you buy are not toxic to your fish or any other pets.
  • Research laws and regulations about ponds. Find out how deep they can be and whether or not they should be fenced.